Chapter 13

"What about you?" He asked

"I have more chakra than Naruto and at the same time, I have a talent for controlling it. Making it easy for me to learn any Jutsu" I said proudly.

"Teach the leaf training to Naruto, he should do it first as it was easier, you too" remembering that he wasn't done with it yet.

"I'm done! Let's go!" Naruto interrupted us.

"You go first, I'll go to the library," I said.

"Hai!" they're getting used to listening to me.

I went to recreate the clones again then I went looking for Shisui while walking. I started checking my System.

'Look for photobooks in the shop'



Common-s plain Photobook - 0.3

Uncommon Photobook - 0.6.      


'Buy two Uncommon Photobooks'


Item: Photobook

Type: Miscellaneous

Grade: Uncommon-s

Durability: 25/25

Defence: 8/8

Effect: Waterproof, Fireproof, Electricity resistance, Transformation, and detection

Buff: Preserve

Description: Can use your Imagination to create your designs. Can transform into any item and can detect any living being 20 meters around you


I found Shisui leaving the Hokage's building.

I followed him to the forest where he started his training.

"Meoww" I baited his attention.

"Hmm? A cat?" He asked himself.

"Obviously" I answered to which he jumped in shock while on guard.

"You can talk? A ninja cat?" He asked.

"You can say that..." I said before transforming into a human.

"What do you want?" He became warier after seeing me transform.

"Nothing, you're just interesting," I said while using 'observe' on him


Name Shisui Uchiha.      

Age: 13

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan


I can see more info now?

'System, why am I not being notified when a skill is leveled up?'

[The system deemed it not necessary based on the observation of your personality. Do you want to be notified of the following increase in mastery?]

'No, no, keep it as it is'

He lowered his guard a little after seeing I'm not hostile.

"You can continue your training, I'll be going away for now," I said then began walking away.

"For now?" I heard him whisper.

I need to interact with him since I decided to save him.

Next is Izumi. I'm sure she's at the academy so I'll meet her later.

I went back to the lake and watched Naruto and Sasuke doing leaf training

'System, can you mark a person on the map?'

[You can buy that function in the shop for 10 coins]

Damn, I'm running out of coins. I have 1.1 left

'Shop, show me the prices of shuriken, kunai, and dagger'


Common-s kunai (+3 penetration) - 0.2 coin  Common-s shuriken (+2 speed) - 0.1 coin Common-s dagger (+3 sharpness) - 0.2 coin


'Buy 2 kunais, 1 dagger, and 5 shurikens'


Item: Kunai               

Type: Weapon          

Grade: Common-s   

Damage: 3                

Durability: 5/5          

Buff: +3 penetration

Item: Dagger

Type: Weapon

Grade: Common-s

Damage: 3

Durability: 5/5

Buff: +3 sharpness

Item: Shuriken       

Type: Weapon       

Grade: Common-s

Damage: 2             

Durability: 5/5       

Buff: +2 speed      


Then we're back to zero coins, I should create some seals. The higher the rank, the more rewards but also the higher the risk of failure. Good thing I have perfect CC so I can create a seal with 100% up to rank C with a reduction of 20% every rank up.

Let's start with a Storage seal, the tattoo type for Naruto and Sasuke


Storage Seal Tattoo (Rank C) (Used for storing Items)


I can increase the space inside but it needs more chakra to activate. 1 cubic meter is enough for them. It can also turn invisible or change form into a different style with chakra. 1 CP per hour.

I can either make the seal on paper or the skin directly.

[You've been rewarded 6 coins for creating your 2nd seal (+2 coins/rank up, works until the 12th seal) and 9 coins for creating your first C rank seal (+3 coins/rank up, only the first ]

And ta-dah, we have some coins again

'Can I add more ink on the pen when it runs out instead of buying one again?'



[Black Ink (Common) - 0.2]


'System, buy the mark Function'

[Mark Function (Can mark a person and you will see their movements on the map)]

'Explain the use of it'

[You can use it to mark your enemy or ally to know their whereabouts but you need to meet them first. You can mark a person without seeing them once you upgrade it to level 2 for 5 coins]

'Upgrade it then mark Sasuke, Naruto, Itachi, Shisui, and Izumi as friends. Danzo and his roots as enemies. Hiruzen and the loyal Anbus as Allies. Foreign Ninja as Neutral. '

I opened my map and saw the whole of Konoha with dots. Red for the enemy, green for allies, white for neutral, and black for friends

'Alert me if an enemy goes 10 meters close to the one with black marks'


'Is there a 3rd level for the map?'

[The map has 3 levels]

'What are the additions for level 3?'

[You can see the basic information (name, age, rank, and allegiance) of the person you selected on the map, it needed 8 coins to upgrade. You can also buy the call function (call someone with the mark from a distance using chakra, can only give a mark once you made physical contact with the target) for 15 coins and fuse it with the map function to allow you to talk telepathically with someone marked in your map (need to use fusion function to fuse as the two belongs to a different group)(functions such as the Direction arrow and Mark belong to the map category so it's fused automatically once bought)]

I don't have any coins left..again, I'll get my allowance for the whole year tomorrow so I can buy the fusion Function

Let's think about my goal for now

I should find Haku, Kimimaro, Jugo, Sai, and Karin then sneak inside Suna to befriend Gaara.  Although I don't want to cause a butterfly effect to my actions, I really can't let myself watch them fall to the other side as they're a bunch of good children.

I'll do it once I become an official ninja

After 3 hours, Sasuke was done covering his whole body with leaves so he continued his water training

I waited for them as I contemplated the possible results that may happen due to my intervention.

I stopped them when it was getting dark and we went to Naruto's home first as Sasuke wanted to see it

"It's clean, the opposite of what I imagined," he said after looking around.

"You won't say that when you saw its state yesterday," I said

"You're here yesterday?" Sasuke seems to always notice the non-important things instead.

"Hehe, it's messy in here so Ashe cleaned everything here," Naruto said while scratching the back of his head.

"It's not just 'messy', It can be called a dumpster already and Sasuke, I did it before going to your house" He just nodded and then started asking Naruto about his life.