Chapter 14

"How long have you been living here?" Sasuke

"6 months" Naruto

"How do you know that it's 6 months?" Me

"Old Hokage said that he's giving me an allowance every month and it's my 6th allowance already" Naruto

"Where did you live before this?"

"When I was three, I was kicked out of the orphanage and started living on the street when Grandpa Hokage helped me," Naruto said while smiling. Hiruzen...Hiruzen, what the fuck are you doing? Only giving him support when he's 5 already?

I know you think that you should be equal to all, even when he's the son of a Hokage but why aren't you saying that when your grandson is using your name to cause trouble?

"That's what he should be doing in the first place" I can't help saying.

"What do you mean?" Naruto

"When your parents died, your father's last wish to him was for you to be treated as a hero and the old Hokage promised to take care of you but he didn't, he let you get kicked out of the orphanage, get hated by the village, and watch as you suffer then suddenly appears as the only one who didn't hate you as he instills the idea of being the Hokage is the only way for you to get acknowledgment from the village," I said in anger.

"And also, it's normal for him to give allowance to an orphaned kid who lives alone, especially for those who have complicated past" I continued.

"What are you talking about?" He still didn't want to accept it huh, makes sense as I am technically badmouthing the person he thought of as a family.

"As much as I dislike seeing you sad, you need to know the truth and not blindly follow that old fossil. If you want to be acknowledged then get stronger and be a hero, just like your father" I said truthfully, I can say this without worry as I can see on the map that there's no anbu around.

Hiruzen probably said something like get far when I'm with Naruto.

"Who's my parents?" He asked

"Calm down first and think about your opinions on the Hokage, he should have been taking care of you since you were a baby yet he only started giving you allowance when you're in need, to appear like a light when you're drowning in darkness. Am I right with that?" I said.

Naruto stayed quiet with my words. Well, as mature as he is...he's technically still a kid.

"That's his goal in the first place, I'll tell you about your parents and why you're hated when you finish your training, the leaf is just the beginning" I'll let him talk and make friends with Kurama once he finishes the chakra control training.

"Don't worry, you still have us. Ashe said our mothers are friends with each other" Crap, I forgot about Sasuke.

"Hmm, yeah. She also wanted to adopt you but because of someone, the Uchiha is under suspicion and not allowed to get close to you. It's actually because of me that Sasuke can get close to you. I killed that person's subordinate who's watching Naruto and gave him a light warning" I said then smiled at them.

Like summoning a devil, I felt 3 presence in the 15-meter range of my necklace. I looked into the map and it's marked red. A root ehhh.

"Stay here for a minute, I need to get rid of some dogs again" I said as I used body flicker to get in front of the root before they could react.

"Wind Style: Breakthrough, Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu" I activate in an instant, killing them quickly. I don't need to do hand signs on E and D rank jutsu anymore.

I went to an anbu not far from here as I pointed my finger in the direction of the burnt bodies

"Help me clean it up," I said before doing their signature move after talking to someone.

' flicker'.

I felt my clones in the library dispelled as they finished everything already

"It's fast! Did they escape?" Sasuke asked in surprise.

"Of course not! You're underestimating me" I said.

"What did you do to the dogs?" Naruto said innocently, causing me and Sasuke to laugh.

"Are they genin? You said that you're genin to chunin level in level" Sasuke

"I don't know their strength but I did a surprise attack. Also, I don't need hand signs on low-level jutsu" I explained, he just nodded.

"It's getting dark already, we need to go Sasuke" I reminded

"Naruto, just go to the lake tomorrow at 7 a.m. You too Sasuke. I'm not going home with you tonight as I have something to do," I said before leaving then went to my training place.

I saw my clones practicing Taijutsu and they're getting better at it.

I looked around for a while then created 1 clone with all of my chakras.."Go to the land of water at full speed, I'll use substitution with you tomorrow" The clone transformed into a cat for a faster journey and then left.

I need to master Kunai and shuriken techniques before my test, I have 20 hours left as my test starts at 2 pm

I found a clearing not too far from them, put a target mark on the tree then started practicing shuriken. Every time I manage to hit the bullseye with all 5 shurikens, I increase the distance.

I keep adding challenges as more time passes like throwing them together and doing something like Itachi's where he uses shuriken to bounce to each other and then make all of them hit the target surrounding me.

I started creating a clone with all of my chakra reserves again every time I recovered as I noticed my total reserve increase.

The number of my full-powered clones increased so I asked them to create their clone and start kunai training that includes throwing and handling.

[Successfully obtained the skill 'kunai handling']

I can recover my chakra every hour and a full-powered clone can create a hundred weaker clones that can last for an hour. As a hundred weak clones were dispelled, A full power was created. The cycle of clones continues as we train.

Good thing I have a Gamer's body and mind. I don't have the patience for training, I might go crazy with the repeated actions if nothing is calming me.

I realize it's morning already when sunlight hits my face. It's about..7 am? I have 7 hours left for training so I continued this boring movement.

I saw the clones in charge of Taijutsu dispelled, 24 hours is up already?

[Congratulations for successfully mastering your first Taijutsu 'Butterfly Style' (+35 AGI), You have been given a reward of '2 Hiraishin Mark Necklace']

[Choose a design for the pendants]

'A silver Crescent moon pendant and a Ruby Cat paw'


Item: Hiraishin Mark Necklace

Type: Miscellaneous

Grade: Rare

Durability: 45/45

Effect: Contains the Hiraishin Mark and is Adjustable.

Buff: 50% calming effect on the wearer

Description: It has a black thin rope as the cord with a customized pendant on it. You can only use the mark on it once you completely master the Hiraishin Jutsu. Can adjust itself to your body.


Somehow appeared so conveniently.

Perfect Item for Jugo and Gaara

When there were 3 hours left, my clones finished mastering the kunai. I'm the only one left here as I'm alone in practicing the shuriken but I have the full talent of quick Mastery while my clones only have 25% so they need to rely on numbers