Chapter 16

"You know, I can see visions of the future but I'm restricted to only tell a little while I can also see a little bit of the past which I can tell anyone freely. If you have some confusion about a past event, you can ask me." I said

Kakashi looked at the Hokage for confirmation and when Hiruzen nodded, he answered.

"I'm not interested in knowing the past," he said.

"You can ask me anything and I'll answer as long as I know it, Well not everything but I'll do my best to answer." I continued

"I'm not into-" I cut him off

"You can ask me something like the reason for your father's death, what happened to Obito after you left, Why Rin had to die, or who is behind your teacher's Death, specifically, who controlled the Kyuubi," I said as I watch Kakashi's expression change then returning to a calm one.

Hiruzen's face also changed, he doesn't know the one about Obito and Rin but he's clear about Sakumo's death while he's curious about the one who controlled the Kyuubi, well now he's sure someone really controlled the Kyuubi and it can only be an Uchiha. Further raising Uchiha's Suspicion in his heart.

"Who controlled the Kyuubi?" Hiruzen immediately asked...I ignored him and just stared at Kakashi.

"I told you, I don't care about the past" he repeated.

"OK...suit yourself," I said, he'll soon look for me because of curiosity.

"And Hokage-sama, I'm sorry that albeit I can tell you about the past...I choose not to because some future events might change if you know about it, for the better or for worse." I said.

If he knew about the one who controlled the Kyuubi, the Uchiha suspicion might be reduced. I need them to get massacred at the same time as the canon, It was a major event for Sasuke's development and besides, I don't care about others unless I can control them. Like, tame them as a child.

And also, I don't want to tell him because my blooming good feelings toward him started to crumble again after remembering those elites who died during his rule. (Sakumo, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Senju's mysterious disappearance, Hyuuga Patriarch's Brother..etc, ).

The conversation ended at that and Kakashi excused himself.

While waiting for Jaegar, I need to convert my money.

'Convert all my money into coins'

[121,500 has been converted into 16.2 coins, you have 700 ryo left]

Damnn, the conversion rate is not even equal..just 16.2 coins for my year of allowance.

10,000 ryo per month is just enough for a civilian but a ninja needs more money as they eat more food and need to buy ninja tools which in my case comes from the shop since Items there are more powerful and I don't need to eat.

I have a total of 22.2 coins

'System, how much does the fusion function cost?'



Fusion Function (used for fusing skills or creating a new element by fusing the existing one ex: water + Air = Ice Release) - 20 coins


'Buy it, now back to being poor'

Let's use the new Function

'Fuse the water attribute and Wind Attribute'

[Need 4 coins to fuse] Oh damn...I also need coins when fusing?

"Old Hokage, can I get an extra thousand or more? In exchange, I'll go to the land of water to get the only known member of the Yuki clan. If there's more money, I might get in the mood for talent hunting" I said to the Hokage. It might affect my reputation to do this but I need some money.

"You can find talents?" He asked

"No, I just got a vision of some challenges that 'they' might face... 'Their' future enemies are still young and naive so I can still get them to my side. I can spare some effort to find them for money, there's 4 of them..oh, 1 of them is an Uzumaki " I said ambiguously, after hearing that...he didn't hesitate any more and gave me a hundred thousand...nice one!

"If they arrive here successfully, I can give you another hundred thousand" and that's how you strike 2 birds with one stone

"Hundred thousand per person, deal or no deal?" I need to bargain, he's probably thinking something like 'he mentioned the land of water, maybe I can just send someone to look for them'.

"I'm telling you, you won't be able to find them without don't even know what they look like, Only the Yuki kid is easier to find, the others? Hehh (Kimimaro's place is unknown while Jugo lives in a cave)" I bluff

"Deal, I can give the remaining 300,000 once you find them," he said

"No, no, no the first hundred thousand is for the waste of time that I should be using to train instead of looking around for some kids" hehehe, 400,000 here I come

"Sighhh, fine" he concedes

"All the kids I will find are orphans so they will live in Naruto's place. He doesn't have any neighbors anyway. I also need one for myself. There's another kid that I still don't know the whereabouts so another hundred thousand for him. You're in charge of their monthly allowance till they graduate, they're about 8 years old right now" He just gave up bargaining and agreed to anything I said.

The system converts my money into coins'

[100,500 has been converted into 13.4 coins, you have 200 ryo left]

'System, fuse water and wind'

[Fusing.....0%..20%..33%..54%..67%..88%...98%..99%...100%...You obtained Ice Release]

'How much for fusing clone jutsu and multiple shadow clone jutsu?'

[0.8 coin as they belong to the same category, fusing a jutsu with different natures is more expensive. The more conflicting the elements, the more expensive it is]

'Fuse them'

[Fusing.....0%..22%..33%..44%..64%..88%...98%...99%...100%... Your skill is turned into 'Shadow Clones Jutsu' A rank (0.3CP/clone)(Def:7, Dmg:8)]

The cost of creating a clone was reduced and their def and dmg got stronger. I can create more clones now.

'Fuse earth attribute and water attribute'

[2 options have been found for Water + Earth, Mud Release, and Wood Release] 'I choose Wood Release'

[The fusion costs 4 coins, confirm?]


[Fusing.....0%..20%..33%..54%..67%..88%...98%..99%...100%...You obtained wood Release]

'What's the other possible fusion for attributes?'


[ Fire + Earth = Lava Release

‌Water + Fire = Steam Release

‌Water + Earth = Mud Release‌

‌Fire + Wind = Scorch Release

‌Wind + Earth = Magnet Release

‌Water + Lightning = Storm Release

‌Earth + Lightning = Explosion Release

‌Fire + Wind + Earth = Dust Release

‌Wind + Lightning = Swift Release

‌Earth + Lightning = Steel Release

‌Water + Earth + Lightning = Crystal Release

Lightning + Earth = Gravity Release

‌Yang + Lightning = Light Release

‌Wind + Yin = Sound Release

Yin + Yang = YinYang Release (sealed)]

(Based on my research)


That's....a lot of choices, Too bad I'm greedy so I'll just get all of them in the future.

After waiting in silence with the Hokage. Jaegar finally arrived and gave me a storage scroll. Oh yeah storage, I forgot to put the Storage Tattoo seal on Naruto and Sasuke

"Thanks and bye!" I said in a hurry then jumped on the window in my cat form, lest others see me.