Chapter 17

I went to the lake and saw Sasuke putting one of his arms in the water while Naruto was almost finished covering his body with leaves. It's better to teach him chakra control while still young as his chakra reserve is lesser.

"Good work!" I said, surprising them and losing control of their chakra.

"HAHAHHAHAHHAHA" I looked at them and saw Sasuke holding his camera with a picture in his other hand.

"What's that Sasuke?" Naruto excitedly asked.

"Ashe gave it to me as a gift!" Sasuke said proudly.

"Unfair!! Me too!" I feel like having a camera is not suitable for Naruto as he will forget to use it anyway, I wonder what should I give him?.

I stared at him, looking for ideas

"Hmm...I know!, I'll just give you a useful necklace"

'System, find an uncommon necklace that can detect hostile entities' Naruto has a Knack for attracting trouble.



Uncommon Detector Necklace - 0.7


'Buy it'

[Choose a design for the pendant]

'A silver whirlwind, the Uzumaki's Symbol'


Item: Detector Necklace

Type: Miscellaneous

Grade: Uncommon

Durability: 20/20

Effect: Can detect hostile entities or marked enemies by the host around 30 meters around

Description: It's a black thin rope that holds the customized pendant. It will buzz when it detects someone


"Here, it will buzz when it detects an enemy 30 meters around you so you should run or hide when that happens," I said while helping him wear it.

"I can just kick their butts!" he said

"Naruto, do what I said, and don't be an idiot.. you're only allowed to attack when you become a chunin." I said as it's Chunin who mostly do missions like spying or attacking.

"Chunin! That's too long" I just stared at him till he concedes.

"Fine! But why is it a whirlwind? the same as the symbols in my clothes" Sigh, good thing he didn't stay stubborn.

"That's Uzumaki's Symbol," I said

"Ehh? Symbol?" He asked curiously.

"Hmmh, I'll tell you once you finish your training," I said.

" gave your word! You'll tell me about my family once I finish the training"

"Yes, I promise. Now, I'll show you the next training method after the water coating," I said as I walked towards a tree.

"Tree climbing, you put chakra on the soles of your feet to stick it on the tree then start climbing," I said while showing them how's it done.

"Use a kunai to mark your progress until you can easily climb to the top. The next one is the water walking technique" I walked on the surface of the water and then began running and jumping.

"You use Chakra as a repellant to the water and walk, it's the hardest as the amount of chakra you need to put changes constantly based on the water waves. It's a success when you can run and jump without falling." I said while looking at their excited faces, let's see if you can keep that face once you begin the training.

"I need to leave Konoha for a while to look for more friends," I said, I'm not wrong as they'll be training together soon and become friends with each other.

"Hai, Ashe-sensei" It feels good getting called sensei, maybe I should take Kakashi's job as a teacher in the future?, I should become an unofficial teacher for the rookie 9..not just team 7.

"Ashe-sensei!, Where did the necklace come from? It appeared in your hand out of nowhere" Sasuke asked.

"Ohh that?.. Naruto! Come close, I'll be giving you a useful seal" I took Naruto's arm and put the paper with the storage tattoo seal I created last time on his palm then put a bit of chakra..the paper started turning into ash while the seal went to his palm and absorbed Naruto's chakra to successfully combine it.

The seal is visible on his palm

"Try putting chakra then imagine the mark disappearing or changing in the form if you want" He closed his eyes then 6 seconds later, the mark became invisible

"Sasuke, you turn" I made the seal directly in his palm.

After making the seals, it started absorbing Sasuke's Chakra for 2 seconds before stopping. Once it starts absorbing chakra, it means success.

"Do the same thing as Naruto." I said..he did it in 3 seconds as he was better at concentrating.

"It's a storage seal. Once you hold or let the object touch the invisible mark, It can be stored once you put chakra in the mark" They tried it by storing a rock, the Chakra cost is based on the volume of the item.

"Do the same when you want to take it out. Put chakra on the seal then think of the item you wanted to take out. You can also take out all the items stored at once if you want" I continued explaining how to use it.

"Practice it later, continue your training," I said as I remembered that I hadn't mastered the remaining 5 D rank jutsu in my arsenal.

I created 25 clones and then divided them into 5 groups with 1 group per jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu, Wind Release: Air Bullets, Water Release: Water wall, Earth Release: Earth Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu, and Lightning Release: Shock bolt)

I recreate them every time I fully recovered my chakra while I, the original started studying the Hiraishin no jutsu.

Ashe's clone POV

Eh? Do I get a POV? Cool

I'm close to Suna already since I traveled without taking a break at full speed.

After 3 hours, I can finally see the periphery of Suna.

There are not many cats here in the desert so I'm eye-catching.

I went inside Suna and transformed into my human form then used henge on my clothes to look like them.

I started looking for Gaara and I saw him sitting in a swing with a teddy bear in his hands, watching the other kids play.

The ball of the kids went into the roof so he used his sand power to take it. He tried giving it back but the kids ran away.

I walked toward him and smile

"Do you want to play?" I asked

"You're not looking at me with those eyes" What a great opening.

"What look?" I respond

"The look they always use when they see me," he said, This kid is also pitiful. Although he still has a father, it's no different than having none.

"Why would I look at you like that?" I acted as if I didn't understand.

"You're not scared of me?" He asked again

"Why would I? You just need to control your powers and don't let your emotions control it" I for the doubt of how I seem to know him, don't mind, he's just a kid anyway.

"Really? Do you want to play with me?" Gaara

"Of course, I can be your friend if you want" me

"I want to be your friend," he said immediately.

"From now on, we're friends. No matter what happens, I won't hate you. No matter what others see you, I won't change. And no matter what others do to you, I'm always on your side as long as you promise that you can calm down whenever you feel lost. I have a secret, I'm not from here, hehehe. I just sneaked in to take a look. I can also transform into a cat, look. Everyone is unique in their way" I said as I hoped that I become someone he treated as a friend. I transformed into a cat to show it to him.