Chapter 19

"Tell me! Maybe I can help you" me

"You can' one can help me" Jugo

"Just tell me what is it first" ..he pondered for a while before answering.

"I have the tendency of losing control in my rage and hurting anyone so everyone is scared of me" He explained while looking nervously at me.

"Then learn to calm your rage," I said while looking at him like it was that easy to solve his problem.

"But it's not that easy'" He yelled. I'm probably not the first one to say that it caused a big reaction.

"Sorry!" he apologized when he noticed what he had done.

"Hmmm, let's make a deal"

"What deal?" Jugo

"I have the perfect Item for you," I said then transformed into my human form. I didn't forget to take a picture of his reaction.

"You can even transform, just..what are you?" I ignored what he said and showed him the Hiraishin Mark Necklace, the one with a cat paw pendant. He looked curiously at it then shot a questioning look at me.

"It's a necklace that can assist the wearer to calm down. You're a berserker, we can't remove that trait of yours so this necklace can restrain your rage a bit and help you control your power more efficiently," I said. He's getting more excited as I talk.

"What do you want in exchange?" He asked while looking on guard for unreasonable requests. At the same time forgetting how I casually mentioned that he's a Bersekerer.

"I just want you to go with Konoha," I said.

"I can't, what if I lose control? I might kill everyone again" He said fearfully. I looked at him as if looking at a moron.

"Stupid!, It's a ninja village so you don't need to worry as a lot of people there can kick your butt easily. And I'm quite strong myself." I said as I flex my thin arms. He Just looked at me doubtfully.

"I guess, I can join you" He said.

"You don't need to bring any items, the Hokage will give you money. Use that to buy clothes and food. As for your home, leave it to me," I said while pushing him into his bed.

"Sleep now! We'll start your training Tomorrow morning!" me


"Good Morning!" I said while jumping on Jugo's face as a kitten.

"Hmmm...stop it, I'm awake already," He said while sitting up slowly so I dumped the water ball I took from the nearby lake in his face. He suddenly sat straight.

"Now you're wide awake. Introduce yourself first!" I said after I remember that he still doesn't know me.

"Ohh yeah, we forgot about that!.. I'm Jugo" he said.

"I'm Ashe, Do you have any important items to bring? We might stay at the side of the lake for a while"

"Nothing," Jugo said embarrassingly

"Then let's go" I pulled him in the direction of the lake.

"Take a bath first" I pushed him into the lake, it's shallow so he won't drown.

'System, buy a Common t-shirt, shorts, Underwear, and Sandals.. three sets for Jugo, Kimimaro, and Haku'



Common t-shirt - 0.1

Common-s short - 0.1

Common underwear - 0.1

Common Sandals - 0.1


[Buy 3 sets for 1.2 coins, confirm?]

'Buy them'


Item: T-shirt

Type: Clothe

Grade: Common

Item: Short

Type: Clothe

Grade: Common

Item: Underwear

Type: Clothe

Grade: Common

Item: Sandals

Type: Clothe

Grade: Common


"Clean your body thoroughly, wear these clothes," I said as I put a set of clothes above the rock beside the lake and went to the hidden clearing I found when I searched around this morning.

"Multiple Shadow Clones Jutsu" I created 5 clones with each of them having 1/5 of my chakra. Hiraishin no Jutsu is a seal kind of Technique and requires a lot of chakras so having a lower number of clones is better.

We began studying the seal as we can only start the practical training when it's over 50% in mastery already.

'System, buy a common paper and 3 Kunai..and no need to ask for confirmation if the price is not half of my current savings'



[ 20 Common Paper - 0.1.]

[ 3 Common-s Kunai - 0.6]

Item: Paper

Type: Miscellaneous

Grade: Common

Item: Kunai

Type: Weapon

Grade: Common-s

Damage: 3

Durability: 5/5

Buff: +3 penetration


5 minutes later

"Ashe! Where are you?!" I heard Jugo yelling

I stopped what I was doing and walked toward him. "Here!"

I saw him wearing the clothes I gave him. I began observing what he looked like as I can't see earlier because he was dirty.

He's kind of handsome, he has orange spiky hair and red-orange eyes with 2 bangs sticking out to his forehead. He's also tall for his age.

"You look better now!" I praised his looks while he's being shy.

"Th-thanks for the clothes," he said stammering.

' Here's the necklace, as promised" I said

"You're giving it now? What if I ran away with it?" He said

"You can't escape from me, even if you somehow succeed, I can still find you" The necklace has the Hiraishin Mark and he's also marked on the map.

"Give me your dirty clothes, I'll teach you how to use this seal" I took out the Clothe Cleaner Seal (Rank E) that I created back then at Naruto's home.

"You can already use chakra, right? Just put the clothes above the paper and put chakra, so simple" I said as I demonstrated it. I gave him the newly cleaned clothes and the seal.

"You can keep this, share it with the others later. Now, you should start your training for better chakra control, After all, I don't keep useless brats" I said with a smile.

"Brats? Is there anyone besides me that you asked to join?" He asked in shock.

"Ahh. We're waiting for them here, my Clones went to fetch them, you'll be attending the academy with them" I said truthfully.

"Do the leaf training first. You use your chakra to stick the leaf on your forehead then slowly increase the number until your body is covered with leaves." I showed him how it's done.

He started doing it while I continued studying the Hiraishin no Jutsu. I keep creating 5 clones every time they dispel and we started using the papers I bought to practice the seal.

When it was about time for lunch, I went hunting for some wild animals to roast. We continued doing our things after lunch.

Clone 1's POV

I followed the line towards Haku and I noticed that it was getting colder. It was even snowing a little.

I finally found the end of the line on the feet of a child, Hmm...he's Haku? He looks androgynous but I still look better.

"Are you okay?" I asked, He's looking at me in shock while staying silent.

"I'm asking you, are you okay" Why is he looking at me like that?

"A talking cat?" Damn, I forgot that I'm still a cat right now.

"Follow me, I'll show you something cool.. there's a lot of people here," I said and walked ahead so he had no choice but to follow me, I saw Zabuza. Looks like Haku almost got stolen from me (He seems to forget that he's the one stealing Haku).

I went to an Isolated place, after making sure no one could see us anymore. I transformed into a human.