Chapter 20

"You can transform? Is that your special power? I can.." he suddenly stopped talking.

"You can do what?" I asked innocently

"Nothing," He said after thinking for a while.

"Really?" I said, pretending to know nothing

"Do you want to go with me?" I asked.

"Really? Wait-t, no. I can't, I'm a monster. I killed my own father" he was about to run away when I held his hands.

"But you don't look like one. I'm only seeing a kind-hearted kid right now, you look perfectly normal to me...compared to me" he suddenly looks Why?

"I'm sorry" he quickly said, eh!? It seems that we're having a misunderstanding.

"No, no, you're mistaken. I'm not sad, I'm proud of my power as it can help me a lot.. there's a lot of weird people out there, I know someone who can turn into a liquid and someone who can control sands at will." I said while smiling.

"Eh? Really? then can I...join you?" He said hesitantly, almost whispering to the end.

"Of course, you can meet more people like you. I'm inviting other kids that have their uniqueness. An example is Kimimaro, the last member of the Kaguya Clan. Who can grow his bones at will and use them as a weapon and then Jugo, the berserker. When he enters his berserker form, his skin turns grey and his body changes to accommodate his gained strength." I said as I introduced his future teammates (Team Haku, Jugo, and Kimimaro).

He seems happy knowing that he won't be alone anymore.

"Let's go, I'll carry you so we can journey faster..henge!" I transformed myself into an adult and carried Haku on my back.

"I'm Ashe" I almost forgot to introduce myself.

"My name is Haku" he responded.

I began running in the direction of the original using our connection as a compass. We take a break every mealtime for Haku, I hunted wild animals as our food. I ran at full speed and as I was constantly using henge and using chakra to move continuously to compensate for my lack of stamina, my chakra supply was running out.

I couldn't carry Haku in my real form as he was taller than me.

Clone 2's POV

Kimimaro is constantly moving so I'm having a hard time tracking him. I finally found him after an hour in a foggy forest.

"Hey, kid!" I called as I transformed into a human.

"Who are you?" He looked at me in guard.

"Be at ease, I'm not here to hurt you. My power guided me to you" I said.

"Power? What's your power?" He asked curiously.

"Kid, Don't you think it's rude to ask about my power when I don't even know your name?" I started.

"Stop calling me a kid, You look way younger than me, and I'm Kimimaro" he introduced.

"Nice to meet you Kimimaro, My name is Ashe" I smiled at him as he looked in suspicion at me.

"I had a vision that I will meet 3 kids in the land of the water so I decided to follow my instinct and found you," I said

"Did you find the other 2?" I'm probably the last one to find the target so I'll just say yes.

"Yes, you're quite hard to find so you're the last one," I said

"Then what do you want?!" Kimimaro asked

"I want you to join me, to Konoha" He's guarded towards people.

"Why would I do that?" He questioned.

"Because you're alone, just like the others. I decided to make friends with you until I find out why my power showed me your images," I said confidently.

"Does your village accept outsiders?" I need to hurry or I might dispel before delivering him to the original.

"The Hokage will, do you think I sneaked outside to find you? I have permission to do it" I said teasingly.

"Fine, I'll go with you" finally done convincing him. Although it's already fast considering I'm just a stranger, I guess being an orphan with nowhere to go helps.

"We need to go now, just ride on my back...henge!" I transformed into a random person and began running with Kimimaro at my back.

Ashe's POV

At dinner time, I suddenly felt new memories gushing into my head. I got a little headache since the clone this time stayed longer and did more things.

When the flesh clone was dispelled last time since it was created through a scroll and it mostly consisted of familiarizing with Taijutsu...the memory transfer was more peaceful.

It's the clone in charge of Suna, Mission Accomplished ahh.

[You Completed a hidden mission 'Make an Impression towards Gaara of the sand'. You have been rewarded a new function, the Popularity Function]

'What's the new Function for?'

[You can see your Favorability with other people, It can be classified as:

-50 to -30 = life and death enemies

-29 to -19 = Enemies

-18 to -1 = Hate

0 = Stranger

1 to 5 = Just know your name

6 to 10 = Has a little impression of you

11 to 16 = Acquaintance

17 to 29 = Adoration

30 to 40 = Friend

41 to 59 = Like

60 to 70 = Best Friend

71 to 80 = Love

81 to 90 = Family

91 to 100 = Life and death]

It seems interesting. I used 'observe' on Jugo


Name Jugo.

Age: 8

Kekkei Genkai: Berserker

Rank: Genin level

Relationship: 24.


Adoration? Make sense since we just met and I helped him a little with his problem.

I continued practicing the seals with the clones teleporting instead of me, for safety purposes.

When it was midnight already, Jugo slept while I continued my training.

The night passed and Jugo continued his leaf training.

I noticed that the clones were getting closer to me, they might arrive this afternoon.

While I waited for them to arrive, I started creating my 3rd seal. The fireball Tattoo seal.


Fireball Tattoo Release (Rank C) (shot fireball)


[You're been rewarded 6 coins for creating your 3rd seal (+2 coins/rank until the 12th seal) ]

It can shoot a fireball when activated. I can make one that's only for 3 uses with a 100% success rate. The more I add, the lower the success rate.

I created 6 of them, for Sasuke, Naruto, Kimimaro, Haku, Karin, and Jugo.

Creating seals is a good income for coins. Unfortunately, it can only last until the twelfth.

Haku arrived first while Kimimaro arrived 3 hours later. I made Haku train the leaf concentration practice as we waited for Kimimaro.

I called the 3 kids and they curiously inspected each other.

"Introduce yourself to each other and train, we'll start our journey tomorrow morning. I'm expecting good results in your training" I just left them to build their bonds as I plan to master Hiraishin no Jutsu before going back to Konoha.

I might practice it while journeying. I'm just going to create clones to practice while I, the original walk with the others. Once dispelled, I'll get the memory and then create clones again. I don't need to be with them when they're practicing so I can just make them practice wherever I create them.

'System, buy 0.2 worth of common papers'

[Buying 60 pieces of common paper, confirm?]
