Chapter 21

Based on the rate I'm consuming the papers, 60 is more than enough as a practice Paper. For the excess papers, the clones can just create a Hiraishin mark and spread it.

I can't teleport from Konoha to another country, especially with someone as my chakra reserve isn't enough for now. I just need to put some marks everywhere instead and just teleport several times when going somewhere far.

The clones that arrived with Haku and Kimimaro were dispelled, and I reorganized the transferred memories.

I joined the clones in practicing afterward. I trained all night and when the sun rose, we started our journey to Konoha.

I left 5 clones and gave them some papers to train. After 4 hours, I felt gushing memories as the Clones dispelled so I created 5 again and gave them papers to train in the forest we are in right now then continued our journey.

The cycle continued with quick breaks every time the 3 kids got tired or hungry, They didn't forget to do leaf training when there's a time like waiting when I hunted for food.

When we were halfway towards Konoha, they started doing leaf training while we ran to increase the difficulty.

After days of journey, I finally spotted the Konoha gate but there was a problem. No one knows that we are arriving today, I can't sneak in as I have someone with me.

If I tell the guards that the Hokage is expecting us, we need to wait a long time as the Hokage's building is quite far.

I looked at the map as it became a habit for me, to check if there was someone around me. I saw a marked ally nearby, it could be only an Anbu. It's better to tell them as they're faster so I went to their hiding place.

"Mr. Anbu, can you pass a message to the Hokage that Ashe is already here?" I asked politely, he already noticed me coming close to him so he didn't get a shock.

"The Hokage already informed us that if a cat or a kid named Ashe arrived, we need to guide you." Hiruzen probably realized this problem earlier.

"Call the others, Carry those kids so we can meet the Hokage faster." He called 3 Anbu, He's probably the captain... But there are 4 of them? I just saw 3 allies on the map.

I looked at it again. Interestingly, one of them is marked as Neutral. A foreign Ninja? No wonder I didn't bother about it earlier.

The other Anbu carried the kids, it look comfortable.

"You, Carry me on your back," I said to their captain, I saw his face twitch but complied anyway. He piggybacked me.

He's quite obedient.

I fell asleep while they were running.

Although I don't need sleep, I still want to do it as I'm mentally tired. After all, Hiraishin no Jutsu is a complicated seal.

I felt someone shaking my body.

"Hmm? We're here?" I asked the Anbu carrying me.

"You've arrived long ago, The kids already introduced themselves and I already asked them what I wanted to know. I already gave them their allowance for this month so they can shop for their daily necessities. You can go home and sleep now as the kids said you didn't sleep throughout the journey," Hiruzen said.

"Ohh really? good. I want a room in the same apartment too. You know what? Make the whole apartment reserved for us since no one wanted to live there, There are about 10 rooms there. I might find some interesting individuals to take in and put a D Rank mission to accompany and guide the kids to shop for their things while I clean our rooms. Reduce their pay from my money" I don't give a crap for respect right now, All I want is to clean the rooms fast and sleep.

"No need to pay, I'll give you the money in full" ohhh so considerate, but I don't give a shit.

"Hmm, thanks" Hiruzen gave me 300,000 Ryo. It's a hundred thousand short, hmm. Jugo, Kimimaro, Haku, and.....Karin? Oh shit, I forgot to substitute the clone in charge of Karin. It's been a long time already but it seems that he didn't dispel yet. I don't have any transferred memories about Karin.

"The Uzumaki Kid will arrive shortly, but I need money. Can I get the remaining in advance?" I said, he sighed and then gave me another hundred thousand Ryo. He's probably in a good mood so he's ignoring my blatant disrespect.

"Thank you very much Hiruzen! You kids wait here for your guides, I'll go clean our rooms" I said then ran, The Clone with Karin needs to be substituted, I almost forgot about her.

I created a full-powered clone and made him use a long-distance substitution Jutsu. The clone in charge of Karin appeared.

"Sorry bro, I forgot about you. Good thing you didn't dispel" I apologized

"I did my best to conserve my chakra when I noticed that you seem to forget about us, We're not even halfway to Konoha yet as I stopped our journey and minimized my movement as much as possible, even the food is hunted by Karin. I'm sure you'll remember about us once the Hokage gave the money.." The clone complained. I sounded like a money grabber.

"I'm sorry, good thing you last long," I said

"Well, we're the same person so I know that you'll start calculating the money once the Hokage gave, you only remember us for the money." damnn..this Clone is sulking? I know it's my fault so I didn't argue.

After complaining, he dispelled and gave me the memories. I'm sure the clone with Karin right now already knows what to do even without any memory of her.

Clone's POV

I just arrived at Kusagakure, They seem to be panicking with the wounded being brought somewhere.

I followed them quietly in my cat form, I saw a red-haired woman being bitten by injured people. Beside her is a kid supporting her, she seems to be dying already but the people around don't care. What to do? I can't fight, there are a lot of them and I'm just a clone.

I first transformed into my grown-up look.

Let's just take them while the people are panicking, I created 3 clones to carry them with 1 of them being able to release multiple Jutsu. I used Lighting Release: Thunder wave first then Wind Release: Air Bullets on the people close to the mother-daughter pair with some missing intentionally to block their visions with the dust.

During that moment, the 2 clones took the Uzumaki pair outside the village while the stronger clone and I were causing chaos everywhere for distraction.

When I made sure they got away safely, The clone was still using his remaining chakra while I ran away.

I soon met up with the 2 Uzumaki and dispelled the clones.

"Who are you? You need to run! quick. Just take my daughter away!" the mother said, I ignored her.

"How's your body? Can you still walk?" I asked.

"It's too late, I'm already dying. I can see that you don't hold any hostility (mind's eye of the Kagura), Please take care of my daughter." the mother said while crying, I just let them talk as I don't have the energy to escape with the mother anyway.

I used too much energy just to take them away, I needed to go to a safe place and then wait for the substitution.