Chapter 25

Ashe's POV

It was midnight already when everyone decided to sleep.

'System put a black mark on Sai, Alert me when he entered Konoha'


'How many ryo do I have?'

[You have a total of 400,200 ryo]

'convert them into coins'

[Converting 399,750 ryo into 53.3 coins, you have 450 coins left]

'How many coins do I have now?'

[You have 66.8 coins]

'Upgrade the map into the 3rd level and buy the call function'

[Should we fuse the map and call function for 10 coins?]

'Fuse it'

[The fused function will be available in 10 minutes]

'Buy the Pill Creation Function'

[Affirmative, the manual on how to use it will be automatically transferred in your mind]

After buying the remaining system functions available, I went to the Hokage's office to report about the neutral anbu (foreign ninja).

As a Hokage, he often stays at his office all night working. I used 'observe' on the spy so I know his name. I don't know if he was a spy even before he became an anbu or an anbu that's been replaced silently, using mind jutsu to read memories for better acting.

I knocked on his window in my cat form then transformed into my adult form with a cloak on. Hiruzen knows that it's me since he saw my cat form.

"You need something?" ouch, that hurts. It sounds like I only go to him when I need something.

"Can you please call the ANBU team that carried us earlier?" I requested

"You got something to tell them? If it's not important, I can just pass it on. It's already midnight" He said.

"It's important, I'll be busy tomorrow as I need to receive the Uzumaki kid at the gate. I'll have to go with others to let them bond" Hiruzen then commanded the ANBU protecting him to summon the team.

We waited in silence for a while. The team arrived after 5 mins.

I selected the white dot in the map to see that person's details as it shows their allegiance.


Name: Jehal

Age: 27

Rank: Jonin

Allegiance: Iwagakure


"Tell me your name," I asked the spy, he looked at the Hokage and answered when he saw him nod.

He's professional, he didn't even flinch at being asked suddenly.

"I'm Chester" so he either replaced the original Chester or just used a fake name.

"Okayyy, so're going to tell them or I do it?" I directly called his real name, he lost his composure for a second but immediately gained it back. This is what you call a professional.

"I don't understand what you're talking about and I repeat, my name is Chester" If I don't have the map, I might believe him. He's good at acting.

"Can you explain what is this about?" the Hokage asked.

"Can you call Inoichi Yamanaka here?" I asked.

The spy probably felt that he was already busted so he tried escaping through the window. The others were caught in surprise and didn't manage to react properly since they didn't sense any danger.

I flickered beside the window, blocking his escape route and the time I bought was enough for their captain to react. He immediately arrested the spy before he managed to attack me or change his way.

"Explain," The Hokage said to me with a grim face.

"A spy of Iwagakure" I used a short sentence to tell him what he wanted to know.

"How did you find out? I played the character of Chester well" the spy asked.

"Ohhhh, that answered my doubt. So you stole the Identity of Chester?" Hearing my question, he looked at me with a complicated face. As if saying 'So I didn't make a blunder that can reveal my Identity, then how did you know?'

"Honestly, I'm amazed at your acting skills. No wonder you didn't get caught earlier. If I'm not here, you might succeed in your goal" I said.

"As for how I know about you being a spy, let's say I know more information than you could imagine," I said then winked at him, although he can't see it because of my cloak.

"Just who are you?" he asked curiously, wanting to know the person who revealed his Identity.

"Secret," I said in a teasing manner. He stayed quiet afterwards.

His former teammates already searched and confiscated his weapons and scrolls, they also checked his mouth for possible poisons.

He'll be put in his temporary cell as his memory will be checked tomorrow by Inoichi.

He won't be experiencing torture as he didn't fight back during the arrest and the Hokage just wanted to know the information as fast as possible.

When there was only me and the Hokage left in the office, he asked me what do I want in exchange for that favor.

"You know what I want," I said while smiling

", right? Why do you even need that much money anyway?" he asked but still gave me a hundred thousand, It's hard to catch a professional spy so I got a lot of payment.

"I only use customized items, everything I own is unique" It's true anyway, he looked at me weirdly and then just shrugged it off.

I said goodbye and went back to my room. I lay on my bed and then used its effects to think properly, remembering the things I forgot like the photobook.

I'll give it tomorrow. I also need to give a storage seal to the new kids, together with a fireball seal.

Should I fuse some jutsu? Fusing a jutsu with the fusion function makes the jutsu you chose disappear but the result of the fusion will be fully mastered, you can just train it again if you want.

Fusing a jutsu manually lets the chosen jutsu stay. Like the firewave jutsu, but you need to master it yourself.


Talents [tap to see]

E rank jutsu [tap to see]

D rank jutsu [tap to see]

C rank jutsu [tap to see]

A rank jutsu [tap to see]

S rank jutsu [tap to see]

Unranked jutsu [tap to see]

Genjutsu [tap to see]]

Weapon Mastery [tap to see]

Fūinjutsu [tap to see]

Lifestyle Skills [Tap to see]

Others: [tap to see]

I tapped the D-rank Jutsu

D rank jutsu [tap to hide]

Body Flicker Jutsu (2 CP)

Rope Escape Jutsu (2 CP)

Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu (3CP)(Dmg:4)

Wind Style: Breakthrough (3CP)(Dmg:4)

Water Release: Liquid Bullets (1CP per bullet)(Dmg:1/bullet)

Earth Release: Earth wall (3CP)(Def:5)

Lighting Release: Thunder wave (3CP)(Dmg:3, 75% chance numbing effect)

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu (3CP)(Dmg:5)

Wind Release: Air Bullets (1CP per bullet)(Dmg:1/bullet)

Water Release: Water wall (3CP)(Def:4, 10% shock absorption)

Earth Release: Earth Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu (3CP)(Dmg:2, 50% restraint)

Lightning Release: Shock bolt (3 CP)(Dmg:3, 50% chance stun)

'System, fuse the earth wall and water wall'

[Deducting 1.2 coin for the fusion]

[Successfully fused Earth Release: Earth Wall and Water Release: Water Wall into a C rank Jutsu, Mud release: Mud Wall (5 CP) (Def:6, 15% shock absorption)]