Chapter 26

'Fuse the Shock bolt and thunder wave'

[Deducting 0.9 coin for the fusion]

[Successfully fused Lightning Release: Shock Bolt and Lightning Release: Thunder wave into a C rank Jutsu, Lightning Release: Lightning Wave (5 CP)(Dmg:6, 50% chance stun, and 50% chance numbing effect)]

'Fuse Water and Earth Attributes'

[Deducting 4 coins for fusion]

[Successfully fused Water Release and Earth Release into Mud Release]

Fusing attributes doesn't make the chosen attributes disappear. If you think the fusion payment is cheap, that is because you can manually fuse attributes if you want. I won't have the patience to do that if I can just fuse it easily as long as I have coins.

'Fuse Earth release and Fire Release'

[Deducting 5 coins for fusion]

[Successfully fused Earth Release and Fire Release into Lava Release]

'How many coins do I have left?'

[7.7 coins]

Sighhh, I'm back to being poor.

I should save coins from now on, besides, I already have what I need. I'll only spend them once I'm twelve as Naruto and Sasuke will be genin by then. I can also train them hard to let them graduate early but I want to see the rookie 9.

I'll make their team into:

Kimimaro, Jugo, and Haku

Naruto, Sasuke, and Karin

I began thinking all night about what should I do in the future, which plots should I change, or should I just go with the flow?


I took all the kids to the lake while waiting for Sasuke who arrived at 7 am.

I brought all of them to the Konoha Gate to receive Karin, we waited for an hour. During that moment, the kids started their training with Sasuke and Naruto teaching them the next one after the leaf training.

Sasuke is already done putting both of his hands without getting wet on the water, the water ball is the last training for them so I didn't tell them yet how to do it. He's now trying tree walking.

Naruto is still struggling on putting his whole palm on the water without it getting wet.

I finally saw my clone running towards here with Karin on his back, he dispelled after putting her down to pass me the memories.

"Karin, they will be your neighbors in your new home. Go, introduce yourself" Karin already knows my real form, both cat and human kid form (he met her in his adult form).

The kids introduced themselves one by one while we toured around the village as I didn't get a chance to do it before.

Our final destination is the Hokage office. We entered the front door (cause he always enters through the window) and knocked on the third hokage's office.

"Enter" I opened the door and came in first with Karin behind me.

"This is Karin Uzumaki, Go ask her whatever info you need. Btw, I want to officially adopt Naruto"

"That...I don't think that's possible, Naruto's background is complicated"

"I know but no one wanted to adopt him anyway. Also, no one would know unless they deliberately investigate our documents." I gave him a knowing look.

He looked at Naruto behind me.

"What do you say about that? Do you want to get adopted by Ashe?" he asked

"Sure!!! From now on, we're family! hahahahaha!!" Naruto said excitedly to his new friends.

"Fine then, I'll handle it" he started asking Karin while I stayed beside her as she was afraid around new people, a trauma she got since all she saw in her life was people who bit her mother to heal themselves even when all they have is just a light injury.

After she received her allowance, we went shopping for her things with me on the lead in my adult form so we don't get cheated.

The kids helped her arrange her things then they went to the park. I stayed behind to check some things.

It'll be bad if we always eat ramen, Even Sasuke is getting sick of it already since ever since meeting Naruto, ramen is all he ate during lunch.

I remember I got a cooking skill as a reward on my first mission, I honestly wanted to cook for them but I didn't have any money to buy ingredients that could fit everyone's appetite.

It'll be shameful if I ask them for money since I can be considered their guardian.

I began thinking about my plans again then I remembered, The photobook and seals! I forgot to give it again!

We ate ramen for dinner again, I need to cook healthy foods for them. I should do some missions to earn money.

This time, I made sure to give the photobook to Sasuke.

I gave the fireball seals I created back then to the kids while Kimimaro, Jugo, Haku, and Karin got their Storage seals.

They already know the training Regime they need to do and they're practically used to living independently already so I plan to leave them for a while to do some high-paying missions outside the village.

While the kids were asleep, I sneaked out and went to the Hokage in cat form...I didn't transform back and converse with him like this.

"What is it again?" The Hokage said in an exasperated tone.

"Jugo, Kimimaro, and Haku will attend the Academy," I asked

"Sure, They can start next week" Convenient! I'll be back by then.

"Then can I get a high-paying mission outside the village? I can stay outside for about a week or so" I requested with my cute eyes staring at him (I'm in cat form).

"Hmm? Just in time, a new mission has been issued earlier...It's a Rank C mission. You need to spy on our client's rival in business. The client said that the formula of his newest product was stolen and he suspected that his rival stole it, you only need to spy on them but taking back the formula will give you a bonus"

"So I'll be taking back the formula? Fine by me" The Hokage sighed and didn't bother to correct my perception.

He gave me the mission scroll then I went back to my room, I began reading the details of my mission, my cat form would be useful for spying.

I slept after checking it thoroughly. In the morning, I taught the kids how to make a waterball and at which stage they could be considered a master at it.

I told them to finish all the training methods I taught them earlier, after mastering water surface walking...they can start creating a waterball. I already said goodbye to them and that I'll be gone for a week so they should train hard during that time.

I went outside Konoha and started my journey toward the place where I needed to spy.


It's been a week already and I'm already on my way to Konoha, I managed to retrieve the formula and got my bonus.

I first went to the Hokage and gave my report before going to the lake which became a training ground for the kids.

I saw them busy in their training, I'm not in a rush and watched them to know their progress.