The New World. [Day 1]

Being moved to a new world is weird as you are made completely weightless. I imagine this is what being in space feels like.

Suddenly I hit the ground with a thud and my senses are assaulted with stimulus.

Looking around I can see that I am in a forest with large thick trees, small shrubs, and beautiful, lush green grass. A cool breeze of wind caressing my face and the smell of fresh-cut grass being carried by the wind.

Not a bad spot to start. First, I need to find a water source and food, then a place to stay.

Getting up I realise that I am much shorter than I am used to, looking down I see that my hands have been replaced with paws, but I still have movable thumbs. I also have white fur covering my body and I only have underwear covering my dignity. Better than nothing.

Deciding that sitting here and doing nothing doesn't help me I decide to pick a random direction and head that way.

Whilst walking in a random direction I pick a rock that is laying on the ground as it will be a useful weapon.

> Rock (Basic)

A good old-fashioned rock can be used for anything from killing to making a cosy fireplace.

It is truly a beautiful forest, with leaves falling from the canopy and being carried by the wind. The beauty of it all distracts me from the dangers that lurk.

From the bushes jumps out a grey wolf with piercing white eyes, drooling sharp teeth and bristled hair.

I feel his front claws sink into the fur on my shoulders.

> Health: 7/7 -> 6/7

I hear an announcement go off in my ear, but I ignore it to bring up my hands to the jaw of the wolf to stop it from ripping my face off.

Grabbing the bottom and top of the jaw of the wolf I think about trying to tear them away from each other breaking its jaw but realise with my noodle arms it is more likely my arms will break before its jaw does.

Thinking quickly, I swing my feet under the wolf and roll us over to bring me on top. Grabbing the rock that I dropped before I quickly try to slam the rock into its mouth, but it moves its head out of the way making me hit the ground.

Seeing an opportunity, the wolf then bites down on my arm causing another announcement and pain to shoot through my body.

> Health: 6/7 -> 2/7

With adrenalin pumping and its head still latched onto my arm I then swing the rock as hard as I can agents its head.

I keep swinging the rock again and again until I get an announcement.

[You have killed: Race: Young wolf, Sex: Male, Rank: G, gained: 10 EXP]

[You levelled up: 0/5 -> 1/5]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points]

Getting of the wolf I lay down next to it and catch my breath and calm my heart.

I was such an idiot why the hell was I spending time looking at the scenery rather than paying attention to what is going on around me. Goddam dumb ass. Also four damage for a bite this world is cruel.

I also need to get away from this wolf corpse otherwise it might attract other predators.

Getting up I pick up my rock again and check to see if there is anything else around there but there seems to not be.

I go in the direction that I think I was heading before and walk but pay actual attention to my surroundings and what is going on.

Eventually, I start to hear water running. Heading to the sound I reach a river which is filled with crystal clear water and seems to have no other animals around.

Going down to the river I quickly wash off the blood from my body and take a drink from the water. I also get a reflection in the water and see that most of my face is now covered in fur but I still have a distinctive face. Looks a lot like a human with just fur covering all of it.

> Health: 2/7 -> 5/7.

Seeing how I am not going to die now I decide that I need to get back to what I was originally doing which was find water, food, and a place to live. I got water so I need food and with water comes food.

Seeing how I need something sharp my best bet is finding some flint and making a makeshift blade.

Walking down the banks of the river eventually, I find some flint at the bed of the river. I then head away from the river but keeping good eyesight of the river. With the rock from before I hit it on the edges of the flint to make an edge to the flint, eventually making a sharp edge.

With my blade in hand, I then lay in wait in the grass next to one of the trees to hide me. Whilst waiting for something to approve the river I decided that it would probably be a good idea to assign my stats. Right now, INT will be less useful as I can't use magic right now and I don't think WILL can help me here. I think my best bet would be STR and AGI as if I can kill whatever is attacking me and doge whatever is attacking me, I should be good.

> STR: 3 -> 4 & AGI: 4 -> 5

With my stats assigned I can feel my muscles bulge.

After waiting an hour, I see a rabbit hop towards the river and seeing how I have an opportunity I decide to identify the rabbit.

[Race: Horned Rabbit, Sex: Female, Rank: G]

From the looks of it, it seems the same as a normal rabbit from Earth just with a large horn on its forehead.

Once I see the rabbit drinking from the water, I make my move. Moving as fast as I can with my flint dagger in hand I try to get as close to it as I can. However, it seems to be much smarter than I was before and notices that I am approaching it.

Quickly spinning around, it goes for a dive towards me trying to use its large horn to stab me. This time though I am ready for the fight, so getting out of the way of its path, I slide to its side and bring down my flint knife on it whilst it is stuck in the air.

I can hear the squelching sound as the blade digs into the horned rabbit killing it.

[You have killed: Race: Horned Rabbit, Sex: Female, Rank: G, gained: 5 EXP]

[You levelled up: 1/5 -> 2/5]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points]

With the rabbit dead, I decide to quickly gut the rabbit in the river to clean the rabbit of the guts and blood and so as not to attract other predators.

With that done now, I just need to find a place to stay so I can eat my lunch. Never had a rabbit before I wonder how it tastes.