Home. For now. [Day 1]

With food acquired I need to cook it up, so I collect some sticks, dry foliage/ grass and then explore the local area trying to find an alcove or cave. If it has a roof it can act as a home.

Deciding to follow the river and go back up the currents as that hopefully should lead up to hills or mountains.

Following the river, which eventually becomes more of a stream, it eventually starts to climb upwards towards what looks like a mountain off in the distance.

During the walk, I run into another horned rabbit. Doing the same tactic as before I manage to kill it.

[You have killed: Race: Horned Rabbit, gained: 6 EXP]

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Enhanced Senses 0/5 -> 1/5]

With Basic Enhanced Senses levelled up I can feel an immediate change, everything has become clearer a bit crisper I can smell more in the air.

Like, with the horned rabbit I gutted it in the stream but this time I realised that I could use the horn as a weapon, so I also take it.

Continuing up the stream it reaches the base of the mountain. Diverging from the stream I look around the area for a place to say and I managed to find a cramped and small cave. It can fit me and have enough room to move around with my arms out and still have some extra space.

Inside the cave, I create a small campfire using rocks from the area to make a little pit then placing the dry shrubby and grass and some smaller sticks in it. Leaving that I quickly go down to the forest again and gather larger sticks enough to keep the fire going for a while.

Going back to the cave I then start the fire using the flint and stone to create a spark to light the shrubbery. Once the fire is big enough, I place the two rabbits on the fire and start to cook them.

Once cooked I take a bite into the juicy meat and am surprised that it tastes much meatier than I thought. I suppose that must be due to them being in the wild. Nevertheless, it still tastes pretty good and is not too far from the taste of chicken.

> Health: 5/7 -> 7/7.

Deciding to save the second rabbit for later it would probably be best to get some more EXP and try to level up as fast as possible. It would also be good to explore the area.

Before forgetting through I also will do my Unassigned Stats and do the same as before.

> STR: 4 -> 5 & AGI: 5 -> 6

Making my status board like this.

Name: ???

Race: Kobolt

Sex: Male

Rank: G

Class: None

Level: 2/5

Health: 7/7

Stamina: 12/12

Mana: 6/6

STR: 5

VIT: 3

AGI: 6

INT: 2


Unassigned Stat Points: 0

Magic skills:

> None

Weapon skills:

> None

Personal skills:

> Basic Enhanced Senses (Rank 1: 1/5)


> Rock (Basic), flint dagger (Basic), Horn (Basic)

With my stats done I head out into the forest again to go hunting.

Meeting back at the stream I head down the stream to find some prey.

After only a short walk I am met with something that looks a bit like a fox but smaller and with sharper claws. It is also completely black with red eyes.

[Race: Eiri, Sex: Male, Rank: G]

Seeing there is no need to wait I decide to try something new. Grabbing the horn from the horned rabbit I throw it at the fox but completely miss it as I have no idea how to throw a weapon. But it creates a good enough distraction as I manage to run at it and stab it with the flint knife.

Thinking that I can now gut the animal for food I go down to pick it up but am attacked from my side.

> Health: 7/7 -> 4/7

Moving out of the way of a second strike that is coming I see that there are two other Eiri with one hitting me and the other one I managed to doge.

I quickly move my hand to grab the one that is close which was the one that hit me, but it moves away and the other then manages to slash me.

> Health: 4/7 -> 2/7.

Getting away from both I move a comfortable distance away and doge all their attack. Seeing me do this they both decide to attack me at the same time, but this gives me a chance.

Avoiding both their attacks I then kick one away and then dive on the other bringing my dagger on the other killing it. I manage to roll away and getting back up before the other one comes at me. When it goes in for another lunge, I manage to grab it and bring my dagger up and into its stomach killing it.

[You have killed: Eiri, gained: EXP: 12]

[You have killed: Eiri, gained: EXP: 15]

[You have killed: Eiri, gained: EXP: 11]

[You levelled up: 2/5 -> 4/5]

[Gained 4 Unassigned Stat Points]

Holy crap that might have been the dumbest thing I have done. I have already gone through this I need to pay attention to my surroundings even after I kill something. More could be around.

Next time I will be better. Now paying attention to my surrounding I make sure that the area is cleared I then go and gut the three Eiri.

With such low health, it would be better to stay in my cave and heal up. So, I head back to the cave with my prey in hand.

Inside my cave, I lay down the fur that I have collected too far and make a makeshift bed. I then also use some of the sticks and place them between some rocks creating a sort of grill, then cutting up the Eiri meat into strips and then leave it on the grill to dry out and to make some jerky. For dinner, I then eat the other rabbit which even cold is still tasty.

> Health: 2/7 -> 5/7.

With that done the sun is starting to set so I decided to head to bed. I look forward to tomorrow as there is a high chance I will level up and then can evolve.