What a cock up. [Day 3]

With Rex and I back-to-back and the wolves circling us, the situation was not looking good for us.

The wolves have us on all sides with the young wolves at the front barking and snapping their jaws at us whilst the wolves wait at the back with sharp and beady eyes.

The longer they circle us the more impatient the young wolves get, getting close and closer to us. One daring one I see his leg start to twitch. Taking my chances, I swing my sword to where I think that he is going to jump towards. Chance was on my side, and he did jump for my leg but was intercepted by my sword which cut straight into his shoulder killing him.

This however has the knock-on effect of creating the spark that starts this wildfire battle.

Three young wolves run straight towards me whilst the others charge Rex. I don't have time to pay attention to Rex fight I just have to hope that he can handle it.

My best chance of survival is keeping the wolves at a distance as they are going to be faster in close quarters. With my further range than them, I need to keep my distance and wait for opportunities to take one on one fights instead of three on one.

With my senses heightened and my heart pounding, I cleave sideways at the young wolf in front. This keeps him away whilst the other two charge for my side. Just when they both attack, I spring forward at the one in front and stab with my blade going straight through its head.

Although I managed to get one of them the other two quickly react going for my arm and leg.

I can feel the two sets of teeth dig into my flesh and the quick flash of pain going through my body. But you don't survive the harsh world of American streets without getting used to pain. However, I have to say that this is the worst as not only are they biting me but are also pulling me apart making me feel the straight on my muscles as they pull.

> Health: 19/22 -> 6/22.

Thinking quick I use my spare hand to swing my sword as hard as I can using my strength and the weight of the blade to chop at the neck of the wolf. Seeing it coming the young wolf tries to escape but is too late as my blade goes right through his neck decapitating him and freeing my arm. With the power and speed of the blade, I go right through but also go straight into the ground getting stuck in the mud that is now forming in the area due to the heavy rain.

With the other young wolf still chomping on my leg, I grab the flint knife that I tucked into the belt of the scabbard and stab as hard as I can straight into its body and keep stabbing until it lets go and falls to the ground.

With adrenaline going I don't feel the pain in my arm and leg and instead look towards Rex which makes my heart drop.

Rex has managed to kill one of the young wolves but the other three have managed to get past with one biting his left back leg, one on his front right leg and the last biting the top of his neck.

I have never felt so angry, determined, and pissed off in my life. I always wanted a dog, and I won't let anyone take him away from me.

Me: "REX!"

Moving faster than I have ever moved in my life I wrench out the sword stuck in the mud, and I throw my entire body behind the sword, swinging upwards into the young wolf attached to Rex's neck. I look straight into the young wolf's eye whilst I continue to bring my sword up.


My sword goes straight through the body of the wolf splitting him in twain and creating an arc of blood in the sky. Still with control over the blade whilst it is high in the air, I then bring it down on the young wolf biting Rex's front leg.

Not expecting me to be there the wolf doesn't react in time allowing me to slash straight down into him separating his front leg from his body. It then drops to the floor dead.

Seeing the two young wolves die the third quickly let's go dropping Rex to the floor and charges at me.

Being so pumped up on adrenalin my senses are as sharp as they could be and with visibility getting worst my other senses are working overtime allowing me to hear the fourth wolf charging behind me.

With more mobility and movement than I thought I had I quickly move to the side grabbing the flint dagger again and stabbing straight into the young wolves' eyes that jumped at me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the group of wolves who were standing at the side, clearly not happy with me killing all the young wolves run towards me. I also see the final young wolf charging at me. Using my two hands to grab onto my sword again and moving to the side and thrusting forward I manage to catch the young wolf off guard and stab into the side of his body.

With anger in their eyes, the three wolves running towards me. This is irritating me now. Using all my strength I have left I spring forward sweeping up my blade from the ground arcing the blade managing to slice through two of the wolves' mouths and only nicking the other one which I also happen to notice is the one that I had slash before.

Whimpering when I hit the last wolf he quickly moves away limping on his foot and bleeding out onto the ground. Seeing himself all alone he limps away into the forest most likely heading back to his den.

Forgetting about him I run back towards Rex to check on him. Getting towards him I can see that he has his eyes are half-closed and he is barely moving.

Me: "Rex, buddy." Hearing my voice Rex moves his head onto my lap and lightly whimpers.

Looking down at his body I can see that blood is dripping down his legs staining him and the ground. It is not extensive bleeding, but I need to do something quickly or he might die.

Remembering I have some cooked food in my backpack I run towards the blacksmith's house trying my best not to slip on the mud.

In the house, I grab the backpack and get back to Rex.

Me: "eat."

I carefully lift his head and feed him the food. Smelling the food Rex opens his mouth and slowly starts to chew on the food. After giving him plenty of the Eiri jerky I look to see that the blood has stopped flowing but he is still in a bad condition.

I need to get him to a safer place as with so many dead bodies around more predators could come. Swinging the backpack onto my front and placing my sword in my scabbard I lay down on the floor and lift Rex legs over my shoulder and place him on my shoulders. Standing up with shaky legs I now have Rex in a fireman carry.

The most likely place to have good shelter is wherever that wolf ran off to so picking up the scent of him I follow his trail.

It is a slow and agonising walk following the wolf trail mainly following the scent of his blood and the tracks in the ground although I need to be quick because the rain will destroy both with enough time.

One step at a time where It feels like my feet are made of lead with how tired I am and my feet getting stuck in the mud. We have entered the woods as the village was in an open area.

After a walk that feels like it has been hours, I eventually arrive at what looks like a rock protrusion from the ground. It also has a circular entrance to it with the trail leading in.

With this most likely being the wolf den I enter in still carry Rex and all my equipment. Inside I found the wolf who I had encountered before on the ground bleeding out.

I place Rex down gently on the ground and walk over to the wolf. It opens its eyes and looks directly at me then closes its eyes and stops moving.

Looks like he succumbs to his wounds. As I walk back towards Rex, I start to really feel the effect of the battle and my own wounds affecting me and as I get closer, I stumble before kneeling next to Rex.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and before I can do anything I blackout.