Operation Feather Fall Part 3. [Day 5]

Out from the house three people exit. Doing A quick inspection reveals some interesting things.

[Race: Kabalt, Sex: Male, Rank: F+]

[Race: Kabalt, Sex: Female, Rank: F+]

[Race: Barbaric Kabalt, Sex: Male, Rank: E-]

The two Kabalt look like twins with the same light green fur and green eyes. The Barbaric Kabalt is the most interesting as he was big, close to six feet tall and black with red strips going from his eyes down to his chest then to his arms and splitting at the fingertips.

One of the Kabalt was carrying a bow and arrow and the other a sword whilst the Barbaric Kabalt was carrying a large wooden club with metal spikes coming out of it.

(1) – Kabalt with a bow, (2) – Kabalt with a sword, (3) – Barbaric Kabalt.

???(3): "You think you can come in here and kill my boys; think again you fuck. I am going to make sure that every inch of your body is filled with holes."

Me: "Sorry couldn't help my self you were just such an easy target and you're so weak how could I not."

???(3): "Says the rank F now prepare that body of yours for a battering."

Rank F, since when was I a rank F. Before I can think further about that though he starts his sprint towards me along with the second Kabalt moving to me as well leaving the first Kabalt at the back. Alone. Nice.

Whilst the two charge to me the third is about to fire an arrow at me but before he can fire is face is chomped off why a flying Rex whilst a silent Freya bites at his leg.

The other two don't even realise that their friend has died. The second Kabalt is much faster on his feet and gets to my first going for a stab towards my chest. Not feeling confident in my speed to deflect that attack I step to the side whilst bring one of my hands towards his arm. With a grip on his arm, I throw him in the way of the Barbaric Kabalt (going to call BK) swinging his club.

Seeing his boy in the way of his club he quickly stops his club allowing me the chance to get two hands on my sword and swing it towards the Kabalt. Seeing his boy in trouble the BK grabs a hold of him and pushes him away and making my sword swing and hit his club arm.

BK: "Little shit." Saying this I see the red stripes light upon his body and with his free hand punch straight for my gut.

BK: "Magic core bitch."

The breath gets taken out of me as being lifted in the air by his bunch and flung a few feet away.

> Health: 37/37 -> 28/37.

I can feel the taste of my blood as it trickles into my mouth. Struggling to catch my breath I lay heaving on the ground. Putting my arms underneath me I try to get up but can only get to a crawl position. Hearing the stopping of feet, I know that BK is on me again and know that he is most likely going for a swing I quickly dive roll to the side just missing the cub and being sprayed with a bit of mud as his cub slabs into the ground.

Getting a bit more of my breath back I stand to my feet and look up as I see BK bring his club back up and see that the second Kabalt is fighting Rex and Freya.

I see that BK red stripes have lit up again as he runs towards me. With such a large frame and weapon, BK is going to get tired fast and so my best bet right now would be to tire him out more and then strike.

Letting BK get close enough to swing I dodge and keep dodging his strikes and keep moving out the way.

Me: "Come on BK hit me."

BK: "My pleasure."

I should stop taunting as I see him quickly change one of his strike's mid swings from downwards to horizontally. To do this I see that he used his red stripes again but seems to fuzz out halfway.

I nearly get out of the way with just some of the sticking out spikes nicking my arm as I move.

> Health: 28/37 -> 22/37.

[Skill has levelled up: Great Sword feet control 1/5 -> 2/5]

With him going too strong for that attack I see that he left his side open to me. Grabbing my dagger, I quickly stab it into the side stomach and then cut open.

Then dogging under the relaxation swing I pocket the knife and grab my sword swing downwards towards his now other exposed side stomach crating a large deep cut down the side of his stomach.

Then moving away from him I can see that he is bleeding badly from both sides of his stomach.

BK: "How can a weak Rank F beat a Rank E-."

Me: "Because unlike leaches like you I worked for my rank so not only did I gain the EXP I also gained the skills. I imagine that you don't even have a class."

I then see BK eyes go wide.

BK: "No wonder I lost you have a class. Lucky sod."

With that, I then see Bk fall to the ground dead. Looking over to the final Kabalt I can see that Rex and Freya are still fighting him, but he looks a bit worse for wear.

Deciding to help them out I pick up the knife and throw it straight for him. I missed. Dammit.

Charging after him I see him turn around to look at me but sees the dead body of BK making him drop his guard for a second, but it is enough time to allow Rex to dive for his leg whilst Freya goes for his arm holding the sword. With him then incapacitated on the floor it is an easy kill for me.

Kneeling to my favoured wolves I rub their heads.

Me: "Good work guys." As I stroke behind Freya's ear, I can see that her back leg shakes a little. Whilst Rex tail swings faster. Got these two are the best.

With any good kill, it is time for looting. Going over each of the bodies there is sadly not much. What was interesting though was what Rex did to BK as when he got to him, he sniffed around his body and then using his teeth and claws opened the side of his body where I cut with my sword.

Me: "Rex why a-."

From inside the corpse, I see him pull out what looks like a small crystal with blue swirling energy in the middle of it.

> E- Magic Core.

A Magic Core is created when races advance into the E rank range.

Magic core bitch indeed.