New Home. [Day 6]

Meeting all the important figures of the village was good. They thanked me for my help and told me if there was anything that they could do to help me that I should just ask. For the moment I could not think of anything that I am in desperate need of, so I left it for later.

There were not many important figures in the village due to its small size. There was the head farmer who does much of the farming for the village but due to the bandits, he had been struggling as they would burn his crops for fun. He was called Franz and was a brown-furred Kobolt with brown eyes and quite humble and relaxed.

Next was the local blacksmith Horst who was a large man in stature for being a Kobolt and was black-furred with purple eyes. He was a surprisingly kind and gentle man who talked in a gruff voice.

Last was Walfried who was the head builder of the village who was golden furred with blue eyes and was very quiet and did not talk much but from the brief conversation with him, he seems like a good man who just kept to himself.

They're also used to be the head of the local guards for the village, but he joined the bandits and so was killed by me. So, for now, that will be left open.

We were all now at the table in the dining room with a comfortable conversation with our three new guests then Valret, Alssa and Arnol who was playing with Freya in the living room.

I was more just listening to the conversation whilst they talked about the problems that they need to fix the problems that the bandits caused. I could tell them how to fix some of the problems, but it feels kind of invasive to tell them how to do things, so I let them be.

It was when they had talked about the state of the wall around the village that Horst brought something up that immediately grabbed my attention.

Horst: "Well not just the wall needing to be fixed but we need new guards to be able to defend against the upcoming event."

Me: "Sorry to interrupt but what is this upcoming event."

Horst: "Well the 1st month every 5 years on the last day demons attack the entire world. They will come into this world and will attack everything they see. It often leads to demons' attacks all through the second month its why the second month is called Infernum meaning hell. This led to the first month being called Apparatio meaning preparing."

Me: "What is the date today and how long do we have to prepare."

Horst: "Today is the 6th of Apparatio so we have 24 days to prepare. Luck for us higher demons are attracted to large collections of magic, so we often just get low-rank demons but with the bandits, we are less prepared than in previous times. We often stocked up farmland food from previous months and food we caught from the wild and would lock ourselves down in the village. But this year we have no farmland food so our lockdown time will be much shorter as farmland food keeps better than unsalted dried food."

Well, I don't think I like the chances of defending myself in my little cave in the mountains. There is no reason that I could not join the village they seem like good people and living in the mountains in a cave would have gotten boring over time.

Me: "I was wondering would it be fine for me to move into the village. I was previously living in a cave in the mountains."

Franz: "The man who saved the village is asking to move in. We were thinking we were going to have to beg for you to move in, we could use all the help we can get."

Alssa: "It would be our pleasure if you would move into the village."

Horst: "You are now also kind of own this house as no one in the village wants it and you rightfully took it from the previous occupants. They would have burned it down but if you want to take it that would be much better."

Looks like they want me bad if they are willing to give me the best house in the village to keep me. Not that I am complaining.

Me: "Thank you for the house, I won't turn down such a generous offer. I feel that it is more appropriate of me to now give some more help to the village. For the head guard, I think the best would be Valret as he seems to know them outside of the village well. I can then also train him up along with some extra people to create a guard squad. With this, we can start to gather food and such from the forest in preparations for demons. Since the farmland will not be of use now it would be best to put those workers to something else. These workers can help Walfried to rebuild the wall and strengthen it and create better defences around the wall like a ditch. We can also start rebuilding some of the houses around here as if they get past the wall, we need a backup plan, and the houses need to be sturdier."

Walfried: "Works for me."

Valret: "I look forward to working with you Lothran. I can also gather some people from the village to create the guard squad."

Horst: "I can create the equipment, but I am going to need more iron to make it."

Me: "Once the guard squad is created, we can go into the mountains to try and find more iron. Franz, I want you to help us with the food that we gather and to preserve it for as long as possible."

With everyone knowing what to do they set out to start it. Walfried and Franz went to gather people to start chopping down trees to start building whilst Valret went to gather anyone who wanted to join the guard squad. In the village, there are around 120 people and Valret was hoping to get around 25 people including him.

For the defences, we were going to patch the holes in the wall and then reinforce the wall by having extra layers of wood vertically and horizontally to strengthen. A ditch was then going to be built around the wall with stakes in the ditch. More guard towers we also going to be created and create better vantage points along the wall.

For the houses, they were going to be patched up or completely rebuilt if they were in terrible conditions. The houses that were close to my house which held the bandits are going to be created into safe houses and reinforced so if anyone wants to, they can live in those during large attacks on the village.

There was lots of work to do to get the village prepared for the demon attack. Time was of the essence.