Guards preparations. [Day 6]

Meeting at the gate to the village was Valret along with 24 other people and I.

Valret: "I gathered everyone who wanted to be a part of the guard force or wanted to learn to fight."

Me: "Alright I can see that all of you are rank G Kobolt's and that you all have clubs. In the future, your weapons will change, and you will get proper weapons but for now, you will have to stick with that. Valret I am making you the Head Guard and you will lead everyone here. With that comes the responsibility to look after everyone here and making sure that everyone survives."

I then also give him the spare weapons from the bandits which were the four swords, a bow, and a spiked club.

Me: "Take these weapons and give them to whoever you think can best use them. Then I want you to split everyone into groups of 5 with one team leader for those teams so that we have 5 individual teams in a larger team of 25."

Valret then spends a large deal of time making all the groups and giving some the equipment. Once done he comes back to me.

Me: "If that is all done let's go."

Exiting the village, I then head towards the river direction. Going to the river I can also see some of the other villagers go into the woods to chop down trees but making sure they stay close to the village and always have one person on the look at with a weapon in case they are attacked.

Once down the river, I talk to them again.

Me: "Alright in your groups, you are responsible for the man next to you at all times. You watch his back he watches yours; you place your trust in him to do his job and to protect you. This is how all teams work I don't want you to come back to me saying that anyone was not doing their job leading to someone being injured or killed because if I do, I will make sure that proper punishment is distributed. Valret if anyone does this, I want you to distribute appropriate punishment you guys are now a military team."

Valret: "I will try my best."

Me: "You will do your best, you guys now hold the lives of every person in the village be it family, friends, kids or just the neighbour. You hold their lives on your shoulders. Use that to drive yourselves forward and be the best guard team you can be."

Many of the previous worried or just black faces become more motivated, more energetic getting pumped up.

Me: "Alright in your teams, you will all head in different directions. You guys not only need to gain EXP, but you also need to know the land like it is the back of your hand. Explore and hunt. Bring back anything you kill gut it in the river and leave with me as this will be vital food for the village. Any injured or problems arrive you come back here, always stick with your teams if all members of your team don't come back the whole squad will be punished. If something comes up that you can't deal with as a team run back here with the team and I can help. This squad is like family. I can't emphasise enough the importance of this teamwork. Good luck, good hunting and be back here by lunch."

After my rousing speech which I think was good they all head out into the forest with the last being the team that Valret is leading, I can also see that Valret has taken up a sword.

I predict that we should get plenty of levels up today and we might get some evolutions today we will just have to wait and see.

Whilst waiting for the teams to come back I am playing with my wolves when I notice a change with one of them. I only realised it now with everything that has been going on. Freya evolved.

[Race: Madrin, Sex: Female, Rank: F-]

A Wolf born and evolved with a special mutation making them dark in colour. They often struggle in their rank due to being weaker than normal wolves but if they overcome the difficulty and evolve into the next rank, they have untold potential.

She looked a bit larger now but that is only when looking for it as otherwise, I would not have noticed. To be honest, I didn't notice it, but I am not telling Freya that.

Me: "Rex, Freya you two should also head out into the forest and hunt you two are going to need all the EXP you can get."

They quickly spring off into the forest together leaving me alone. But I won't be wasting this time because I have something that everyone else does not have: my class.

I want to level up my skills, but I also want to level up the class itself which I need to figure out. I have a theory about it which I am going to test out now. It is that even though I have the weapon control skill and the foot control skill I need to essentially combine them into one which is the class itself. I can know how to swing a blade and I can know how to move my feet, but I need to perfect them together and I can only do that through practice.

I have my weapon drawn and prepared for a fight. I am going to go through all the movements that I know in my head, after the movements are done, I will then imagine an opponent in front of me and have a shadow match with them. I need to start somewhere, and this is what I can come up with.

So I go through the movements, striking downwards whilst moving my feet in tandem with the arm. Body strike with the leg step to the side. Paring a blade then swinging back towards the neck. Going through all the movements have total control over everything I do never feeling out of control.

Feeling the power of the blade, the weight of it and feeling it move with me, not for me. Total control.

After a few hours, one of the groups has returned bringing with them their hunt. They already know how to gut animals, so they do it themselves, leave with the bodies, and head out again. Occasionally, groups will return with their rewards leaving them with me.

Around lunchtime and after doing constant training is only when I get an announcement.

[Class has levelled up: 0/5 -> 1/5 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

An entire morning of training for to level up once and I didn't level up the skills. How strict are the requirements for classes and skills? Wow actual now I think more I realise that I am incredibly impatient. I have only spent 6 days here and yet I am thinking that I am going slow. There is a rush with the demons on the horizon, but I should not be expecting everything to happen quickly. No one likes someone who finished quick. He.

I still have the rest of the month to train and improve my skills and it is not just about me now I still have the guards to train and to help the village. There is no rush. Build the foundations first and don't take the easy way as it is not always the best option.