Guards squad’s adventure. [Day 6]

With the guards back I found that most of them have levelled up one or two times. It might have been ambitious of me to think that some will be able to evolve today but we still have time for that later. Now we need to do some exploring in the mountains.

Whilst moving the group up the river I explain what we are doing.

Me: "In the mountains, we are looking for Iron which we need to make weapons for you guys so the faster you can find it the faster you get better equipment."

Seeing how we don't have pickaxes I decided to use the horns that we have gathered today during the hunt. From past use, I have found that they are reasonably sturdy as they seem to be quite like ice picks. So using the horns along with the clubs they should be able to use them like a hammer and chisel.

Arriving at the base of the mountains we stay as a group as we don't know what new monsters, we could discover up hear but we will fan out to cover a larger area. We are mainly looking for caves that could lead further into the mountain.

Me: "If you see any monsters that are higher rank and stronger then you call everyone so that we can help."

So, the group ascends the up mountain following the paths that lead up. At the bottom of the mountain is where my original home/ cave was, and we pass that going higher into the mountain.

I am at the front leading with Valret and his team along with Rex and Freya with me whilst the rest fall in behind.

Not that far from where my cave was is when we discover a new monster.

[Race: Caracal, Sex: Female, Rank: F-]

Feline in nature these mountainous creatures need to be agile and fast to be able to catch their prey in the harsh terrain of the mountains. Often using their large ears to hear over large distances.

There was two of them sitting on the path looking like they are taking a break. With their rank and description, I don't feel confident making any of the groups fight them as they can manoeuvre better than us on the mountains pathway. The best would probably be for me to fight one of them whilst Rex and Freya take the second. After that, I can judge how powerful they are and if I think the group can take them.

Me: "Wait here I will test to see how powerful they are."

Rushing up the path with my weapon drawn I get spotted instantly by the two Caracas. The two of them quickly get up and move together jumping and sliding over the rocks towards us. They almost look like water flowing over the rocks.

The two of them then spit with one going towards me and the other towards Rex and Freya but make sure not to be too far away from one another.

Moving quickly, I immediately swing sideways for the Caracal making sure to avoid the rocks but almost like a fluid it jumps away from me and changes the target from me towards Freya who was behind the other Caracal.

Rex, who is on the other side, can see this and barks towards Freya who quickly moves out of the way of the Caracals attack and attacks herself managing to latch onto the front arm of it. I then come up behind it and strike at its side killing it.

[You have killed: Race: Caracal, Rank: F-, gained: 45 EXP]

With one down the three of us manage to corner it and allow for Freya to get the kill.

I would say that if they are in larger groups say three and upwards, that they will be too difficult for an individual guard squat to deal with. Mainly due to their fluid movement over the rocks and that they help each other so effective. Once the guard squad evolve a bit more and build better teamwork, I think that they can handle larger groups.

Once back at the group I tell them that if they see Caracal in groups larger than three that they should not fight them unless there is an extra team to assist them. I also made sure to tell them that if they do get into fights with them make sure that there is only two and not more hiding somewhere.

We then continue our journey up the mountain looking for Iron and caves. We then spend the rest of the evening continuing to explore upwards and sadly not finding any large caves and no Iron. There was only one incident which was from one of the outer groups discovering another creature.

[Race: Markhor, Sex: Male, Rank: F]

The one that I was inspecting seemed to be the leader of the herd of them. They looked like goats from earth except with straight twisting horns and instead of fur covering the body it looks like stone skin was covering the body. The group of around 10 was grazing on some of the grass around the area and when one of the teams was spotted by them, they did not fight the team they just stayed to themselves and avoided the team.

It was becoming late in the day to we headed back down the mountain and would continue the search tomorrow. With a quick stop at the river for a drink and wash, then head back to the village. Sadly, for us, it did not seem that it was going to work that easily.

We were walking down the river after just coming down the mountain when there was a sort of rumbling noise coming from the trees it started quiet but gained volume over time. Looking towards the sound I can't see anything with the trees and foliage of the forest blocking the way. As time goes on, I can hear the stopping of something hitting the ground getting closer and closer. Nothing good ever happens when you hear the sounds in the woods.

Me: "Whatever is making those sounds is going to be big. Always stick in your groups even if I tell you to run but listen for my command before doing anything."

I can see the rest of the guards all tense up and clutch their weapons a little closer to them.

The sound is getting large and larger until it is right next to us. Bursting out of the tree line is a large blur followed by many little blurs.

[Race: Zar, Sex: Female, Rank: E-]

Getting a closer look, they looked like furred pigs but massive like the size of a grown human. They have large tusks protruding out the mouths and a large one on the forehead. I can also see their fur pulsate like a wave down their body every time they move. Seeing how it is E- rank it will have unlocked its magic core so that will be its magic.

Running behind the massive Zar are around 6 smaller ones which are all rank none.

This might be one of the worst things to ever run into in any situation. A mother and her children.

Once out of the trees it stops in its tracks and looks at us. Giving us the stare down, I can see it blow steam out of its nose and its magic flare down its body.

I don't feel confident fighting this as it is vastly different from the bandits. First, I have not had any time to prepare a plan for this and second, unlike the bandits, the Zar will have levelled up its skills.

Me: "Everyone gets back to the village and stick together when I tell you."

If you can't fight. Run for your goddam life.

Me: "NOW!"

Whilst the group runs down the river to get to the village Rex, Freya and I run over the river as now it is still at its stream part so is crossable.

Looking over my shoulder I can see that it is chasing me along with the young that are with it.

My best bet is to try and lose it somewhere in the forest then circle back to get home.

Sprinting past the tree line I can hear the stomping of its hooves behind me, and air being huffed. But it is getting closer.

Using the large trees that inhabit the forest as a sort of cover I keep hiding behind them breaking sight line with the boar trying to make it lose interest in me. It at least seems determined to make me run though as it keeps on chasing me.

It is now getting particularly close to me as I can almost feel it breathing on me. Seeing a large root stick out from the ground we all quickly dive underneath making the Zar run straight into it. I can hear a loud thwack and the root creaking and spraying small pieces of wood around. Not wasting time, I continue to run not looking back leading me to an open area.

It has no trees around and just tall grass around and what looks like rock poking out. Seeing nothing wrong I run through the grass and get behind the stones to allow myself to catch my breath.

Darting my eyes around looking for any movement whilst Rex and Freya lay next to me in attack position also look for any signs of the Zar. After a few seconds, I can hear it but instead of getting louder, they are getting quiet. Once the sound is non-existent is when I take a breath and fall to the ground.

Me: "Bloody hell man."

Whilst I catch my breath, I give a more detailed look around where I am. Is that writing. Across from where I am laying is not just rocks but rocks with a sign across it reading out New Helios. Those are also not just simple rocks that look like a destroyed archway. Are these ruins.