Getting back to work. [Day 6]

Walking over to the broken archway I take a closer look at it. The archway is buried in the ground at a tilt with only the name of it caved on the stone sticking out and enough space to crawl under it.

Looking around I can see that some of the other stones are stones most likely from the archway as they are all intricately carved with the design of faces that have washed away into blank faces. What once must have looked like a magnificent archway into the city of New Helios is now just a ruin.

Exploring further around I can't find anything else here just the stones. I was kind of hoping that there would be some entrance around that would lead to something but if there was it looks like time has either covered it or destroyed it. Mabey something for the future.

Heading back in the direction I ran from I find the tree root. The Zar had done quite a bit to it. Half of it is missing, it looks like someone took a bite out of it. The root I would say that if it was hollow, you could fit an average man in it and the Zar managed to do that damage just by running into it. Note to self-do not piss off the mother Zar otherwise you will turn into a bloody mist.

Continuing past the lucky escape I make my way back to the river and follow back home.

Reaching back to the village before dark I can see that the entire guard squad is still outside the village arguing.

Valret: "If he is not back in half an hour we will go out and look for him. He knows what he is doing he can defend himself."

Me: "Well put Valret and that is a good call."

They all quickly turn to me confirming that I am still alive. Valret quickly comes running up and checks to make sure that I am still whole.

Valret: "I am glad to see that you survived Lothran. I'm sorry we could not do more to help you."

Me: "I did not ask you to help me. A soldier must know his limitations and a leader, the limitations of those around him. Is everyone here."

Valret: "Yes we are all here no one was left behind, and no one was seriously injured."

Me: "Good work Valret I also like your decision making and good work to everyone for surviving that. There is no shame in running from a situation where there was no reason to fight. Survival is one of the most important parts of being a soldier if you can live to fight another day then do so as long it does don't cause the downfall of another."

Seeing all their faces light up from my prise was oddly fulfilling. This must be what it feels like to be a parent. Mabey one day I will.

Me: "Alright that is it for today make sure to take the extra food we gathered today to Franz to preserve whilst you can take your cut for your family. Meet here again tomorrow morning."

All: "Thank you, Sir."

As they all walk away, I start to feel like a teacher. Never been called sir before. Feels good to have respect from people, I never really had it at my job as I was the only worker in that department before I was fired as the department got closed. It feels good. Getting side-tracked this life will be better, more fulfilling and will be under my control. My life.

Heading back home with some of the prey that Rex and Freya caught during the hunt I went home and had a filling dinner after an intense day. I go to bed which is a nice double bed with enough space for everyone to fit on and to snuggle together.

Get up, have breakfast and head for the main gate again to continue the training.

Arriving at the gate I can see that Valret is there along with 10 of the guard squad. While the others are trickling in I decide on the plan for the day.

The squads are all going to hunt again whilst I practice a mix between the class and my throwing skill and see if I can level up the Enhanced sense skills as well as that is close to ranking up. It will be interesting to see if they evolve and what I can choose, or do they just simply improve. After lunch, we will again head into the mountains to search for iron and caves.

After waiting for a few more moments, I can see that the rest of the guards have trickled in, and everyone is here so we head out.

Picking a different spot on the river to explore more of the forest the teams head out for the hunt. Rex and Freya also head out whilst I train myself.

I want to start today with advancing my Basic Enhanced Senses as I think I know how to evolve them. I think I just need to work it a bit more to level it up and so I do what any normal person would do which is to go around everywhere smelling it, touching it, tasting it, looking at it and hearing if it makes any sound. Nothing creepy or odd is at work here.

Doesn't take too long to get an announcement.

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Enhanced Senses 4/5 -> 5/5 ]

[Skill has ranked up please chose new Skill.]

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 0/15)

The greater level of Basic Enhanced Senses providing further ability to use all the scenes.

Looks like for now there is only one skill to choose but, in the future, this skill is probably going to become one of the best. So, I chose the Enhanced Senses.

[Skill Basic Enhanced Senses Rank 1 has ranked up into Enhanced Senses Rank 2]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

Looking at my stats I see that I have 8 free stat points.

> STR 24 -> 27 & VIT 15 -> 17 & AGI 26 -> 29.

I kind of feel like I should be putting more points in the other stats, It doesn't feel quite right for those to be so low. But I am not using them now, and I am still unsure what WILL does. I am not that high of a level yet though so there is still time to correct, if need be, I think it is ok for now. This might come back to bite me in the ass. Hope not but sorry future me passed me might be messing up. Sorry.