Operation three prong part 2. [Day 13]

With an early start to the day, we set off again towards Liko village. We should arrive at the village by the evening.

Like the same as yesterday, we encounter the occasional monsters but nothing giving big EXP. But after a long walk, we arrive at the outskirts of the village.

The village and a large part of the surrounding area is an open field with little trees around and tall grass around to around half my height. It is also right next to another river but this one is a lot larger than the river next to our village. I would say from this side to the other side of the river is the length of a truck.

The village has a wooden wall that is better kept than our one when we took it from the bandits. From here I can't see the houses or the layout of the village. For this battle, the layout of the village could be very important.

Me: "Liko how did you get out of the village before when you came to meet the rest of us. I need a way inside so that I can see the layout of the village."

Liko: "There is a small gape in the wall behind my house that is small enough to not get noticed and allows me to escape. I can lead you there."

I quickly take off my sword and give it to Rex and Freya as they can't enter the village as they might get spotted and I don't want to leave them in Likos house just in case.

The gap in the wall is a loose piece of wood that she can move out the way and then crawl underneath to get inside. So, I get down to the ground to crawl and enter the village.

Me: "Alright Liko show me where all the bandits are."

Liko leads me first to the main gate which is like our gate, just a wooden door with a cross beam that you put across it to lock the door. There are then three guards watching the door. One on a guard tower that is above the door, and you climb a ladder to reach it. The other two are then sitting on chairs under a covering built into the wall.

With the entire village being in a large open area with little trees they have a very good advantage to see anything coming towards them.

Me: "Take me to the other guards."

Liko takes me to two more guard towers that all have someone in them. All three guard towers are placed in a triangle around the entire village creating a good field of vision around the village.

Me: "What are the guard like, do they do their jobs and such."

Liko: "They are always attentive as they don't want to be in trouble with the main boss bandit so it would be difficult to do anything without beings spotted."

Looking at the towers closely I can also see that sometimes the guards will look into the village. They seem to keep a 360-degree lookout.

Me: "Lead me to the boss."

At the centre of the village is again the main bandit's house, however, this house is different from the one that I now live in. Instead of a two-story house, it is just a single-story house.

Me: "Where do the other bandits live."

Liko: "They have their own houses dotted around the village, but I know where they are so when we attack my friends and I know which places to attack."

Looking at the layout I can see that the main house has a path directly to the gate.

Me: "How many friends do you have attacking the other bandits."

Liko: "We have around 13 of us."

Me: "How quickly can you take out each bandit in each of the houses?"

Liko: "If we can sneak into the houses, we can kill them quickly as long as we are not spotted."

Me: "Do you know how fast of a response the bandits give when a warning is given and how is the warning given?"

Liko: "That last response was a wolf attack on the village some weeks ago. They respond by either sending a runner to the main boss or somehow getting their attention."

Looking around the village I can see that the houses, which are of bad quality, are evenly spaced from one another with plenty of room between them so no space for hiding and sneak attacks.

They have a good defence for the entire village, but they can all be beaten the main problem is the main bandits. I somehow must drag them away from the fight or at least keep them away from the other bandits.

Or I can make them think that everything is in their favour and have them attack me.

Me: "Real quick Liko how well do you think the main boss knows the other bandits and how often do they interact with them."

Liko: "Not very well, from what I have heard she treats them poorly and only ever communicates with them if they fail her."

Me: "Perfect then. I have just the strategy to work. The plan is going to start tonight and run into tomorrow."

Liko: "We are already starting but are we ready."

Me: "Definitely, I need you to get a message to all of your friends. Tonight, once everyone else in the village has gone to sleep your friends are going to attack the outer bandits in the dead of night. Once they are all dead, I want your friends to pretend to be the guards and follow their routines tomorrow."

Liko: "Ok I understand the killing part but why the pretending to be the guard part."

Me: "Because tomorrow I am then going to create a scene outside the village which will draw the main bandits towards us and when they are focusing on me, we will all attack them. The main part of your group will be to keep the other two busy whilst I attack the main boss and take her out. Once she is done, I can take out the other two if you have not already or Rex and Freya have not."

Liko: "But the main bandits are much stronger than us they will kill us."

Me: "Don't worry all you need to do is delay them, just keep covering each other and say far away enough from them and they won't be able to harm you. You can leave the actual killing to me. If everyone follows the plan everyone should be fine, and the bandits will be taken out."

She waits and seems to contemplate if this can work.

Liko: "Ok, I will get the message out. Um, would it be fine if you stayed in the village when we take out the other bandits just in case something goes wrong, and we need help?"

Me: "That is what I planned to do anyway, you can never be too careful, but I have faith in you guys you will be fine, you are fighting for your villages freedom."

After getting back to Likos house I then head back outside using the gap in the wall to get back to Rex and Freya. Reaching them I can see that they are snuggled up together and are resting but are still alert as their ears are perked up. I can also see that my sword is buried beneath all of their fluff.

Waking them up by letting them hear me and smell me I put my sword back on and we head back into the village and Liko's house. There she tells me that she has sent out the message and that it will be passed on between her friends.

With the message sent we just need to wait the night and by morning everything will be prepared for the main attack tomorrow.