Operation three prong part 3. [Day 13]

It had just gone dark when the operation to attack the guards began. Liko and her friends, all went to their guards that they were going to attack.

It would be boring to wait at the house, so I decide to go with Liko and some of her friends towards the gate to attack the three that are there. The rest would spit to attack the two other guard towers and then the five other guard's houses around the village.

To get around the village we were using moonlight and with the help of our Enhanced Senses, we could see in the dark. I also had to leave behind Rex and Freya in the house as we don't need them for this.

We stop a few houses away from the gate with have good visibility of the guards.

Liko: "I can see that there are the three guards at the gate. Still the same as before one in the tower and two at the doors. Silja and Noemi you two will distract the guards at the door whilst I will then take out the guard tower."

Silja and Noemi are twins who are browned furred, black-eyed female Kabalt who have well filled out bodies and a spring in their step.

Silja: "They won't know what hit them babs."

Not intruding on their plan, I stay and watch from afar.

Silja and Noemi walk arm in arm down the path towards the two guards at the gate whilst I see Liko disappear behind some houses presumably to make her way around to the base of the guard tower.

The guards spot them and seem to tell them to stop and raises his hand. But the twins don't. They continue walking but with more of a swing in the hips and seem to reply to the guard and whatever they said worked as he lowers his hand.

They both walk up to the guards and start messing around with them. Placing of a hand around the arms and chest. The brushing of fur around their body. Getting close to them and whispering in their ears I struggle to see them and have to strain my eyes to be able to see them.

[Skill has levelled up: Enhanced Senses 0/15 -> 1/15 ]

That seems to have helped I can see them a little better now. Also, skills seem to be taking longer to level up. Makes sense as they get to higher levels, they need more practice and such to level up.

Anyway, getting distracted.

Whilst Silja and Noemi are distracting the guard I look towards the guard tower to see that Liko is approaching it.

She gets and running start and jumps onto the wooden beams that are holding it up. Using her nails as claws she can get a better grip and swing herself up onto the beam. On top of the beam, she then walks along with it and reaches the beam that connects the bottom beam to the beam above that runs along at an angle towards it.

She lays herself on the beam and pushes herself upwards using her arms to hold herself and her legs to push herself upwards.

She is very agile as she is doing it all fluidly and quietly as well to not get noticed by any of the guards.

She continues to climb up the tower before reaching just below where the guard is which is a small hut with a wall just covering his leg and a gap for the ladder. Liko is currently on the left wall from the ladder with the guard currently opposite the ladder looking out the village into the field.

With amazing agility, she swings her leg from under her as she is hanging and lifts them so that they hook onto the small wall surrounding the hut. Then using her arms and legs she pulls the rest of her body up and into the hut behind the guard.

I can't see amazingly well form here but I assume that she used one of her knives to kill the guard at the top. She then approaches the edge of the wall over where the other two guards are and then throws what looks to be a rock away from her and at the wall.

It hits the wall and creates a thunk noise which draws the attention of the two guards.

Whilst they look away Silja and Noemi both draw daggers from somewhere on their bodies and stab both guards before they can react.

Quite the show they have given me. An effective and simple way of getting the job done. Distraction, strike, finish. If I can get good enough terms with Liko I could help her create a spy network or something. Thought for later maybe.

Seeing that they are done I head over to them.

Me: "That was quite impressive work."

Liko drops down from the guard tower next to me.

Liko: "It was ok."

Me: "As a person who has seen a lot of the darker side of what lengths people will go to get what they want I can say that was very skilled."

Silja: "Thanks for the compliment baby, want a hands-on experience."

Me: "No thanks I got plenty of a view from where I was before."

Liko: "Silja stop that, we need to check in with everyone else."

Silja: "Oh, baby you know the only one I truly love is you and Noemi."

Liko cheeks seem to go a bit read and she fiddles with her fingers for a moment.

Liko: "Come on let's head back."

As we walk back, I fall next to Noemi.

Me: "Where did you guys get your skills from and what is the deal with you three."

Noemi: "Nothing massive just Liko helped us when Silja and I were struggling a bit for money. We then all helped each other out whenever we needed help and sort of creating a group. We would then work together to con the bandits out of goods that we need."

Me: "It's always good to have close friends like that. Don't ever lose them"

Noemi looks at me for a moment before speaking.

Noemi: "I won't."

We get back to the house and are greeted by Rex and Freya who are happy to smell the new people in the house.

Liko: "We should get word from the others if they were successful."

And so, we waited for what we wanted and needed to be good news.