Operation three prong part 4. [Day 13]

The wait was not long before we got a message from the others saying that it was a success. There were a couple of injuries as some of the guards did get alerted, but they were overpowered and then killed so the cover was still intact.

I also assume that the guards were taken out the same way that ours were.

Liko then told the messenger to run back and tell everyone to get some deserved rest except for the people who are designated as the guards as they need to get into position so that we don't get spotted before the rest of the mission can begin.

Once the messenger was gone, Liko also sent on Silja and Noemi to go back home and I was given the spare room in Liko's house.

I was woken early the next day by Liko telling me that breakfast is ready and that she wants to go over what the plan is today again.

Liko: "All right we have dealt with the other bandits what was your plan again."

Me: "I planned for your fake guards to pretend that something is attacking the village, or we can have Rex and Freya pretend to be wolves attacking the village. You will pretend that it is serious and call for the bandit's help and will draw them outside the village. Once outside everyone will attack. I will take on the main boss whilst the rest of you including Rex and Freya distract the other two guards long enough for me to kill her. Once she is dealt with, I can help take out the other two."

Liko: "We just have to hold them off and not get close to them and work together to make sure that no one dies. Yes, you said that before. Ok, I think that this can work. When are going to do this now?"

Me: "No the best time is as everyone is going to bed as they will be tired and will give us an advantage."

Liko: "Ok your plan seems to have worked so far. If this works, my village and I will be indebted to you."

Me: "Think nothing of it just trying to help and creating some meaningful connections with the other villages around me."

I then had the rest of the day to wait for the main attack, so I had a quick look at my stats and see that I have 10 unused stats.

> STR: 27 -> 31 & VIT: 17 -> 19 & AGI: 29 -> 33

Making my stats look like this.

Name: Lothran

Race: Kabalt

Sex: Male

Rank: F -> F+

Class: Great Sword Apprentice Warrior (Rank 1: 1/5 -> 2/5)

Level: 9/15 -> 12/15

Health: 47/47

Stamina: 66/66

Mana: 18/18

STR: 27 -> 31

VIT: 17 -> 19

AGI: 29 -> 33

INT: 6


Unassigned Stat Points: 0 -> 10 -> 0

Magic skills:

> None

Weapon skills:

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 1: 3/5)

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 1: 3/5)

> Basic Weapon Throwing (Rank 1: 3/5 -> 4/5)

Personal skills:

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 0/15 -> 1/15)


> flint dagger (Basic), Iron dagger (Common), Horn (Basic), Backpack (Common), Shirt (Common), Trousers (Common), Iron Forged Great Sword (Uncommon), Great Sword Scabbard (Uncommon) with wet stone, linin cloth, scouring pad,


Magic core rank E-

With some spare time, I again practice my weapon skills just trying to level them up so that I can use my weapon skill advantage against the boss.

It was getting later in the evening and closer to the time we were going to fight the boss and I had not levelled anything up yet. But I still had a bit more time.

Liko: "Lothran it is nearly time."

Me: "Coming just a sec."

Just one more movement, I can feel it.

[Skill has levelled up: Great Sword weapon control 3/5 -> 4/5]

Just the one skill it seems. This will have to do. Just got to have confidence in my skills and that I can beat her. I hope.

Exiting my room and entering the living room I can see that Liko, Silja and Noemi are in the room.

When I enter Silja give a friendly wave and a blown kiss whilst Noemi is messing around with a knife and tapping her foot. Looks like I am not the only one worried.

Liko: "You finally ready Lothran."

Me: "As I will ever be."

With that, we exit the house with everyone. I decided earlier that we will use the wolves as they can make a large sound and make the bait more convincing.

Everyone who is not part of the pretend guards is heading out the village gate and towards the open area around the village. We plan to use the tall grass around the village to hide the rest of us for the front and side attacks whilst the pretend guards will be the rear and frontal attacks.

Walking past the gate I can see that Liko gives a nod to the "guard" at the gate. They will just have to wait for the wolf to howl and then send a runner towards the main bandits asking for help.

Once in the field, everyone crouches down on either side of the gate, creating a tunnel of people. With the tall grass, everyone is completely hidden in the grass. That is awesome and kind of spooky.

In my spot, I have Rex and Freya next to me waiting for me to give the signal for them to howl.

Close by is also Noemi who I can see is fiddling with her knife again.

Me: "You don't need to be so worried."

Noemi: "I can't help it I don't want Silja or Liko to get hurt. What if I can't help them at the moment?"

Me: "Worrying about it won't change it, in fact, it might make you miss it. Have faith that future you can do it and that Silja and Liko can defend themselves."

Noemi: "But I am still scared for them."

Me: "There is nothing wrong with being scared, if you weren't scared then I would be concerned that something is wrong with you. Being scared just means that you know that something dangerous is happening and that will keep you alert for it. Just use it to make sure that everyone makes it out ok."

Noemi: "I don't know how well that will work."

Me: "Just go with what the gut. It has always worked for me."

Noemi: "Please don't fail me my gut."

Me: "There you go. Now we just need to give the signal and the fight begins."

Noemi: "I can't wait." She says sarcastically.