Operation three prong part 5. [Day 14]

Once everyone was in position I whisper to Rex and Freya to howl. Showing their advanced intelligence, they understand what I said and start to howl to each other.


Both their loud howls echo into the dark night sky. From here I can see the guard at the top of the tower is reacting and talking with the guys at the gate. I am assuming that they are acting it out to make it more believable to the village and more importantly the bandits when they arrive.

Rex and Freya continue to howl which also causes some of the villagers to start to move around in the village asking what is happening. The wind is currently in my direction so is carrying the sound well so I can hear them.

It doesn't take long before I can hear the voices of women given commands to the others inside the village.

???: "Hurry the fuck up and get the rest out here before I wipe you all."

???: "Sorry boss, they should be on their way now."

???: "I don't want to look at your ugly face anymore, leave. You are irritating me. God, I just want to go to bed why can't you useless bastards deal with this yourself?"

It then goes quiet for a while before I can hear running footsteps and then she speaks again.

???: "Finally, what took you useless bastards so long to get here. Don't respond to that I don't care, nor do I want to know. You are already irritating me."

Ironic that you are calling them irritating when you are so irritating, I want to facepalm, but I won't because it will probably cause too loud of a noise. It always seems that power brings out the worst people in the world. God, she is annoying.

???: "When I tell you, all of you run out and distract the wolves whilst Lacha, Vikhi and I will take out the wolves seeing how the rest of you are all useless cannon fodder."

Wow. She is a right old dickhead. If I was not taking her out, she would have been in the further. Sort of like those people who have a punchable face. Someone would have eventually pushed them.

The gate suddenly opens, and I can see the ten "guards" rush out to attack the wolves. Behind them, I can see the three bandit's boss. I can now also finally identify them.

[Race: Gilla, Sex: Female, Rank: E-]

Evolved from Kabalt and developing more towards the feline strand of monster. Though smaller in stature they make up for it is speed, flexibility, and dexterity.

The three of them have the same rank and form a triangle with the boss in the font, leading the charge of the three bandits.

With the guards running forward the other bandits follow behind them allowing us to draw them out into the open area.

Once they are a fair distance away from the gate that is when we commence the attack.

We want to keep the element of surprise and use the darkness to our advantage to cause further confusion with the bandits.

So once the group of ten guards at the front was far enough away and the three bandits were with them everyone attacked.

Because we did not have a signal for the font guards, they had to wait for us to attack, then they would know it was happening so could react.

Our group then rushed out of the grass and attacked from the sides whilst some of the extra people from Liko's group came from inside the village attacked at the rear. Fully encasing the bandits.

With the attack on I quickly rush out of the grass heading straight for my target whilst Rex and Freya help the others. With the darkness and the confusion of what is going on I quickly reach her.

I do have to give credit where it is due as she seems to react quickly but not quite quick enough. She just moves out the way to stop a fatal killing strike but not an injury. Slashing my sword, I was going straight for the head, but she moves her head to the side, causing me to strike across her right torso.

???: "You bitch." She screeches as she then jumps away from me.

Whilst moving she then tries to desperately whip me but does it clumsily as she is moving and in a bit of a panic.

I can easily dodge out the way of the tip of the whip and go under it running towards her again. I want to finish this as quick as I can so I can help the others.

With my blade down at my side due to my strike before and to help move faster I swing up striking from low to high.

With quick and amazing flexibility, she spins and bends her back to doge the blade, like she is a liquid and melts around the blade, so I can't quite reach her.

I keep up the attack on her but the longer I go the more she seems to get better at dodging. God this must have been how the Barbaric Kabalt felt when we were fighting back home.

I keep attacking she keeps dodging and creating distance so that she has enough time and space to move her whip. I keep moving as her whip keeps cracking around me like gunshots. She does get to occasional hits in creating light nicks and cuts when I move a little too late or slowly. She has good agility and dexterity, but I think she goes more for the death by a thousand cuts.

But I am getting a range of her attacks.

The more she doges the more I think that this is not natural, and it must be her magic that is helping her be this flexible and dodging my strikes.

She can't keep it up forever though as she is injured but I also can't keep this up forever as I can feel the blade is getting heavier.

If I can't get a strike, then I need to make her give me one.

Thrusting my sword forward she then slides to the left and back creating space before us like she normally does. I would run towards her next but this time I won't. I stagger my feet and wabble on my feet to make it look like I am tired. With me in her striking range and not attacking she sees the perfect target.

With glee in her eyes, she reels back her whip and flicks her wrist and arm as hard as she can. Perfect. Snaping back up I bring my sword upwards and gauging where her strike goes, I move my sword slightly to the right and move it into the pathway of the whip as it flies. This causes the whip to wrap around my blade creating a rope between us. Using my better strength, I yank her towards me bringing the blade behind me and backwards so that the butt of the blade is facing towards her.

She is easily brought towards me and using her momentum and the speed of my blade I arc the blade sideways towards her head. The slake of the whip allows it to fall off the blade leaving none of the blades covered making sure that my blade has nothing to block the kill shot.

The blade slices cleanly through her neck taking her head off and allowing for a quick finish to the fight.

I might have not gotten the decapitation at the beginning, but I did get it at the end.