And it’s all over. [Day 14]

[You have killed: Race: Gilla, Rank: E-, gained: 150 EXP]

[You levelled up: 12/15 -> 13/15 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

Looking around to the rest of the battles I can see that one of the other bandits was overpowered by the large group of people and the help of Rex who I can now see finish off the bandit.

[Companion: Rex has evolutions available now]

Rex can already evolve. The EXP he must have gained from hunting whilst I was levelling my skills must have paid off then.

Looking at the final bandit I can see that they are still managing to avoid the attack and blocking using her shield, but she seems to be getting weaker and is getting slower.

There is no reason to keep her struggling, so I decide to finish her off. I walk to the group that is surrounding her. Whilst she is defending from an attack, I throw a knife into her back leg causing her to stagger allowing me to quickly attack her stabbing her through the chest.

[You have killed: Race: Gilla, Rank: E-, gained: 139 EXP]

[You levelled up: 13/15 -> 14/15 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

With that, the sneak attack was a success and done correctly. Quickly and effective.

Me: "With that, the bandits are done Liko, glad that I could be of assistance."

Liko: "I will hold my end of the bargain and will offer any assistance we can in the future. You will always have friends here. Also, if you want to come and have dinner with my friends and I as we are going to have a little celebration at my house."

Me: "I will gladly accept; it is always nice to have a good meal after a fight."

Before leaving Liko orders some people to clean up the bodies, take their gear, and take their magic cores.

Liko: "Actually before we have dinner it would be best to check the main house and make sure that there is nothing left there."

Me: "Good thinking."

Liko then guided my group along with Silja and Noemi to the main bandit house. Inside we explored the house, finding the normal rooms of the house and two bedrooms. The first bedroom had a massive bed in it and seems to be the one used by the main boss. Looking around the bedroom we didn't find much except for some spare clothes but oddly enough quite a lot of clothes. Enough for three people. Interesting

In the second bedroom when we open it, we were surprised by the layer of dust that was covering everything from the door to the bed. Seeing how there are only two bedrooms and three people living in the house and only one bedroom used in the house I can assume that they were all very close to each other.

They lived and died the same way then.

Me: "Well I don't think there is going to be anything useful in here."

Liko: "I think that as well."

Me: "So about that meal."

Liko just smiles towards me and leads us back outside the house and to her home. Where we all cook a large dinner of horned rabbit and some stag meat which Liko had hunted whilst I was training my skills during the day.

Liko: "I just thought of something funny we spent time talking about trying to keep the bandits at bay and to keep out their range so that we don't get attacked and yet we basically managed to kill both ourselves. I didn't realise that we can kill them so easily. All this time I had been thinking that they were these untouchable bandits that we could never defeat and yet we killed them all in just a single evening."

Me: "You became too fixated on the fact that they were E- rank and most likely the fact they had magic than on how you could actually defeat them. But it does not matter now as they are defeated, and you can lead the village and prepare better for the demons."

Liko: "Um, right lead the village. I will try my best. Bet Nilahr knew she could defeat her bandits herself, just need to take out the rest. O well to the bettering of the village."

She then picks up her cut and lifts it to the air.

It was quite a lovely evening of drinks and food. Rex and Freya also seemed to enjoy themselves as they got much love from Silja and Noemi who spent a lot of time playing and petting them both.

But eventually, we had to go to bed and wake up to the new day.

New days give rise to new surprises and today was no different as Rex had evolved.

[Race: Falmer, Sex: Male, Rank: E-]

Though there being life was difficult it has made them stronger. Now not only do they have intelligence, strength, and the pack but they also unlock their magic allowing them to have control over their lives.

Looking at Rex I can see that he has gotten larger, to the height of me. His is not that far from the size of a horse. More likely the size of a young horse. Feeling his fur, I can feel that it is thicker and but still soft. And of course, he still has his adorable face.

Exiting my room, I find that everyone else is up and having breakfast.

Me: "Morning Liko, Silja, Noemi."

Everyone: "Morning Lothran."

Liko: "Also Lothran before I forget." She reaches into her pocket and produces three magic cores.

Liko: "This is the cores of the three bandits you killed." She then places them on the table for me to take.

Me: "Thank you for the cores but I will just take the two from the boss and the one Rex killed, you can keep the other as you guys did all the work for that one and I just got the killing blow."

Liko: "I see, thank you then."

I then pick up the two cores and let Liko take the other.

I then sat down for breakfast.

Me: "I think it would be best for me to leave early and get back home early. After this, I think I will head off."

Liko: "If you are sure but you can stay for a long as you need."

Me: "No that is all right but thank you for the offer and the hospitality."

With breakfast done I head for the main gate. As I walk down the street, I can see that many people are exiting their houses with smiles on their faces and a spring in their steps. Looks like everyone has heard the news.

At the gate I get a thank you hug from the three of them and Rex and Freya get head pats and we head on our way back home.