Levelling up. [Day 17]

I had just finished talking to Horst and was decided what to do today when I looked at my stats and saw that I was level 14/15 and I also saw that Freya was level 13/15. We are both incredibly close to evolving so I think for the rest of the day we will level up and evolve.

This will be just for Freya and I so it will just be the two of us. Bit of a bonding experience for us.

We head out into the forest and head to the north towards the river as on the other side is the higher levelled part of the forest. The one with the dark trees and where we first found Eira.

It is still morning, so we have plenty of time to be able to get some levels.

Out in the dark woods, we find a small group of Triple Horned Rabbits of just three of them. Looking around the area I can see that there are no others based upon smell and observing the area.

This is an easy fight with a simple knife throw for one, a mighty Freya chomp for another and a slashing strike for the last finished them off quick.

[You have killed: Race: Triple Horned Rabbits, Rank: F, gained: 60 EXP]

[You have killed: Race: Triple Horned Rabbits, Rank: F-, gained: 58 EXP]

With no Level, we move on. Fighting through the forest we find two lone Eira which gives us some more quick EXP but no level for me. But further in, we find something new that I have not seen before.

[Race: Elder Wolf, Sex: Male, Rank: E+]

Through time and experience, these wolves have evolved to be better than their fellow pack and have managed to evolve into bigger, stronger, and smarter wolves.

They were not lying when they said bigger. That this in big, around the size of a grown horse. Right now, it is sleeping with what are some other wolves inside a dug-out den under a tree. They have not spotted us, so I am getting the f out of here.

Backing away slowly we get out of the line of sight of the den and then get far away from the den as we can, as that is a pack I don't want to mess around with right now. Especial with a Rank E+ leading it.

Even though that was a bad encounter, luckily nothing happened, it was interesting to note how wolves evolved. First is wolf pup, then young wolf, then wolf, then elder wolf. I have a feeling that that can probably continue for a while but moves the question to at what point do you end your evolution. I would assume that there is a limit. I mean you can't keep evolving forever. Something I will have to find out later. For now, we need to get back to our evolution.

With a quick walk and fighting a group of Eira again, I finally got the notification I was waiting for.

[You levelled up: 14/15 -> 15/15 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

[Due to meeting certain conditions Lothran has unlocked new evolutions]

[Evolutions are now available.]

[Please choose your evolution path.]

[Race: Gilla, Sex: M/F, Rank: E-]

Evolved from Kabalt and developing more towards the feline strand of monster. Though smaller in stature they make up for it is speed, flexibility, and dexterity.

[Race: Amux, Sex: M/F, Rank: E-]

Through battle, blood, and death these warriors have become hardened fighters who master their weapon or weapons of choice and continuing their path to become the best and strongest fighters. They are warriors, soldiers, leaders born in blood.

[Race: Amoxler, Sex: M/F, Rank: E-]

Often mistaken for Amux. The Amoxler are not just warriors they are leaders, rulers, kings. They lead their people into battles, build spectacular cities, and create something from little. If they can survive of course.

[Race: Leonin, Sex: M/F, Rank; E-]

Though also from the feline strand of monster these have gone in the other direction becoming large in stature and becoming stronger to pummel opponents rather than slowly kill them.

[Race: Elder Kabalt, Sex: M/F, Rank: E-, EXP:40-55]

Now fully mature having grown to their full height and maturity Elder Kabalt now must continue to grow stronger in skill and if luck is on their side and they so choose it there is still more to find out about their race.

These are all nice choices. Personally, though I can remove out Gilla as I don't think that works for me as through I doge I don't go for the slow kill. I go for the quicker and more instant. I can also remove Amux and Elder Kabalt as it seems that Amoxler is the better version of them for the leader position which is what I seem to be taking.

That then also removes Leonin as even though they seem good, and I imagine that there could be a leader evolution with them I don't want to go for the brute way that they seem to be. Granted I don't think a race could change who you are, but I like the way that I am now.

So, I will pick Amoxler.

[Amoxler chosen: Your evolution will happen when you are asleep.]

My evolution is done but checking Freya I can see that she is 14/15 so we should get her some more EXP.

It doesn't take long to find some more Eira except this time there is five of them. This should be able to get Freya the needed EXP, but they are in a large group time to thin them out.

They are also in a bit of an awkward position as we are still quite far away, but they are in a large open area resting in a moss bed. If we rush out, they will see us and then they will gang up on us which we can deal with it is just annoying.

Screw it let's try a shot from here. Grabbing my knife, I get into position and go for a throw from around 25 meters away. This will be awesome if I can get this.

In the perfect position, I throw my knife and watch as it flies through the sky getting my target. Oh, what a shot.

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Weapon Throwing 4/5 -> 5/5 ]

Looks like the system agrees with me.

With us spotted we rush to attack them quickly with me just blocking them and distracting them more whilst I allow Freya to get the kills and EXP.

After the quick battle, I get another notification.

[Companion: Freya has evolutions available now]

Nice work Freya, I will be honest and say that I am looking forward to Freya's evolution a lot as from her current one it says that her next evolution has a lot of potentials, and I am assuming that it is due to her unlocking her magic. I can't wait to see what she gets.

With our task done it is time to head home to find out if our evolution choices were the correct ones.