Meeting everyone. [Day 22]

After my scouting trip and finding out about the state of Flugl village I returned home to meet up with everyone who should have returned home by now.

It was an easy trip back as it seems that the horned rabbit populous has realised that it was pointless to attack me whenever they saw me and so seem to have come to the unanimous decision to stop attacking me and preserve their lives for another day.

I managed to get back to the village in the early morning where at the gate I asked if the other parties have returned where I was told that they have and that Valret left a message to find him when I got back.

Still remembering where Valret lives I head to his house to get an update on everything that happened with his missions and hopefully the mission of the other guards.

Arriving at his house I can see that the reconstruction of houses is going well seeing how their house has been rebuilt from scratch it seems which is new clean wood, stone base, and new thatched roofing.

I knock on the front door.

Alssa: "Who is it." She says whilst opening the door.

Alssa: "Ah, Lothran you are back, Valret was looking for you he is in the living room, come in."

Me: "Thank you." I say whilst stepping into the house.

I then head towards the living room where I find Valret playing with his brother Arnol.

Me: "Valret."

He then looks up towards me.

Valret: "Ah you are here I got our report on the two missions for you."

He then stands up and walks towards me.

Valret: "I think it would be best if we walk and talk as I will need to show you as well."

That sounds ominous if he needs to show me something.

Valret: "Mom, Lothran and I are heading out, will be back later, love you." He shouts into the kitchen.

Alssa: "Be back for lunch and love you too." She shouts back.

We then exit the house and Valret starts leading me in a direction.

Valret: "The first mission which was mine and was towards Nilahr village went smooth, we turned up to her village where we meet up with two other people who were going to go with Nilahr to take out the main boss. We set up a plan where we attack the main boss and his bandit underlings whilst they were having a feat in their house. Whilst they were distracted by the feast, we attacked them and caught them by surprise. Nilahr managed to take out the boss easily and then the rest of us cleared up his underlings fine."

Me: "Good work, how were the guards' squads."

Valret: "We kept to our teams and help we each other out. Though it was not perfect as people still got injured and hurt and the teamwork was not perfect as there were some close shaves after people bumped into each other. I also felt that they were a bit off, not quite sure, I thought it might be due to this being the first time that they were attacking people, but I am not sure."

Me: "You can't help people with their first kill, all people will act differently to it. You can however help them with their training and help them along the way."

Valret: "If you don't mind me asking what your first kill was like."

I can see that he is genuinely curious, he must be wondering how I got over it.

Me: "It was around a month after I had been kicked out of my house after my parents died. I had nothing and only a low paying job and was staying at a homeless shelter. One of the other homeless guys was a major drug user, don't know what he was on but one day he had a bad trip and started attacking people and going off. Whilst I was trying to get away, he started going after me swing like crazy. I just defended myself and punched him back which knocked him out making him fall and hit his head on the floor. I didn't realise it at the time as I just wanted to get away from him but when his head hit the floor, he cracked his skull and caused bleeding and with no one to help him he died. I only found out a couple of days later what happened."

Valret: "What happened after, um, how did you get over it."

Me: "After I was lucky that nothing happened, they just cremated him, and I was let off due to him being high and I was defending myself. For a while, after I was a bit shaken up, but I realised that everything dies so just live life now, thank your past for making you the person you are now and love it. There is no point in hating yourself because if you do then who will love you. But for yourself Valret it is important that you come to your own decision about it and not following mine, come to your conclusion about it as it will be stronger than a borrowed idea from someone else."

He then seems to go quiet for a while.

Me: "Can you tell me about the second mission."

Valret: "Right, well I think it would be better to show you."

Valret has been leading me towards a small house with a small front garden. Entering inside I can see it is a large open room with beds around and people in them resting.

Valret: "This is our health hut. It was the only place not touched by the bandits as even they needed help if they got seriously injured. When they did, they would come here as everything else can be taken care of by the body, your magic and eating but serious stuff needs extra help like these special herbs and stuff. I don't know a massive amount, but Ila knows more. She looks to be out for now. But the reason that I brought you here is that most of the guards from the second mission are here."

Looks like I was correct that him showing me something would be ominous.

Valret: "Even though the second mission was a success most of them were injured, five were seriously injured out of the 15 and the rest had some sort of injury. None of them are going to die and they didn't lose limbs through it was close, but they will still take a while to recover."

Me: "I feel like this is my fault, Alright once they get into better health, I want to meet back up with all the guards again. The only way to make sure this doesn't happen again is to make sure we get better."

Looks like I am going to bring my plan for military training sooner than I thought.