What do I spy here. [Day 19]

It was getting dark soon and most of the villagers are finally heading back into the village with their guards. With it being so late and nothing else to do I find a quiet location to camp out and find out more about the village in the morning.

I get up early the next day to see if I can get a better look at the village. It seems that there is still the guards in the tower, but they look to be the same people from last night as they still have the same individual clothes on as they all seem to wear something different.

This means that they are tired, so with just myself, I should be able to sneak up closer to the village. Leaving Rex and Freya at the camp spot I head to the edge of the forest and enter the field which goes to the village. I then get low to the ground and crawl my way to the village. The ground is quite dry, so it is easy to crawl through.

It doesn't take me long to crawl up to the village and get to the wall. Now in the blind spots of the guards as the village is circular, I can go around the entire wall. Unlucky for me I go around the entire thing and find no gaps or anything in the entire wall. It is also built quite sturdily so even though I could create a hole in the wall it might create a bit of noise, or someone will spot the hole.

During this time the villagers are woken up by the guards as I can hear the guards calling out all the houses telling people to get up. I can't see anything but all I can hear is what I assume are the guards talking as they are giving order and no one else. This is really starting to look like a prison and not a village. Or it could be a prison camp rather than a village, with the bandits running the place and the villagers the prisoners. Still doesn't quite explain how Flugl is involved as I still don't trust him, he just seems so fishy.

I don't think that I will be able to get into the village so there is no point sticking around here so I head back to the campsite to head for home.

Whilst I am packing up the camp, I can hear s group of footsteps heading towards the woods and me.

Me: "*whistle* Rex, Freya, come." I call out to Rex and Freya who are napping at the side of the camp. We then quickly cover the camp by knocking over the burned stick from the fire rubbing them into the ground to mush them into the ground and then move away from the camp.

The sound of the people doesn't seem to be coming towards me so it looks like they weren't after us, but they have piqued my curiosity about what they are doing.

I head towards the direction that the sound is coming from and find a group of 30 people. 10 are guards and the rest of them are villagers based upon the guards having weapons and surrounding the group of people. The villagers have no weapons and are keeping to themselves and are mostly quiet.

I stay a bit of a distance away to not get spotted and so they don't catch my smell.

They seem to be heading further from the village and then stop in what seems to be a random spot. One of the guards then drops a sack that he is carrying and opens it revealing that there is some meat inside. The guards then give the villagers some random weapons from crappy rusty knives to wooden clubs.

The guards then leave the villagers next to the meat and then head a small distance away from them.

Even from where I am standing, I can smell the meat so they must be using it as bait to draw in monsters for the villagers to kill.

I move a bit closer to the guards as I can see that they are messing around and doing nothing.

???: "Think any are going to die today."

???: "Probably but fucked if I care. What is through is what Flugl told us, we need to be on the lookout for anyone in the forest. He said that they should be in a large group and that they are the ones who are going to help us take control of the village."

???: "Why the fuck do we need some strangers to help us, we can do it ourselves."

???: "Why do it ourselves when we can have someone else do it, also less of a chance for us to be killed, just let other people do it. A bit like those villagers over there we could easily kill the monsters but why do that when we can get someone else to do it for us."

???: "I guess that makes more sense."

So somehow Flugl is involved with these guards, doesn't matter how he is but now I know what he wants. Using us to kill the current power in the village and can then put himself in control. A bit like a puppet master.

???: "If these people coming to help us are going to be weakened in the attack, couldn't we then attack them and take over their village, we could get more villagers for ourselves."

???: "Probably, I imagine that Flugl has something planned knowing him but he doesn't tell people like me much just what I need to know which is fine by me I don't want to know the rest of the plan, way out of my league."

???: "More villagers to use would be fun. Let's wait and hope then."

So, he could have even more planned for the village, than what a cheeky sod. Granted it is not definite but if I was him and in his position that is what I would do as there is a good opportunity to expand.

Looks like I will have to be more careful with Flugl and plan out a tactic to catch him. To catch the mouse, you must lay the cheese.