Scouting trip. [Day 18]

I test out my fire magic again by creating another fire on my hand, this time through I try and move it around my hand to see if I can move it to the tips of my finger or move it around on my palm.

I then imagine the flames move to my finger and it crawls up my hand to my finger. I then go to move it down to my palm again when it goes out. When it does, I feel slight exhaustion but more like I just did a small jog kind of exhausted. Looking at my stats I can see that I have 0/48 on my mana.

It seems that mana runs out quickly as I only did two short and small spells. I will have to test that out later.

Me: "Let's head back. REX, FREYA COME." I call out to Rex and Freya who have run off into the field to mess around in, playing on the stumps of the trees that have been cut down.

Heading back home I was thinking about the next plans for the village when I realise that after everyone gets back, I was planning to all head to Flugl village as I did not trust his agreement. But I don't know where his village is.

I forgot to ask him exactly where his village is. I know that it is to the southwest and that it is two days away but that is a large direction and that won't be accurate.

I need to find a way to his village and then scout out the village to see what I will be walking into.

Guess we are going to the trusty tracking with smell. I should be able to get some form of smell from his room. He did stay in the room most of the time that he was in the village.

In the home, I head straight upstairs and to the spare rooms and head for the room that Flugl used. When I enter the room, I can't smell anything in the room, but I should be able to get something from the bed.

Rex and Freya are still with me and we all head towards the bed and the closer we get the more of a smell we get. It smells a bit like sweaty armpits but not massively strong just a small amount and a bit of engine oil. Very odd smell but I don't care as it should be able to lead us to where we need to go.

Although I can see that Rex and Freya don't seem to like it as they gaged a bit at the smell. I suppose I am more accustomed to bad smells.

It has not rained since everyone left the village so we should be able to follow the trail with three advanced noses.

First before leaving I grab my backpack which still has some spare clothes and provisions that I used on the way to Liko village. With that, we are now ready to head on our way.

Me: "Rex, Freya lead the way."

We head out of the village where I tell the guards at the gate that I am doing a quick trip and will be back in around four days just enough time for everyone to have returned.

To follow the trail that Flugl has left we have to follow the smell that is left behind when we walk. This will come from things the fall off him when he walks like oil from the skin, dead skin, hair. We can then pick up these smells but sniffing the ground and following where they lead.

Oddly it doesn't seem to lead to the southwest of the village but just the west of the village. Following the trail, he seems to head to the woods and then stays there for a while. There is quite a large smell next to one of the trees, first I thought it might have been because he went to the toilet here, but it is giving off his body odour smell and not excrement or urine.

Was he looking at the village from the outside? The west side of the village is also where the new housing expansion is happening and could be considered the weakest side of the village. Or he was watching the village seeing what we were doing and why construction was happening to the west. Either way looks suspicious to me.

After looking around a bit we eventually find that he heads off again and this time to the southwest. I know this as the gate to the village points to the north which I was told by the villagers.

We follow his trail for the rest of the day and the next day eventually arriving at his village late in the evening of day 19. On the way here there was not much different from what is around our village just the same animals.

More to the point is Flugl village. First, the wall around the village looks to be in impeccable shape. Not rotting or falling apart, and no holes in the wall. I can also see guard towers around the village quite often with people manning them keeping a constant watch. The surrounding village area is farmland which seems to have people working them with a small amount of crop growing and even though it is late in the day they are still working.

It is quite odd that they have not left yet, I would have thought that they would get most of their work done earlier in the day. Looking at the people working the farm, they seem to be a bit on the skinny side and seem to walk around a bit sluggish. There also seems to be a mix between Kobolt and Kabalt.

The guards also seem to be monitoring the farmers and I can also see that people are patrolling the farmers and the guards in the towers are watching them. This seems less like a village and more like a prison. Except for a dictatorship prison and the prisoners looks to be fed the bare minimum.

A very interesting prison-. Sorry. Village to be sure you have here Flugl.