Preparations for the demon attack. [Day 22]

Although I can't directly help Flugl village before the demon attack, I can still help them indirectly.

Me: "We can do one thing though to help the villagers in Flugl village. I want you to get a message to the people of the village, you could do it when they are on a hunting trip as the guards don't seem to pay any attention to them. Give them a message saying that if the village is to fall or they managed to escape the prison they can come to our village, and we will accept them in and give them a home."

Valret: "I will see what I can do. But for now, I need to head back home for lunch. I will see you later then."

Me: "See you later."

After a quick lunch, I head towards Horst house as I want to see his progress.

At his blacksmith, his apprentices and himself are on a lunch break sitting inside next to the fire as today was a bit chilly.

Horst: "Lothran, you have joined us again."

Me: "Yep want to see the progress you have been making."

Horst: "Well we have managed to make around ten swords so far, but I still have not ranked up. Although I did manage to get some tips that the other blacksmiths in the other villages use for crafting so we will have to see if that can help me."

Me: "I believe that you can advance it will just take time, but I believe that you can pull through for us. Apart from that, I want some help with something else. Do you know if we have a carpenter in the village?"

Horst: "We do, they mainly work under Walfried with the helping of the construction of the village, but we work together most of the time as sometimes I need things crafted."

Me: "Could you ask them to craft me something, I need 25 wooden swords, 10 bows and as many arrows as you can make."

Horst: "We can do that, but why wooden swords."

Me: "I am going to use them to train the guards and then the bow and arrows will be used for the defence of the village during the demon attack."

Horst: "I will set one of the apprentices on it then."

Me: "Also how is the iron mining going?"

Horst: "It is working smoothly we get daily supplies of iron."

Me: "See if you can do a large increase in it for the rest of this month as, during the demon attacks, we might not be able to get outside the village for more supplies so it would be best to create a stockpile."

Horst: "Already ahead of you. Started taking a small amount of the iron that we get daily and saving it in the back."

Me: "Then it looks like my work here is done. Once the swords and bows are done send them to my house."

I was making my way back to my house when I see Valret running towards me.

Valret: "There are, hu hu hu, people at the hu, gate."

Me: "What?"

He takes a moment to catch his breath before speaking.

Valret: "There are people at the gate who say that they came from Valeg village and are wanting to talk to you."

Crap, it looks like Valeg is wanting revenge. Great.

Me: "Let's go then."

We sprint for the main gate where on the other side I can hear lots of speaking and chatting.

Valret leads me up the tower so that we can see onto the other side.

Once my head reaches the top of the ladder, and I can see over the edge of the wall I can see a large gathering of people. I do mean large there looks to be about 70 to 90 people here. What the hell Valeg, did you bring your entire village here to attack.

From below one of the people at the front spots me and call up towards us.

???: "Excuse me Valret, is this man Lothran, the leader of this village."

Valret: "That rights Leon, you can now ask him what you wanted."

Leon: "We are incredibly sorry to ask you this, but can you please take us in we have nowhere else to go."

This is the first time that I have been stumped.

Me: "Let's go back a bit. First, you're all from Valeg village, right?"

Leon: "Yes we are."

Me: "What happened to the village then."

Leon: "Well it all started well. Valeg came back from the village meeting saying that he will take care of the bandits by himself. We were worried that he would not be able to do it, so we managed to convince him to go back to the other villages and ask for help. But during the night he went and attacked all the bandits. By some miracle during the night, he managed to kill the bandit boss."

Me: "You said that they started well? This sounds fine to me."

Leon: "Yes as this is where it started to go down. With the bandit boss dead, the other bandits just started to follow Valeg as the new boss and he loved it so to celebrate it all he had a massive feast. As most of us had not realised what he had done we could not stop it and he used all the food reserves we had saved up for the demon attack in his feast."

How am I somehow not surprised that is what he did.

Leon: "It was in the morning we found out what he had done, and we were happy that the bandits were gone but annoyed what Valeg had done. But it was not the worst as we could get the entire village to go out hunting again to gather food, so it was not the worst. The problem was that Valeg did not like the condition that the village was in. He said that it was not fit for a king like him. So, he and his new friends went around knocking down old houses and the old wall telling people to rebuild them and to make them look better for him."

Me: "So now you had no food, housing or defences left."

Leon: "Yep, we tried to reason with him to stop all of this, but his new friends just kept on egging him on making him get worst and worst. With much of the village practically useless now we thought about other options to our problem. That was when one of us remember his talks of the village meeting and that there are other villages in the area and that he said that your village was the only current one not being controlled by the bandits. During the night we left the village and made our way over here."

How am I also not surprised that Valeg did not notice his entire village leave.

Me: "Alright I understand, I can accept you into the village but once you do you are a part of the village meaning you help the village and prepare for the demon attack with us."

Leon: "You are accepting us just like that."

Me: "Yep, I also have some housing be set up just in case this happened. It is not done but if you all work together and help it should be done quickly."

With the threat on people lives approving if people did not have a safe location to hold out in then they would seek it out. With more people in the village, it also helps my goals of what this place could become. It also feels nice to help other people out for once, like what I never got when I needed it.