Moving people in. [Day 22]

Opening the gate for the villagers I then lead them through the village towards the west where we had built the new houses.

On the way, I made sure for someone to notify Alssa as I wanted to make sure that the new villagers knew her so that if problems arise, they can go to someone for help as sometimes new people don't want to talk to the boss. They feel like they are just disturbing them which is not want I want so I will just have a person that they can see as not the leader but can talk to for help.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the west side of the village. Here I can see that there is just the old wall but there is a gap into where I can see that houses are being built on the other side.

Going through the gap I can see that there is a new wall being built around a large open area. Inside this area are houses which have been built and some which just look like the foundation to it.

Turning around I found Leon and Alssa talking to one another. I can see that Alssa is taking this seriously.

Me: "Leon, this is the new housing area there should be plenty of space for your group here. Granted not all the houses are finished but I can see that some of you have tents so for now you can camp and help build your houses."

Leon: "This is more than enough for us thank you. We cannot thank you enough and will work hard to pay you back."

Me: "You don't need to pay me back I just want you to work for the betterment of the village, our village now. If you have any problems don't be afraid to speak to me or Alssa."

Leon: "We will do our best."

Me: "One last thing if there are any of you who are fighters or wish to join the guards talk to Valret he is the head guard as with more people we are going to need more people to defend this place."

Leon: "There will most likely be some people who wish to do that."

Me: "Alssa I don't know the food situation with these people but give them some food for the day."

Alssa: "I will see what they need and what we can provide."

I then leave them to sort themselves out. I now need to set out to do more preparations.

First, I went back to Horst and asked for some more wooden swords and bows for any new guards we are going to have.

Then I went to Walfried and told him about the new populous and workforce we will gain which should allow for the quick building of the housing to the west. He also gave an update on the current building saying that the ditch around the village is complete and already have some stakes in place, around a 1/3 of the wall is done. With the new people in the west that should also be complete with the large workforce that just arrived by the end of the month as well. He also said that more guard towers have been built around the village.

Next, I went to Franz and that we need to increase hunting for food and what we gather from the forest as he is the head of food as head farmer for the village. We didn't need bigger farmland as I expected some people to come to our village so that is fine as that was already considered.

From what he told me he has already made the farmland and cleared the area for it and has tried the new fertiliser. We won't know how good it will be until we start growing which won't be until after the demons as they are likely to just destroy it.

That took me quite a large portion of the day and it was starting to get late, so I headed home for dinner. Rex and Freya during this time had mostly been staying home and when I enter the house, I find them sleeping together in the corner cuddling together with Rex's head resting on Freya's head.

A quick dinner and rest and it is the new day.

With another battle on the horizon, it is time again to train up my skills as best as I can.

In the morning I will go with levelling the class and then in the afternoon go with my magic. I will also allow Rex and Freya to go hunting in the morning and then in the afternoon, they will also train their magic. Not sure how I am going to do that, but we will see when we get there.

So, for the morning I follow through with my sword training going through foot patterns and sword strokes. Shadow fighting, imagining that there is someone in front of me and I am fighting them.

After lunch and Rex and Freya returning, I trained my magic.

For this I felt that seeing how magic seems to act quite a lot like a muscle and is a part of the body the best way to train it is to use it, then let it repair then use it again and repeat.

For Rex, I made him work for the construction of the village. They would strap heavy items mainly wood and he would then carry them to where they needed to go. Whilst doing all of this he would be using his magic. Once it ran out, he would rest then do it again.

For Freya she would just run laps around the village using her magic and then once out would then rest then repeat.

For myself, I would create a small fire and then move the fire around my hand and body. I had just started when I was interrupted by someone.

Leon: "Wow, you have exterior magic that's amazing and you have just become rank E- that is very lucky of you."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Loen: "Well when monsters first become E- rank they will unlock their magic. There are two types of magic, interior and exterior. Typically, when you first get magic, you will get interior magic and then later you will unlock your exterior magic. But more uncommonly is getting exterior magic first. Of course, there is the rarest which is unlocking both."

Me: "Does it matter when you unlock your magic then."

Leon: "I suppose not as it depends on the person as at the end it is how much you train your skill that it depends how powerful your magic can become. But the earlier you train it the more powerful it can become earlier."

Me: "That's true, guess I need to train it fast."

Leon: "Well from what I have heard from others, is that you always want to train your magic as it is the only unlimited stat."

Me: "I don't think I have heard of that."

Leon: "You must not be from around here this stuff is quite common around here, but it doesn't matter at least you are learning it now. Anyway, in all your stats you can only level them up 100 points through specific training for them the rest of the way must be done through gaining unassigned stat points. However, INT is the special one in that it can be trained forever so there is no limit on how far you can take your magic."

I like that sound of that, no cap on magic. Sounds perfect.