Training the guards. Military style. [Day 26]

After my breakfast, I was meet with Valret who said that all the guards are healed, and the new guards have gathered at the gate.

I grab the wooden swords for the training as they had been delivered the day before.

At the gate, I am met with new and old faces. There are the original 25 guards but now there are 20 new faces. Making are guards force 45 with the original 25 being Kabalt and Valret being a young Amux. From the new guards, I can see that 12 are Kobolt and 8 are Kabalt.

They have all gathered in a large group and I can see that they are all getting along with each other which is good.

Me: "Line up." I shout over the chatter of them.

They react quickly and all gather up into a line. At least they seem to do what they are told.

Me: "As of now you are all the military of this village. You hold the responsibility of every person in it. You are now soldiers. That means I need to get you into shape. As of now, you are all given the rank of Cadet. Every leader of a squad is now promoted to Corporal and Valret is promoted to Sergeant. I am your commander. You will address anyone of higher command with Sir for male and Marm for female. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?"

All: "Yes sir."

Good, at least they aren't slow.

Me: "When a soldier higher in the chain of command than you gives you a command you do it. The chain of command is respected I don't want a rabble army who don't do what they are told. We will be an efficient and effective force. Now jump."

They take a moment to process before they all jump.

Me: "Good you get the idea. The reason that there is this is for organisation, we need things to get done and if we have 50 people all saying different things nothing gets done so you will follow commands. The times that commands are overridden is if it is from someone higher in command give an overriding order or a vote of five soldiers of one rank below all agree. This is encased if more people believe that an order does not work. Granted this vote can still be overridden by the commanding officer and you would have to follow. But hopefully, your commanding officer uses their brain to realise something is wrong with the order."

With that now, we have a force of guards. 36 Cadets, 8 Corporal and 1 sergeant which is Valret. Valret is still in charge of all the guard squad, but he also has his personal squad that is his unit.

Me: "We have four days before the demon month happens. I have no idea what it will be like but if we work together and do our jobs everyone will come out fine. To do this I need you to realise some important points. We should do this hands-on. Get into your squads."

They all quickly rush around getting into their groups. It takes them way too long.

Me: "If this was a battle and we did that you would all be dead. Too slow, we will work on it. In battle, you will be tired and exhausted from having to be on constant alert to your surroundings and having to constantly fight. That is what this demon attack is going to be like. You will have no rest and no recovery time. So, get used to being tired all the time. Let's get this started, run from her to the forest time get down on the ground, do a push-up, get back up and run back here and do another push-up. Do this until I tell you to stop. GO."

They seem to wait around for a moment before Valret starts running and they all start to go.

The plan is to make everyone closer together, pain brings people together. It will also show the character of people but seeing how these people volunteered to become a part of this unit they should want to be here.

I made them run for 10 minutes which tired them out.

Me: "Fall in." I shout at them.

They quickly run back and get in line again.

Me: "Sit-ups in pairs go."

They quickly run to get into pairs where eventually one is let by them himself looking around trying to see what to do.

Me: "Get into a group of three, soldier figure it out."

Valret waves the soldier over and they work as a three-man. They work by having one person holding the persons feed down whilst the other does the pull up.

Me: "Stick as a group call it out."

They call out their number as they do the exercise.

Me: "Switch."

They swap over so that the other person now does the exercise.

Me: "Find new partners."

They quickly move around frantically finding someone new. I can see that Valret and the people from his squad seem to be the quickest. He must be doing his training with his squad. Probably has something to do with his Race as if I recall it said that they become good leaders and generals or something.

They then continue the exercise.

Me: "Back in your squads."

They rush back together but still seem to struggle to find them.

I will make sure that changes as in the battle you never know where you will end up.

Me: "Get your wooden swords." I say whilst throwing the wooden sword down on the ground.

They all scramble to pick one up.

Me: "Why have you left your squads' soldiers; did I tell you too."

After getting back in their squads I tell them the next command.

Me: "In your squads attack any other squad, go."

They all seem stunned except for Valret's squad who go straight for the attack on their neighbour.

Once Valret starts the fight everyone gets into a fight. They are all very clumsy and often separate from their groups and sort of going alone. Those are mainly the new ones, but I see it a couple of times with the old guys.

This is going to need a lot of work. Should be fun.