More training. [Day 29]

It had been an intense few days, for the guards. I had been putting the soldiers through their paces. Starting early in the morning and ending late in the day. Making them do physical work constantly. Do individual exercise, then finding their squad again, having fights, group exercise, give me back the weapons and group exercise and repeat. I need to make sure they can find their group quick and instantly, getting used to the chaos around them and find where they need to go. Getting closer to their teammate through pain, helping them work as a group through the fighting and increasing their fighting skill and giving them a bit of general awareness of what is around.

I also gave teaching when they had a break during lunch or the break during exercises. I would give teams scenarios and they would have to figure ways out. Made them think for themselves and the team of how to get out of tricky situations such as a squad mate is down, and you are surrounded how do you escape. Granted there is no perfect way but if they through with the team and not just themselves it was fine.

It was the end of their break, and I am about to make them fall in.

Me: "Attention, in line."

All: "Yes sir."

They all get up and are in line much faster than the first day, still a tad bit slow but you can't expect perfection in only a few days.

During this training, I have also taken them into the forest to get some EXP, so we had some new evolutions. In total, we had 32 Kabalt, 11 Elder Kabalt and we gained an extra Young Amux making it 2. Valret did also tell me that he is close to evolving.

Granted training the guards has been good work, but it sadly has meant that I have had less time to train my class and such. But I have been training my magic whilst I wait for the guards to do their exercises as I can do both. I play with the magic and keep an eye on them.

[Trained stat: INT, INT + 27, 71/∞:]

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 2/5 -> 3/5)]

I feel pretty good with a fireball now but even with my increase in mana I still can't do that many. I haven't had the chance to see my max, but I will most likely find out soon.

Anyway, getting distracted from the guards.

Me: "This will be the last day that I train you as tomorrow you will rest up before the demon attack. Get into your squads."

I had diversified the squads a bit more. They all trained with the sword as you will always eventually end up in close quarters combat. But I divided the 9 squads into 5 sword squads and 4 archer squads for the battle.

My plan of defence will be to have the 4 archer squads around the entire village being in each direction of the village so north, east, south, and west. I would then have sword squads in the same positions as the archers for their protection and have the extra squad at the main gate to the north.

Me: "Shuttles to the trees and back. Go."

They quickly get to the exercises. Today should also be the day that Horst has finished making enough common swords for everyone as the bows were completed a few days ago.

It is after lunch that I see that Horst is making his way towards me with his apprentices and they are all carrying weapons.

The guards are currently training their weapons to be it either swords or bows.

Me: "Halt, in line soldiers."

After they line up and Horst has made his way towards us, I speak again.

Me: "Horst has been working day and night to be making enough weapons for you all. Collect your weapons one at a time. I also want to make this clear, once you collect your weapons, they are now your property, these weapons are what is going to determine if you live and die. Keep them in shape, maintain them and don't lose them."

They all collect a sword and even though they are all common rank they are still good weapons for our battle. Due to them using the bows and wooden swords they already have the skills with the swords being Sword feet control and Sword weapon control. The archers being Aim and Archer Body Control.

Once they had their weapons, I trained them for a bit longer, so they get used there their new weapons then dismissed them for the day.

I had one last thing to do today before I would also rest tomorrow and then the demon attack would commence.

I head towards Ila Health Hut.

Inside I can see that all the beds are empty but some more have been added making this place a tad bit cramped, but this is what is going to be needed and what I had to ask.

I find Ila tending to a garden at the back of her house.

Me: "Ila do you have a moment."

Ila: "Of course dear, what is it you need."

Me: "I notice you did not have any apprentices. Why?"

Ila: "Well I didn't need them and most people in the village were not interested in learning how to become healers, but I was fine doing it myself."

Me: "I feel that for the next month that you might not be able to handle it yourself. I would feel better if you could find some people to just help you out. They don't need to know how to heal people but if they can help like carrying people who get injured or crushing herbs that would allow you to help more people."

Ila: "Well I kind of have some helpers already, they sometimes head into the forest to collect things for me. Alright, I will ask them to be on full time helping me next month."

Me: "Thank you. Makes me feel better that you aren't overworked."

Ila: "You don't need to thank me; I should have thought about it more before. I'm sure it will all work out though. Have a fantastic day Lothran."

She then goes back to digging up some weeds in the garden whilst humming a tune.

That was one part of it now the other part is with Alssa.

I find her in her house cooking up dinner for a tired and dirty Valret.

Me: "Alssa, a moment of your time."

Me: "Sure." She says whilst still cooking in the kitchen.

Me: "Could you find some people from the village to make a team of helpers. During the fighting, the guards' squads won't be able to leave their posts so I need people who can bring them food, water or anything they might need."

Alssa: "Ba, easy stuff. I can find some people quite easily for that. Leave that to me I can organise it."

Me: "Thank you a bunch."

Alssa: "You are already doing plenty it is the least I can do to help. It is also my job. Now forget about that for a moment and have food. Valret go and have your bath I don't want you mucking up the rest of the house. I know you are tired but that is no excuse."

Valret just grunts and then goes outside. Most of the water which is fetched from the river is kept in these sort of leather pouches made from the hide of monsters we catch. It is strong stuff so can hold plenty.

Time to relax for the short time that I have and enjoy some good food.