Our time has come. [Day 30]

It is finally time. The moment is upon us baring down like a tidal wave of pain and suffering. Trying to consume us in its suffocating grasp.

The preparations are done. We have rebuilt the wall, built the ditch around the village and places stakes in it, improved our guard squad, gathered the food and water to survive the long month. The western side of the village is complete, and all the new villagers have homes and are moved in and still spare housing.

The reserve force is also here with the Healer squad lead by Ila, the Provision squad lead by Alssa, the builder squad lead by Walfried and then some of the emergency guards.

If what I was told about the demon attack from the villagers and my imagination of what they are this is going to be a large attack. I mean they named the entire month after it.

It was late in the evening we are all rested up and are waiting for it to hit midnight. I stand at the main gate inside the guard tower on edge. It is wrong of me to want it to just start now I want to get this over with the anticipation is the worst part.

Valret comes up the ladder to join me

Valret: "Sir I have double checked everything, and it is already."

Me: "Good, there is no reason to fret over it now we will just have to live with everything we have and hope it is enough."

Valret: "I hope you are right sir."

Me: "So do I."

Whilst we wait, I can hear Valret bouncing his foot as he leans against one of the corner posts of the tower.

Me: "Valret I know you are worried, but your tapping is irritating."

Valret: "Sorry Il-"


Me: "You have got to be fucking me."




It starts to echo around the forest creating an orchestra, playing a melody of death, piercing through the vale of sound around the forest.

It then goes deadly silent before scratching and crying can be heard around the forest.

Whimpering cries out from the forest as it bleeds, being stabbed and beaten by the wave of bleak suffering that approaches.

I can hear as animals and monsters try to escape but are caught and destroyed by the demons.

But by the sounds of pain, I can hear that they are getting closer and closer to us.

Crawling out of the forest is a swarm of small dark creatures. They look like humanoid trees, but you can see inside them through their eyes as they have no eyes in their eye sockets and mouths showing bright orange blood like lava. Their mouths are partially sewn together and stretch as they scream, and their skin looks like charcoal.

[Race: Guja, Sex: None, Rank: G]

Born in the depths of the dimension that they live in Guja lives through enough ants can bring down an elephant. Through large numbers, Guja survives in the unforgiving land of Memor.

They might be G rank but there is a lot of them. Like a serious amount of them and more keep on pouring out of the forest.

Looking around the village I can see that more are coming out of the tree all around the village.

This is looking bad.

They then all stop at the tree line.


They all start to run in the village in a massive swarming stampede frenzying towards the village.

Fucking zombies apologize my ass.

Calm down me and do your job. They rely on you.

Me: "Archers open fire."

It seems that my training of the guards has worked well as they all seem to respond to my command well. They release a volley of arrows and I watch as it arcs through the sky killing whatever they hit.

Even though the archers might not be the most accurate there are so many Guja that it is hard to miss. through it looks like the Guja are affected little by their dead friends as they just run over the bodies ignoring them.

I quickly create a fireball in my hand and learning from my testing of magic you need to create a layer of mana around your element to keep your attack stable, this was why when the fire jumped between my hand it went out. It just comes with practice.

Moving my hand back I keep pumping it full of mana imagining the explosions that I have seen from videos games and my short military period. During the testing, I found that imagination plays a major part in the creating of spells. Not wanting to drain my mana too much I then wrap the final mana around the fire to create my fireball.

I then throw the spell as hard as I can towards my target.

*Skree* *Arrrhuuaaa* *Oooohhhaaa*

Seems they don't like my spell as I watch as it hits them creating a small explosion consuming three of them in flames whilst the embers catch onto a few others but don't seem affected by it. Although the spell did damage to the three it seems the fire left over did little damage to the other Guja. Maybe fire isn't the best element to do against demons who most likely live in and around the stuff. Still looks like the mana and spell can do damage.

I still have time for one more spell before they reach the wall. I create the spell again but also include my knowledge about fire and that it needs fuel and oxygen. Remembering back to my chemistry lessons and seeing magnesium on fire explode in the water I imagine that fire along with breathing in more air into the spell.

*Fizz* *Boom*

A much large explosion and a large white fire engulf the Guja causing more screams and skrees.

Reaching the walls, the Guja throw themselves at it trying to break through and tear it apart. Many of them fall into the ditch dying to the stakes in it and I can see the bodies laying on them. But this does little to slow down the Guja as more throw themselves into the ditch quickly filling it in with their bodies.

With the ditch starting to fill in they now have bodies bridges that they can use to access the wall. As they batter and smash at the wall it holds out but as more and more of the body bridge form, I don't know how well it will hold.

Me: "Archers aim for the large groups gathering on the bodies bridges."

Hoping that the guards can hear me over the constant screeching of the Guja I have to hope that they can hear me or realises that the bridges are sort of choke points. Though I doubt they will last for long. The archers in my tower can hear me so they start to fire at those locations. Hopefully, the rest will see and follow their lead.

With them all around the village scratching and clambering at the wall it doesn't take long for them to start piling on one another and to start using each other to climb over the walls.

Me: "Infantry kill them once they get over the walls, don't let them gather in large groups."

The sword squads on the ground quickly spread out to where they can see them falling over the ledge.

From here I can see that the towers of Guja are getting large and more are going to start spilling over the wall.

Look like I am going to have to join the fight.