Hold the line: [Month 2 Day 1]

Jumping down from the tower I join into the fight. Wasting no time, I move to one of the new forming towers of Guja. I can see the first one flop over the wall and fall to the ground. Before it can get up, I quickly stab it. But more are joining crawling over the wall fling themselves down.

I stand my ground and attack any that get over, chopping and hacking through them. Even though the charcoal look of them makes me think that they have strong skin it seems to be flexible and kind of soft allowing me to cleave through them easily.

Five of them quickly tumble over the wall falling into a pile on the ground. Three quickly scramble up after me but are in perfect positioning allowing me to cut through all three at once.

Moving to the last two I quickly finish them off before more fall from the wall.

Seven descend from the sky's almost crushing me in a wave of bodies.

I manage to dice through four of them but two of them manage to grab onto me whilst the other scratches at my feet as it crawl on the ground.

> Health: 57/57 -> 55/57.

Rex jumps in from behind me biting down on the one grabbing me and picks it up and flails it around like a rag doll in his mouth. Getting my other arm back I throw a wild punch at the other one grabbing me which goes straight through his head spraying his warm lava blood around my hand. Its blood doesn't sting but the punching through someone's head does.

> Health: 55/57 -> 54/57.

Throwing away his body I then curb stomp the last Guja still crawling on the ground crushing his head.


Oh no.

Looking up I can see that the tower of Guja has gotten much larger and is putting too much pressure on the wall causing it to creak and start to warp and crack.

Looks like they're really determined to get over this wall. That is just great.


The wall breaks apart with a chunk of it separating. Down goes the wall but so does the tower of Guja who now all fall to the ground splattering on the ground.

Some of my magic is back so I create a quick fireball and threw it at the new gap in the wall and where a large portion of the Guja have fallen. With many of them packed together, I should get a nice portion of them in one spell.

Rex quick dives into the group chopping and slashing anything that is in his way, using his magic to increase his strength he is deadly either sending them flying or chopping them up like tofu. Freya not wanting to miss out uses her speed to get any of the stragglers that managed to fall away from the tower trying to attack behind the guards at the other parts of the wall.

Looks like the three of us are going to have to hold off this section of the wall as giving a glance around to the other guards as even though there are also towers of Guja they are not as large. They mainly have small parts of the wall broken where smaller numbers of Guja can squeeze through. This creates nice choke points for them with the archers shooting outside the wall and at the gaps where they try to get through. The guards make sure to contain them and make sure that they don't gather up.

Dashing to my problems I start hacking and slashing at anything that moves. But there seem to be endless amounts of them that just keep on prying through.

This weird magma blood is staining everything, and the bodies are piling up. I need to push back this gathering of Guja to keep them contained in just this area and to keep their numbers small.

Ducking under a flailing arm I arc my sword cutting whatever is attached to the arm and keep going creating a large arc going through as many of the Guja as I can.

Though it is not enough as I get slashed and scratched along my back.

> Health: 55/57 -> 46/57.

Before I can turn around Freya speeds by taking out the two that clawed at my back. I can't thank her now, but Freya and Rex will get lots of love after this.

Whilst cutting through more Guja I quickly throw a fast fireball at a large group that are spilling out of the gap. It takes out a few but it makes me notice that some of the other Guja around the area slow down for a moment like they suddenly got tired or drunk for a moment. Then speed up again when more Guja poured through the gap.

That seems odd. I need more mana to create another fireball so see if it happens again.

After massacring more Guja with my sword I kick a Guja that is on the floor into the gap causing a slight blockage as they tumble over each other. Then throwing a fireball I manage to kill more of them and again I notice the ones around slower down.

But this time it seems to be a bit more permanent as they all seem to move slower. It looks a lot like they have some sort of frenzy power or something. Might be they feed off each other. The more there are of them in the area the stronger they are. That is one OP power if it is because imagine if there were millions of these guys all feeding off each other and attacking.

If they are attracted to magic, then somewhere in this new world there will be cities with a large gathering of people and magic. These guys would then descend on that place like a virgin party to a porn magazine.

That would be one terrifying site to see.

I would not want to be those people. Luck we are not them right now and need to deal with what is in front of us now.