Hold it. Wait what. [Month 2 Day 1]

These guys are like mosquitoes, they just don't seem to stop. I feel like I have mowed through hundreds of Guja but there are still more of them.

I'm starting to feel the effect of the constant fight as I am getting sluggish and am moving slower. Looking around I can see that the guards are also tired even more so than me. The good news is though that I can see that the Guja are also having this as I can see that they are slower than they were at the beginning.

Makes sense with the number that we have killed. I mean there is now a wall of bodies that are partially blocking the hole in the wall now helping to limit the number that is getting in.


It seemed to come from outside of the wall. Suddenly all the Guja stop charging through the gap and start running away from the village. Even the ones on the inside bolt as fast as they can outside and run away.

Quickly getting up one of the guard towers I look out and see that all the Guja has run back into the forest disappearing into it.

They have either booked it and won't come back or they have retreated for now and come back later. It is more likely they will come back later. God, what a headache.

Outside the village, I can see the litter of corpses of Guja everywhere. The entire front of the village is covered in bodies and seem to be everywhere. The ditch is filled to the brim. Towers of bodies lean against the wall filled with arrows from the archers making them look like some deformed hedgehog.

The wall has holes everywhere from hand-sized ones to the large ones that I was covering.

The guards seemed to have held well but look to be exhausted laying on the ground panting still covered with the lava blood and some of their own. Still breathing through which is the main thing.

Me: "VALRET." I call out whilst also getting down from the tower.

After a few seconds, he comes around from one of the houses carrying some water.

Valret: "Sir." He says whilst handing me the water.

I take a few swigs before giving them back.

Me: "Give it to some of the other soldiers. Also, report of the situation."

Whilst we walk around to the other guards, he tells me the report.

Valret: "I don't know about the other parts but here everything is surprisingly good. We had some injuries, but they have already been taken by the Healer Squad to the Health Hut and Ila is taking care of them now. Mom and the Provision Squad is coming around now giving water and some snacks to the guards."

Me: "Sounds good but make sure that we are still on alert we don't want to have a surprise attack. Also, get me someone from the Builder squad and find out how the other sides did."

Valret: "Yes Sir."

He quickly jogs off to do his tasks. Whilst he does that, I decide to take a quick rest sitting down and resting against one of the houses. Although I am slightly injured which are a kind of serious it would be more efficient to help the other soldiers first as I am still in good enough condition to fight. Granted I think I deserve a bit of a rest I did have to hold an entire section of the wall with Rex and Freya.

Sitting down I then rest my arms on the sides of Rex and Freya who lay next to me, and I can feel how hard they are panting, and I can see have their tongues sticking out.

Whilst I wait, I get some dried meat from a kind lady who is carrying a sack full of dried meat for all the guards. I also get some more water from her. Seems I was right about my injury as even though I ate it didn't heal me. Serious injures can't be healed with just a bit of food and water.

Whilst I am still eating some snacks Walfried jogs over to me.

Walfried: "Lothran, I have taken care of the other points they are in alright conditions, a bit of damage but it can be taken care of quickly I left apprentices at all points, and they will repair the wall fine."

Me: "Well I am glad that you are here as that was sadly not the case here." I say whilst point at the giant hole in our section of the wall.

Walfried: "Fucking hell." He says whilst looking around our entire section of the wall seeing all the holes and gaps in the wall.

Walfried: "I'm on it." He says as he runs off again.

He soon comes back with a group carrying planks of wood and instantly get to repairing the wall. Sometimes they will remove the entire plan and put in a new one or they just cut out the broken bits and put in a new piece of wood and glue in it. looks a bit like sap. I really should see what else we can get to produce from this village. Will be useful in the trade later.

Though they are working fast it will still take them a long time to repair this side of the wall.

It is kind of relaxing just watching other people work and all helping each other. I don't know why but it is kind of satisfying. Whilst I was distracted by the builder squad Valret returned.

Valret: "Sir, the guards at the other points were fine, they seemed to have a much smaller number than us and handled it well. They had some minor injury and are all good."

Me: "Alright that's good, move some of their emergency squad away from those points and bring them here as we are more likely to need them. I have a feeling that because Rex, Freya and I are here they are more attracted to our magic. Looks like I am causing more problems for us."

Valret: "You also sorted lots of our problems for us. Besides it is too late to do anything about it."

Me: "True and thanks Valret."

It was surprisingly nice. I felt wanted for once.

Valret gives a quick smile then leaves again to move the emergency guards around. Even though, they only have the basic weapons and none of the forged weapons they are better than nothing. There is only 13 of them but that is better than nothing and can give a bit of relief. We originally did not have any emergency guards here as we thought that with the extra guards here, we would be fine. We were wrong.

They take a while to get here as they were helping at the places where they were at like preparing the wall or moving bodies.

With them here I can move the position of the troops around.

I move them so that we have one of the main guards' stations at the big hole in the wall to guard that and the other where they were originally guarding the gate. The emergency guards will then cover more of the other side of the wall.


Fuck's sake man, we barely got any rest. Looking through the large hole in the wall which did not have any time to be repaired at all. Only the other side got repaired. I can see more Guja gathering ready to attack again.

Alright bring it on you fucks; you want to test if this village will stand well come and found out.