Finally, a break. [Month 2 Day 1]

It seems this time that we have a much larger break and haven't been attacked for a while.

Relaxing against one of the walls again with the panting duo Rex and Freya I managed to look at my notifications.

[Large number of kills found. Shortening Announcements.]

[You have killed a total of: 114 Guja, Total EXP: 2280]

[You levelled up: 0/30 -> 5/30 ]

[Gained 10 Unassigned Stat Points.]

[Skill has levelled up: Great Sword feet control (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5)]

[Skill has levelled up: Great Sword weapon control (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5)]

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 3/5 -> 4/5)]

[Skill has levelled up: Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 1/15 -> 2/15)]

[You have killed A total of: 59 Guja, Total EXP: 1180]

[You levelled up: 5/30 -> 7/30]

[Gained 4 Unassigned Stat Points.]

[Class has levelled up: 3/5 -> 4/5]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

Whooo. That's a lot of EXP. Glad that something good can come from this and not just the intense exhaustion that I am feeling. Did I really kill 114 Guja in that first battle? I am Proud of you, past me.

But I also see that I have some new skills to rank up. This is always fun.

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 1: 5/5)

[Skill has ranked up please chose new Skill.]

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 2: 0/15)

With time and practice comes skill. But it also helps to have greater potential in what you do. Power comes from the feet to then travel to the body and so you always need to make sure that it is trained.

Looks like I only have one. It kind of makes sense though as what else could it become. Hum actually in the future it could probably become something, magic will most likely be involved, I hope.

[Skill Great Sword feet control Rank 1 has ranked up into Great Sword feet control Rank 2]

Onto the next.

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 1: 5/5)

[Skill has ranked up please chose new Skill.]

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 2: 0/15)

With time and practice comes skill. But it also helps to have greater potential in what you do. Power is dangerous and useless if not controlled and aimed where it needs to go so one must take extra care in making sure that is it under your control.

[Skill Great Sword weapon control Rank 1 has ranked up into Great Sword weapon control Rank 2]

Even though this was the most stressful way that I have gained levels and EXP, it sure has been the most effective. Testing the limits of people does often bring out the most in them. But it is best never to go far, don't want to break them as then they become useless.

Distracted by my announcements I did not realises that Valret had decided to rest next to me giving Rex some head pats.

Me: "How are you and everyone else holding up Valret?"

Valret: "I think that everyone is holding surprising well considering everything. Seemed your training helped a lot as they are slipping back into the routine and are used to this. Granted the surprises of it all lead to a few mistakes, but they got into it after a while."

Me: "Sounds good. What about you how are you doing."

He seems to take a while before responding.

Valret: "Amazing to be honest. I feel most relaxed during the fighting. A sort of peace of mind. Don't have to worry about anything else whilst fighting just my friends and soldiers and what is right in front of me."

Me: "Mmm. You seem to really enjoy the fighting that we did in practice, you seemed in your element."

He seems to become quite the fighter. I also noticed that he focus more on training his skills rather than evolving. His chose.

We then sit in comfortable silence. Quite relaxing when you can do this with someone.

Me: "Oh, you said before that you were ready to evolve soon what about now."

Valret: "I'm 15/15 now so once I sleep, I will evolve. The extra EXP that I am earning now will just carry over when I evolve. Bunch of my skills have levelled up as well always better to get those just helps in the long run."

Me: "The long run?"

Valret: "Yep, The higher your skill the better potential you have for those weapons."

Me: "Sorry kind of new to this stuff what do you mean by the potential."

I also read this in the ranking up the skills saying that it gives potential.

Valret: "No reason to be sorry I am happy to explain. When you first gain skills, you gain a bit of knowledge about them to get started on it. Each level up and rank up give you greater potential in that skill. This means you can use the weapon better and learn them. Basically, you become more natural in learning the weapon and allows you to learn everything about the weapon naturally and faster if that makes sense. Essentially when you gain the skill you gain the weapon and then the longer you use it the better you become at it through learning it yourself. The skill just opens your brain and body in the way to use but you still need to learn through using. Not sure if I explain that well."

Me: "I think I get it. The skills unlock your full potential to learn and then you need to take it further to master."

Valret: "Yep kind like that."

So, the system is just an information display telling your progress and how much potential you have in something.

Valret: "But not quite. Yes, it has that, but the skill also considers how much progress you have made in that skill. So yes, it unlocks your potential for that but to then to get to the next levels and ranks you need to have understood that level to unlock future potential."

Me: "Makes sense as you can't be at the top of your skills without understanding everything underneath."

Valret: "Odd way of putting it but sounds about right."

Wow, skills are much more complex than I thought. I suppose I never really put much thought into them before.

Speaking of skills.

Name: Lothran

Race: Amoxler

Sex: Male

Rank: E-

Class: Great Sword Apprentice Warrior (Rank 1: 3/5 -> 4/5)

Level: 0/30 -> 7/30

Health: 62/62

Stamina: 80/80

Mana: 261/261

STR: 37 -> 40

VIT: 23 -> 25

AGI: 37 -> 40

INT: 87

WILL: 17

Unassigned Stat Points: 8 -> 0 -> 16

Magic skills:

> Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 2/5 -> 4/5)

Weapon skills:

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5) -> Great Sword feet control (Rank 2: 0/15)

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5) -> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 2: 0/15

> Knife Throwing (Rank 2: 0/15)

Personal skills:

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 1/15 -> 2/15)


> flint dagger (Basic), Iron dagger (Common), Horn (Basic), Backpack (Common), Shirt (Common), Trousers (Common), Iron Forged Great Sword (Uncommon), Great Sword Scabbard (Uncommon) with wet stone, linin cloth, scouring pad,


Magic core rank E- x 3

Making some nice progress.