It’s a new day for me. [Month 2 Day 1]

The sun breaks over the forest bringing with it clear light to shine on the destruction that happened during the night.

The village took a battering. Probably looks like a massive frat party that got massively out of hand. Bodies cover everything, walls broken, people passed out exhausted, bandaged up people. But everyone is happy that they lived.

During the rest of the night, there were a total of three large attacks where they flooded the village with as many Guja as they possibly could fit into the village. These were the most destructive with the first one causing the large hole in the wall where they tried to flood in. The northern part of the village was most affected by these as they seemed to concentrate their attacks at this point.

There were also eight smaller attacks that were more concentrated on the other points which were smaller but still large groups of Guja who would attack those parts of the village. The wall held through, and the guards defended well.

Of the 45 main guard squad, everyone was injured in some way from small scratches and cuts to serious injuries like some missing chunks off their chests. Four were seriously injured and would be out for a long time Ila said that she was unsure when they will be back exactly, but they would be out for most of the month.

The rest can be healed before the end of the day using Ila herbs and remedies that she has. We will just have to see through as things can always change and something might be more serious, we just must see before the night.

Lucky for us is that only weak levelled demons are in our area. Some of the older villagers told me that the low-level demons only attack at night as they are stronger during the night as they are more used to it. The sun doesn't hurt them or anything but can weaken them the more they are exposed to it. Granted they said that is only with the weak demons.

We will most likely have to deal with those stronger demons in the future, but we are safe for now.

Whilst we have the break though it doesn't stop the work we need to do.

Everyone who was up during the night is going to have asleep for a few hours and get back our strength.

It is always nice that the second that my head hit the bed I was out cold. Didn't have to struggle with getting to bed that I sometimes have.

After that, we need to prepare all the damage to the wall and our gear. My sword has lost some of the edges on it and needs to be sharpened again. I also took a bath/ shower and it had never felt so good to have one. Washing off all the mud, blood and other crap that was on me felt amazing.

I also washed my clothes and then left them to dry. There was no real point in repairing them as they granted little defence and was more to just cover my dignity so I will just use the same one again in battle.

The provision squad was busy as not all of them were out during the night so whilst most of us slept they were preparing food for when we wake and more for during the night. This was also the same with the builder squad though they are small in number as most were up during the night as it was more important to have quick and instant repairs so that we could sure up our defences.

Once I was up and had my food it was after lunch, so I had a few hours of sunlight before the end of the day and the start of a new night.

I decided to get in a bit more training. Through I made sure not to go too hard so that I don't tire myself out. Not level up in skills but I still feel like I have gotten better.

I also checked on the wall around the village and could see many of the villagers helping around mostly moving all the Guja bodies outside the village as there were getting in the way. These then help to make temporary bumps and blocks towards the village slowing down the Guja when they next attack. It was good thinking.

I went towards the gate to see the repairs which are where I saw most people and Walfried himself. The gate had taken a bit of a battering as one side of the doors had been replaced with a new one and the other side was just repaired.

The non-hole side was in good condition as just needed a few pieces of new wood.

For the hole side, I told them to just leave it and just pile up Guja bodies into it create a wall using that. The extra bodies were then being placed outside creating more blocks.

For all the repairs that were happening, we had to get some extra wood from the forest. To do this two-guard squad went out with the lumberjacks to chop down the trees and then come back. They made sure to keep to the edge of the wood and not head far into the wood. Just to be safe.

Interestingly though was when they came back was that they not only brought the wood back but also extra people. I could see them in the guard tower that more people had joined them as they came back towards the village.

Are they growing people? Wait no I bet that they are people from Flugl village. They would be the only people that I could think would come towards us.

Getting down from the tower I decided to go out a meet them just to check.

Valret and I headed out to talk to them, but we were both certain they were from Flugl village.

Getting closer I can see that there were about 13 new people. They look like they came from Flugl village as they seem skinnier than normal and look exhausted.

Guard: "Sir these people claim that they came from Flugl village coming towards us for help."

Need to just be sure though, can't always trust everyone.

Me: "How did you escape from the village."

???: "Runaway, we had gotten news about your village when a messenger got into the village and managed to pass a message through the wall to one of us. They said that if we managed to escape, we could come towards your village, and you would help us. We were hoping that you still would."

Me: "How did you escape exactly."

???: "The struggle in the village was getting worst. Flugl and Breton had started openly attacking one another to take over the village before the demon attack. Both thought that they were the best to lead the village. During the first battle, we managed to slip out unnoticed. And ran towards here. Though we weren't fast enough and so during the night we hid up the trees to escape the Guja in the forest. Luck none of us have magic otherwise we would be dead."

Seems reasonable and I don't think he was lying as he had eye contact and had quick answers to everything. Looking closer he looks close to malnourished.

Me: "You guys sound like you have had a hard time. We would be happy to accept you into our village. Valret, could you take care of them and show them to their homes and bring them to Alssa so that she knows."

Valret: "Yes Sir, follow me." He says whilst looking at me first then the new guys.

Doesn't hurt to have more people helping the village during the battle, won't reject people when we have enough to take care of them. Though I somehow doubt that these will be the last people.

More will come.