The new situation. [Month 2 Day 1]

It didn't take long to move the new villagers into their homes and get them settled.

It was as we were walking back that something came up. Lots of the guards and whoever was fighting gained a lot of EXP and so many of them level up and are now ready to evolve. The reason that they have not already done this is that after the battle everyone just went straight to bed before seeing their notifications.

Now that everyone is back up and have seen their notifications, they are now ready to evolve. But being the intelligent people that they are they realised that the demons are attracted by higher sources of magic. If every guard evolved into E-, not including the already E- rank guards, then that would be a large increase in magic in the village which could cause problems for the village as it might increase the attacks.

We found this out as some of the Corporals came a reported to Valret about this problem.

Valret: "What do you think sir." He says once he finished talking to the guards.

Me: "This is interesting, to say the least. We could have everyone evolve and have them unlock their mana core. It could give a large boost to our fighting ability. But then we have more enemies to deal with."

Valret: "More danger, can mean more reward though. With more enemies to fight we can gain even more EXP and level up our skills through battle and become stronger."

Me: "It's a big risk though, as we might not be able to handle it all and we could destroy the village."

Guard: "Sir if I might say, even if we don't evolve, we will still keep the EXP which will just be saved for after we evolve and will then help towards our levels after."

Me: "That is also true. The fighting for the other guards was also not that bad even though they also had some E- guards there. Mmm. Valret how far have the E- rank guard taken their magic."

Valret: "Not that far they have used it a few times and trained a bit, but they mainly trained weapons skills with use."

Even though there were other E- rank guards the Guja still mainly went after the higher source of mana as in Rex, Freya and I as trained our magic more.

Me: "I assume that you can finally evolve into E- rank Valret."

Valret: "Yes sir."

Me: "Took you long enough, you could have been some of the first to do so but you spend more time training your weapons kills. Quite the weapon manic you have become."

He looks a bit abash but responds quickly.

Valret: "I always just found that training my skills to be better I thought that it was more important than evolving into the next rank."

Me: "There was nothing wrong with what you did Valret. It is your choice, and I would expect you to follow what you want not what others think is best. But we are diverging from the topic. It might cause a larger risk than we need to evolve every guard. I think it would be better to split it into smaller groups over the night. Some now, then again tomorrow and so forth. This way we can test and see how the nights change based upon our increase in mana in the village. What do you think Valret?"

Valret: "I think that it can work, though we won't get as much of a benefit earlier and the demon attack won't last for the entire month. The most intense is at the beginning and over the rest of the month, it gets lower as the way for demons to get here closes. But I think that it would be best to be safe, we can always gain more later, I don't believe that we are in any rush."

Me: "All right then. Valret select let's say ten guards and tell them they can evolve tonight. Then tomorrow another ten if we see that we can handle tonight. Then we go from there."

Valret: "Yes sir." He then leaves with the Corporals to selects the troops.

Once Valret tells the guards who can evolve they will most likely take a quick power nap to evolve so they will be ready for the battle later.

Before the battle begins, I quickly go around to the different backline squads to check in with them and make sure that everything is ready.

Alssa tells me that everything is good and there is still plenty of food. She also tells me that the villagers in general are all happy as possible for the circumstance. It seems they feel safe which is what we want.

Walfried has done the best he can with the wall repairs but there is only so much he can do in a short amount of time. We still have our large hole and there is still a bit of damage on the other side to the gate, but Walfried is rushing to get it done. He said it should be ready before the fighting, but It will be cutting it close.

The backup guards' squad are ready, and some have had to fill into the places left by the injured guard who is still in the Healer Hut. Of the original 45, there are still the 4 major injured and there are another 2 still out but back tomorrow so we now have 39 of the original and 6 of the replacements who have come in.

I was also told by the guards that the 9 guards evolved into Elder Kabalt and Valret evolved. I will have to see later but I am pretty sure I know what he evolved into already.

The only real difference with the replacements is that their skills aren't as high, and they have not done much work with the guards, but they will learn quickly. because if they don't, they will die. Had to break it to them when I talked to them. They seems to take the fighting more seriously as once there were told where they were fighting, they quickly went to talk to their new teammates. As even though they had been fighting it was more from the back lines in case something got past so most of the time they only fought the occasional Guja.

But the time is upon us again and the preparations are ready. Let's hope we hold out the night.