Lets do this. [Month 2 Day 2]

Me: "Valret, lead the other guard squad to contain the flow of Guja. I need you to block the hole in the wall and stop the flow of Guja. The rest of you are with me and are stopping the Guja from entering further into the village. Archers you contain the rest of the Guja from breaching anywhere else along the wall. Freya help defend the wall whilst Rex help Valret. Quickly." I have to strain my voice to be heard over the noise of the battle and it takes a lot of effort as my chest now feels like it is on fire.

Valret moves first taking his guard squad from the gate and attacking straight into the side of the flood of Guja that are pouring their way in.

Whilst the guard squad that was originally at the hole continue to fight, I turn to the emergency guard squad that are coming towards us.

Me: "Emergency Guards get between the houses and the Guja and help the other guard squad, we cannot allow the Guja to get past. I will deal with the Gija. Just try to kill as many Guja as you can and as fast as you can as the more that die the weaker, they will get."

Although they look to be scared shitless, they realise that if they get past the guards the village will fall.

I shakily get back to my feet and try to catch my breath as best I can. Although everything is still looking a bit blurry, I can still make the outlines of everything so I can still fight.

This is going to rely heavily on Valret stopping the flow of Guja through the hole as we need to encase all the Guja in the area and kill them off to weaken them all. This is even more important so that we can take out the Gija who is way too strong for any of us to be able to take out now that it is buffed up.

With more of my breath back I get back the attention of the Gija who has decided to attack the guards swinging and stomping the small creatures that we must look like from its perspective.

Gathering a simple fireball, I throw it at the outline of the Gija causing it to stumble forward but managed to catch its balance.

It roars before charging again. I can't risk it hitting me again but can't let it get away from me, so I keep just outside of its striking distance. This allows me to move out of the way of it but keep its attention.

Ducking and moving out the way of punches, quick dashes to get out of the way of its large feet as it stomps at me. Just need to keep it distracted for long enough for everyone else to do their job. I won't let myself be the reason that the village falls.

The burning in my chest is getting stronger but I need to keep on moving and keep my distance. I won't let the village die.

Lazily flopping under a swing, I can get a quick look around the area to see that Valret has nearly reached the hole and is close to blocking the flow.

Taking a risk, I charge up another fireball which will leave me out of mana until it recharges. I run under the Gija legs to get to the other side of it and can look towards the hole. With a running sprint, I throw the fireball. I can see that is going to land in the hole which should give enough space for Valret to move in. But I can't watch it land as I need to pay attention to my current fight.

I turn back around whilst I can hear a small explosion go off behind me.

The Gija not caring about anything turns around quickly and sprinting directly at me looking to smash tackle me.

Just as it gets towards me it opens its arms to try and grab me and make sure that I can't go anywhere. Whilst it is still chasing towards me, and it moves its arm to grab me I run towards it cleaving my sword over my head towards the hand to keep it away. Still moving under its arm, I use the last of my strength to swing as hard as I can towards the side of the ankle of the Gija causing it to lose balance.

I watch as it loses footing on its left foot, and tumble forward driving straight into the gathering of Guja.

Splattering and squelching ring out as it crushes the Guja below it with its massive size.

Looking towards the hole I can see that Valret has blocked the flow stopping more Guja from getting in. The rest of the guards and emergency guards are now pushing back the large group as they are weakened due to their frenzy ability being weakened.

Whilst the Gija still struggles and fumbles around to get back up. The rest of us push as hard and fast as we can killing the Guja as fast as we can. Through granted the guards are doing much better than me. My legs feel dead to me, and my chest feels like how knives are being stabbed into me.

The surrounded group gets smaller and smaller as we push in killing them. Hacking and slashing our way through the mosh pit of demons. I can see them get weaker as they become more sluggish, and they become more prone to just flail their arms as attacks rather than the vicious attacks they were doing before.

The Gija is most affected by this as I can see its arms shake as it tried to get back up and even when it does its left leg has taken enough damage that it struggles to say up falling back down. Cursing Guja again as it does so.

We finally snuff out the Guja and are just left with the Gija laying on the ground staring blankly up at me.

I raise the sword and let the wight of it carry it down towards its neck just between is wood amour. With it so weakened it slices through and it does nothing to stop it.

With everything contained, I can see some of the Healer squad making their way towards some of the guards and me.

Me: "Guard tell Valret that I leave the defences to him." I say to one of the closes guards next to me whilst the Healer squad member starts to lead me away.

There is no point in trying to stay here I will just become more of a liability the weaker I get.