Back at home. [Month 2 Day 8]

After getting over the slight wheeziness of changing worlds and having a sit down I head out of the house to finish the work for the day before the start of the night.

First, I went and found Alssa. After asking around I found that she was in the western part of the village.

After looking around I found her dealing with a group of people. They seem to be in a heated argument, so I decided to leave it and wait for Alssa to deal with it. Not my place to get involved.

Eventually, though it seems to get resolved and everyone heads on their way. With it that done, I quickly catch up to Alssa.

Me: "Hey Alssa you got a moment."

Alssa: "Sure Lothran what's up?"

Me: "I need your help to find some people for a couple of projects. First I need someone who knows how to trade or is willing to get into."

Alssa: "I think I can find someone who is like that what else."

Me: "Second and this is the more important one. I need someone who can handle production. The village soon is going to start producing lots of different things and I need someone who can oversee everything from getting people to making the items and then getting them to the trader. They also need to be able to track everything and make sure that each item is being done correctly or at least if they can't handle everything, they can get new people in to overlook each item."

Alssa: "That might be more difficult. It might be better to do what you said at the end and get separate people for each item you're producing and then that feed into one person, so they overlook it."

Me: "Alright well then I need you to do that for me, find the person who will overlook everything and then come find me, we can then go from there."

Alssa: "I's see who I can find. Anything else?"

Me: "No that should be everything. Thank you for your help."

Alssa: "No need to thank me this is the most fun I've had in years."

Me: "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself then. I'll leave you to it."

With that underway, our items that will be traded will soon be under production.

Now for the actual trade.

The end goal of this trade is really to bring Liko, Alor and Nilahr village into an alliance kind of deal. The chances are that with my more modern knowledge and skills we will be much stronger than they are. They are also not opposed to the idea of others helping them.

Eventually, I can then bring them under our wing and protection and create a sort of governing body for this area. Granted it is incredibly small and underdeveloped but that can all change.

To start this all off we need to create a good friendship with the three villages and can then go from there.

Sadly, the trading won't start for a while as we still need to wait for more of the Guja to be dead but hopefully, soon we can start.

With that, all done I just did some weapons training, and it was now coming close night, so I do all my normal preparations and then head to the north gate to guard.

Me: "Filling good Valret."

He is again up in the tower when I climb up into it.

Valret: "I'm feeling good, with a clear night before us I think it should be a good night. How about yourself I heard that you have done some experimenting with the Guja bodies."

Me: "I think it will be a good night as well. And yes, I did an experiment with the Guja bodies and found some interesting stuff. I'll show them to you later once production on them has started."

Valret: "I look forward to it."

And so, the night began.

Complete silence echoes across the forest like a vale of sound had entrapped it and nothing could escape.


The ground shakes an earthquake had hit us making everything move and shuffle.

It only lasts for a few seconds and is not that stronger, but you could still feel it.

Valret: "What the hell was that I've never felt something like that before."

Me: "That was an earthquake."

Looking out into the forest I can see far away a plume of smoke rising out in the distance. It's quite far to the north of use over the river and far into the eerie parts of the woodlands.

One guess as to where that earthquake came from. And more importantly, is whatever caused that going to come in this direction.

Are we going to have to find out what caused that? It's towards the northwest and is probably a couple of days out from here. I think we could make that, but would it be worth it.

It' either never found out about the risk that is close to using and might come to bite us in the ass later or leave it and hope it doesn't do anything and keeps to itself.

Probably a fat chance that it would avoid us if it's related to demons.

Me: "Valret if the attacks tonight a very easy and mild I want you to make some preparations for the morning. We are going to head out and find out what caused that earthquake and if it is a danger to the village."

Valret: "Yes sir."

And so, we weighted through the night. The smoke from the northwest stayed the same raising high into the sky and we were lucky in that we had no attacks.

Everything was smooth sailing through the night and so we made some preparations. Valret and his squad along with the dog duo and I will head out to investigate. The village will be able to handle itself while we are away.

Because I would be out, I told Alssa that once she finds someone to run the village production to get them accustomed and practice producing the glue and varnish that the village currently makes.

Then in the early morning hours, we headed out to investigate. I feel like a crime-solving unit now. And Detective Lothran is on the case.