Back to the shithole. [Month 2 Day 8]

After cleaning up all the pieces of the Guja and then sending Ila away I went back into the house and put away my weapons and suck and just kept my clothes on.

I was not 100% sure if everything is saved when you go between worlds as in when I come back will I still have everything. Just being careful.

I gave Rex and Freya some head pats and told them I was going to be out and back by around dinner which was in a few hours.

I was unsure if there would be a difference in times between the two places so I will just limit myself to a few hours back on earth.

Um, alright then system sends me to earth.

[Request for originally planet travel found. Sending now.]

In the blink of an eye, I was looking in my room and then suddenly looking around the park where my journey began.

I don't seem to have been noticed by any of the families that are playing around in the park. Little kids swing on swings and parents chat in groups. Little boys are playing in a sandpit where I can also see one who is eating some of the sand. No surprise.

Also, kids that is a bad idea that sandpit has seen how many kids and is also on the outside in New York. It most likely also has a bit of hobo in it.

Breathing in the New York smells of shit wafts around me again comforting me like a long-lost friend.

I'm back home. Sorry. Back to my ex-home. Was never much of a home in the first place.

Looking down I can see that I have the same raggedy clothes that I was warning before, and I have nothing new that I got in the other world.

No reason to waste my time in this dump let's get this over with. I still remember where I am and so head in the direction of the public library that I used to go to whenever I needed a computer before.

The internet there is fast, and it is a not so well know library so most of the time you can get a computer and have it for a while. The librarian was a nice old man who would always allow me to use it for as long as I wanted because he knew that I would only use it for my needs.

It is around a 20 min walk to the library. I get inside quickly as New York get cold during winter. Entering in I'm immediately greeted by the same librarian.

Me: "Hey Melvin good to see that you are doing well."

Melvin: "Fred it's good to see you. Your usual computer is free, the library today has been quiet. It's been lovely."

Me: "Fantastic."

Both: "Always like the quiet." We say at the same time. I then give him a quick high five before heading to my computer.

Loading it up I can see that it says the time is 3:32 which was most likely around the time that I let so it seems they have the same time. But more importantly, I get to the internet I look up what I need. First was blood.

I search up quite a few websites to find stuff but not much of them are helpful with some saying certain blood for certain species can be used in medicine but that doesn't help me. There is one that says it can be used in glue, but we already produce glue.

Ah, finally a good use. There is one that says if you mix it with sawdust and then place it under heat and pressure you can make a kind of wood. That is a nice use because the demon blood will not only have good minerals and metals in it, but it will also have magic in it because all things have magic in them.

This could create something much stronger than normal wood. Fantastic.

Right next to bones. Again, not much useful info here. There was one that says it is used in fertiliser so we can probably make even better fertiliser. There is Chinese medicine as well. But nothing else much that seems helpful. Guess that will have to be tested to find out.

What else is there that I can do. Oh, I remember an online novel where they went back to medieval times, they would always bring back modern things to produce like exotic goods. Such as the almighty SOAP.

After spending a few moments looking up how to make soap and the different ways and then memorising it I feel confident to be able to make a good trade with the other villages.

I think that is pretty much it in terms of what I wanted to do. Looking at the time it has only been about an hour so I can spend a bit more time looking things up.

How about the news. Going to a news sight all I can read is about is the "awakening of the new world". Going onto the page and reading for a bit I found out that indeed it is talking about the notifications that everyone got and what is happening.

I spend around two hours reading all the news and to sum it up it would be. Complete and utter chaos.

Some people have embraced it and started exploring the new world and finding out everything about it. From the few conversations that I saw people had most of them wake up in the wild and only a few managed to get to large cities in the world.

What I read did not seem very helpful as I'm assuming that they are keeping the info that they find close to their chests. But from what I read they seem to be video game lovers as they did talk about all the different things like maxing stats and crap like that. And in typically video game style the community is already toxic.

Some people are calling it a sign and calling from God and are worshipping it like some weird fanatics. I saw the page titled God has decided to us a chance don't ignore it I had a small chuckle moved on.

Governments and such are said that people should just ignore it and continue with their lives and that the government will figure it and find out if it is safe for everyone.

Then there is just the general discussion that is it good or is it bad and why do we have to do this and yad yad yad. Basically, boring crap that people always talk about with something new. Don't care. I can make my own assessment.

Some interesting things I found was that some people managed to rob a bank using the system as they went to the other world whilst inside the bank then when it was night here, they came back and robbed the place. People are smart and always think of new ways to do crimes.

Anyway, no reason to say here time to go back home so I say bye to Melvin and find a secluded spot to go back.