Finding the uses. [Month 2 Day 8]

I spend another hour then continuing to divide the rest of the Guja up into its parts.

The main groups were the skin, bones, blood, and organs. With everything ready, it is time to see if we can find some uses for them.

The most obvious one to me would be the skin which looks a lot like wood and wood burns, so I just get a small fire running from normal wood before taking a small flame and taking it over to the Guja wood.

With the flame on the end of the stick, I light the corner of a piece of Guja wood. It does nothing.

I didn't expect it to work this way in the first place based upon my fireball, but I will just want to make sure.

Placing the flaming stick away I take some of the Guja wood and a hammer and a bowl. Using the hammer and crushing the Guja wood into bits I place it in the bowl and then ground it up using a pestle until it is powder.

Originally the Guja skin was stretchy but after it had died it seemed to dry up massively and became quite brittle which was why I could now ground it up.

I've ground it up to a powder to increase the surface area and to hopefully realise more elements that would have been on the inside of the skin and were covered by the hardened outer wood layer. Once it is done it is a sort of black charcoal colour with a little bit of red.

Taking the bowl of ground up Guja wood I take it over to the fire a sprinkle some on the fire.

The second it touches the fire it goes a bright purple and explodes upwards with its flame.

Me: "WOW."

I quick take back my hand as the heat from the flame gets higher and stronger. I can already start to feel my body sweat.

Running away from the fire I get to where I can no longer feel the heat of the flame which is around 5 meters away.

Ila quickly rushes up to me and checks my hand and splashes a bit of cool water on my hand.

Ila: "You alright babs."

Me: "I'm fine just a little singed."

Looking back to the fire I can see that it is raging but the purple fire has stopped rising.

It's only after a few minutes that the fire calms down before eventually going out. Just leaving an ash pile.

Ila: "Well that went quite well."

Me: "I think so too."

We have a general idea about what that can do so we can leave that for later. I place the Guja wood and powder to the side and move onto the bone.

Me: "Ila I feel like you will be more of an expert with this kind of stuff, have you ever used bones for your medicine."

Ila: "Nope."

I just turn and give Ila a dead stare.

Ila: "No need to be so grumpy mister. I have never used them as I never had a reason to try."

Me: "Alright."

Making sure to clean off my pestle I ground up the bones to make power. Which becomes a clear white power. Oh, yee boy, got dat goooooood shit.

Anyway, I don't know a lot about the uses of bones. I've heard about in China they were used as medicines, but I don't know how effective those were.

Me: "Ila, I want you to take the powder and experiment with it and see what effects it has and see if it can be used as a medicine."

Ila: "If you want to me, I'll give it a go babs."

Me: "It's fine if you find nothing but it is better to experiment around. If it doesn't work as any kind of medicine, then see what else you can do with it."

Ila: "Hehe my little boy is asking me to experiment maybe I should use you as my test subject."

Me: "I would rather you used animals rather than people for them but maybe if you want to do some other kind of experimenting, I'd be willing to help."

Ila: "Mmm, it'll take more than that to get to me."

Me: "I'm in no rush."

She gives a small chuckle before taking the grounded-up bones whilst she drags her finger across the back of my hand as she takes the bowl.

Lothran, you're getting distracted you can play around later.

Me: "Stop distracting me Ila, we are nearly done."

Ila: "Sorry babs, but there's no reason we can't have a little fun."

Me: "Later Ila."

She just gives a smirk and a wink and walks back to where she was standing before.

The last two items I think will be the most difficult for the main problem of I really have no idea what the hell to do with them.

First is the blood and the only thing that I have heard used for blood is cooking and personally, I never like those foods. They just tasted a bit bland to me. Though good for you.

Last is the organs I have no idea what to do. I have never heard anything that you can do with these kinds of stuff except for transplants and I'm fairly certain that no one in their right mind would want a demon organ transplant. Also, I'm certain the body would reject it and you would die so. Yep, no go there.

To be entirely honest I think the organs are an entire miss as I don't see anything that they are useful for except maybe find out what the weird black box thing does. That only leave the blood and the bones to find out more.

The only place that I can think of where to find the knowledge on what I would have to do is back on earth. I was hoping to never go back to that shit hole but it's looking like I might have to. I suppose over time I could figure out what these things can do by experimenting with them all. But that takes a lot of time and patient and there is most likely already the knowledge back on earth.

Fuck I need to go back. Great I love this. Yay.