Time to chop up bodies. HAHAHA. *Lightning*. [Month 2 Day 8]

With the Guja on the table and our tools ready it was time to get to dissecting it up into each part that makes it up and see what they all do.

Most parts of the body are useful you just have to find out what. Even if for example it is poisonous you can still use them for medicine like killing cancer cells and such. Of course, after much testing.

Ila: "Alright if we are doing this then we are going to do it properly and safely."

In her hand, she has two pairs of leather gloves.

Ila: "Ware these at all times that we are working with this body. Try your best to not get anything in your eyes and don't put your hands anywhere close to your eyes or mouth."

Me: "Got it." I say whilst taking a pair of gloves and putting them on.

Ila: "We don't know the effects that this stuff will have on us so just be careful babs and be safe."

Me: "I'll try my best, also thank you for being here Ila. I know that you don't want to do this, but I appreciate that you are still willing to help me."

Ila: "It's fine, now let's get to it."

For the tools that we are using, we have a couple of sharp knives and a small saw for any strong bits. We also have some buckets, leather bags, hammers, bowls, and pestle.

Starting from the top we go for the head first.

Ila: "Typically with the head, there is not a large amount we can do, but let's see what the Guja can give us."

Seeing how Ila did not want to take part in this and is only doing so to make sure that I am safe I will be doing most of the work. She is a healer, not a biologist, she wants to heal people and not take them apart.

I was curious about these before when I first saw them, so I go for their eye sockets to see what is there.

Getting close I can see that there is nothing in there and placing my fingers inside I can also feel nothing. Fascinating. They must use their other senses to be able to navigate around. Based upon their skin it looks like Memor is quite a dry land as there is no moisture in their skin. It would then make sense that they don't have eyes and those carry lots of water in them.

Going to their mouths I can get a better look at the stitching type mouth that they have. Weird. It is fully grown skin that goes across the mouth closing it off but there are still little pockets or gaps in between them so that they can still have access to their mouths. Moving my fingers through it, it holds for a moment before snapping and creating a slight creaking noise. But they don't break off and seem to just be able to detach from the bottom or the top of the mouth so that the mouth can open wide if need be.

Opening their mouth inside I can see rows of teeth that look quite like humans except for more canine teeth and fewer molars. They seem more created for the ripping and tearing off meat. Must be another way that they can attack so they can do quick damage with their mouths rather than for actually eating.

Leaving the teeth as there is not much use for them, I look around inside and find that there is no tongue inside. So, they also have fewer senses than us.

Getting the saw next, I spend a long time opening the head which seems to have a thick head and skull which is made from white bone and looks the same as ours.

Inside some blood starts to pour out so I quickly grab a bucket and let the blood fill into it. I also find a small-sized brain that is slightly larger than my fist. I sadly don't know much about brains, but it is still useful knowledge to know.

Right the head is done. Now the arms.

I make a small cut around the arm until it starts to bleed and again place a bucket underneath it. I do it again on the other arm and let them drain.

Once they are done, I cut the lengths way down the arm and take on the wood layer of skin that they have. Once open there is just some bones running down the arm and small amounts of muscles covering it. Seem the anatomy is quite humanoid and the same as ours. For some reason, I thought that they would be different.

Going for the chest I open it up to find little to nothing. There are only some vocal cords in the throat, what looks to be a heart and then what looks to be an odd black box just below the heart which is covered in bone.

After removing the bone and getting to the box I feel that it is squishy and quite flexible but always stays in a box shape.

Using a knife, I open it up to find two small orbs connect by a bone in a T shape that connects to the black box.

Me: "Ila do you have any idea what the hell this is." I say whilst taking the odd thing outside of its body.

Ila gives it a quick look around before shrugging her shoulder.

Placing it down for later I continue to look around its chest and find that there is nothing else left in there.

I then finish at the legs and lower body. As expected, they have no sexual organs seeing how they have no gender and getting down to their legs they seem the same as ours.

To be entirely honest I don't know what I am doing and only have a general knowledge about anatomy but there is no reason that I can't learn it.

But the main reason that I have done this is that I don't like to waste things. Especially if killing an animal for example, as I give the animal the respect that it deserves by not mistreating it and using it to feed me. As is the natural cycle of things.

It's why I am gutting up the Guja as there are things that we might not know about it that might have a use and I'm going to find them.