Getting the village back into the flow. [Month 2 Day 8]

Although I feel tired there is still work. With the training mostly figured out, the guards are going to need a plan rework for their training. Also need to figure out the trade with the other villages.

Granted both require that the majority of the Guja are no longer in the forest as with the trading we can't risk being attacked and we don't want to spread the guards too thin covering the village and all the expeditions outside the village.

But I can still plan out what we are going to do. Then the final thing I need to do is to start back up some of the village works and find what else we can do.

Let's start in reverse because why not. I head outside the house after my large lunch as doing so much exercise, I was a rather hungry boy.

I grabbed Valret and then headed to Horst workspace to start the iron mining operations again.

Wasn't a difficult conversation and was rather quick, the original team of miners will go out again and we will have rotating guard units going out. Through two will go out with them whilst the Guja are still in the forest with one being the sword squad and the other being the archer squad.

After that Valret went off and I stayed to talk to Horst about other products the village can sell.

Me: "Horst what do you know about the other villages around this area. Specifically, Liko village to the east, Alor village to the south and Nilahr village to the southwest."

Horst: "Sorry Lothran but I don't know much really. We have done a small amount of trading with them in the past but not in anything large as we mainly stick to ourselves."

Me: "That's alright, what did you trade with them for."

Horst: "The main village that we traded with was Nilahr village. We mainly took some fish from them as they are right next to where the river expands. Other than that, I can't tell you anything else."

Me: "It's all-good Horst I would find out later when we most likely meet up to speak out the agreement. Just helpful to know it. But what did we trade then Horst?"

Horst: "Oh we gave some fur and some glue that we produce to them."

Me: "Alright thanks Horst, I'll leave you to get back to your work."

I then go towards the west of the village and see if I can't find some of the people from the other villagers to see if they know anything.

I spent an hour talking to people to get no real knowledge from anyone I even found Leon who told me that they had never traded with any of the other villagers as they said that most of the time the bandits did not like to trade with one another.

That was sadly a bust, so I moved on to the next thing.

I already know that the village produces two things that the other villages don't which is the type of glue that we have and a varnish. They might not seem amazing but are incredibly useful for building as they speed up the process of build with glue and increase the durability of the house with the varnish. This is due to it protecting the wood from the weather.

These are good things to trade and give us a good standing but it's not amazing and I would like for us to have at least a few more things. The problem is that I don't know where to find any other things in the area that can produce some goods.

If we had the farms going and we were growing crops that there are some things that I could make with that but those are a bit far away from now.

I don't see any fix to this right now so let's move on to the last on my topic which is the guards training. From what I felt when doing the training it can be very draining physically and mentally.

I think the best plan will be an early start where we meet up and then go for a run. Then group work, where they work in teams to complete the task that I give them like attack a team. Then would be strength training followed by reaction time training. Lunch and break. Vitality training will be easier with two people, and they just need to take some hits. End with some more group work and weapons training and then they are clear to go.

I think that will work.

Whilst I am walking around the village thinking, I can see a group of Guja are being carried towards the north of the village most likely to be thrown out.

That could work. I quickly walk up to the two gentlemen and ask that instead, they carry that Guja towards my house.

At my house, I lead them to the back and into the garden that is there. They then throw it on the ground and get back to their own lives.

Time to experiment but first safety. A quick visit to the Healer hut which has become much less crowded as the attacks have gone down and have a chat with Ila and we make our way towards my house for some fun time experimenting.

On the way to the house, Ila brings a small table that she has spare in the healer hut which she says she always has a few as it would be bad if a workstation in the hut broke. She said that it is always important that not only is the patient but also the Healer is comfortable to work so that everyone can get taken care of.

At my house, we then place the Guja on the table and get to work. Through Ila did tell me that this is disgusting and that she is only doing this because I was the head of the village and her baby. She would rather have nothing to do with these demons after what they have done to her babies but where she sees pain, I see an opportunity to reward ourselves and those hurt by gaining something from all of this.

Time to chop up the bodies in my garden. Wait something sounds wrong. Na it's fine.