Training. [Month 2 Day 8]

Fun but exhausting. This is how I would describe the past few days that I have been training.

For the night-time battles, the last large scale one was on Day 6 and then every night after has been pockets of attacks. Groups of Guja in small groups would occasionally attack the village but nowhere near as large a number as the large-scale attacks.

They seemed to be just the leftover Guja that had not attacked in the main assault. Through we still need to be careful when going out of the village as they are still around in their small groups and if we were to be caught out by them it could be quite deadly.

Through they still mainly attack at night some parts of the forest canopy are quite dense and thick and can block most of the sunlight create good spots for them. It just means when we go out people need to be on alert and have some guards with them.

Thinking about guards the classes have been awesome. Valret and his squad were the first to get them and I have seen some nice improvements. They are more fluid in their attacks, faster and stronger and seem to work better as a team. I think they got a large confidence boost with getting a class as they must be some of the first people in the area to get classes other than me.

Personally, I have gone a bit over the top with training. Every day that I have had some spare time I have been looking into the training and how to gain the stat points not only for me but also so when I get back to training the soldiers, they can gain from it as well.

For STR I had just been doing weighted exercises that I remembered from the earth so those were easy. VIT, I found to be one of the most difficult to train and find out. I mean how do you train yourself to have more health. It's a weird thing to think about.

It was not me that found it out it was the system. It was during some of my STR exercises that I got a notification about my VIT increasing and it was when I was doing some pulls ups. After a while, I figured that it was the body hardening differently. First was the muscles getting stronger from what I assume is the different tissue muscles but sadly I don't know enough about that stuff, but I will find out in the future when I found a professional. The second was the skin getting harder from the rubbing and forming calluses and such. For the third I kind of took a wild guess and assumed that it was because I am become "healthier" due to the magic healing me when doing exercise, I was getting into better shape essential instantly.

AGI was a bit difficult but not too hard. This was mainly running and what was interesting to find was reaction time as I suppose if you boiled down what reaction times are it is how fast you react to something. Which is a kind of speed and agility type. So, with running and increasing reaction time like reaching to punches coming towards me and catching things out of the air before they land.

I have to say throughout out of all of them AGI was the worst to train. More specifically doing reaction times while also circulating mana is the most exhausting thing ever. The STR train was fine because it is the same thing again and again which is tiring but only physically. AGI on the other hand is also mentally exhausting. Alright, I have vented enough.

Sadly, even though I did plenty of training and trying, I did not find anything about WILL. I asked around the new villagers and only found out that they have no real idea about it either and the only kind of thing they know is that it unlocks something when you get the stat high enough. The reason that they have not found out is that most people put their points in their other stats as they need those more than something that seems to give nothing. Such great help guys.

I can't blame them though we are only a small village in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. I can't expect them to know everything, so I will just have to found out later hopefully.

During all this training and me circulating mana and such my INT had also increased which is a nice bonus to everything.

For my announcements, I have left them until now and have only been looking to see if there is a new one about one of my stats increasing. I wanted to see how large I could get the announcement to be because I can and through that it would be fun.

I have also left the announcements for the night attacks. Wanted to make the pot extra-large.

Let's see what we got.

[Trained stat: STR + 24]

[Trained stat: VIT + 16]

[Trained stat: AGI + 21]

[Trained stat: INT + 51]

[Large number of kills found. Shortening Announcements.]

[You have killed A Total of: 63, Total EXP: 1260]

[You levelled up: 15/30 -> 16/30 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

[Class has levelled up: 0/5 -> 1/5]

[Due to already having received Rank 1 stat points you will not receive any more]

[Class has levelled up: 1/5 -> 2/5]

[Due to already having received Rank 1 stat points you will not receive any more]

[Class has levelled up: 2/5 -> 3/5]

[Due to already having received Rank 1 stat points you will not receive any more]

Hot dame. Look at those free stat points baby. Whooo. Alright, calm down me. You're scaring the children. What children? What am I on about?

Name: Lothran

Race: Amoxler

Sex: Male

Rank: E

Class: Apprentice Fire Battle Mage (Rank 1: 0/5 -> 3/5)

Level: 15/30 -> 16/30

Health: 97/102

Stamina: 24/122

Mana: 194/414

STR: 40 -> 65 STR: 0->25/100

VIT: 25 -> 41 VIT: 0->16/100

AGI: 40 -> 61 AGI: 0->21/100

INT: 87 -> 138 INT: 44->95/∞

WILL: 17 WILL: 0/100

Unassigned Stat Points: 34

Magic skills:

> Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 5/5) -> Fire Control (Rank 2: 0/15)


Weapon skills:

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 2: 2/15)

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 2: 2/15)

> Knife Throwing (Rank 2: 0/15)

Personal skills:

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 3/15)


> flint dagger (Basic), Iron dagger (Common), Horn (Basic), Backpack (Common), Shirt (Common), Trousers (Common), Iron Forged Great Sword (Uncommon), Great Sword Scabbard (Uncommon) with wet stone, linin cloth, scouring pad,


Magic core rank E- x 5

The training has been worth it, though the one I just did get me pumped up and excited and did lead me to kind of finish it quick and I hurt my writs a bit but nothing major. Through I am tired now.

What do you mean, I'm always tired.

I think I'm losing my mind again.