I’m helping I promise. [Month 2 Day 12]


What the fuck is going on. I was not expecting the fight to go like this.

Magic was being thrown around like it was ketamine at a frat party. Both sides would throw magic at each other in the form of an attack spell they could do.

Water bombs which exploded with high pressure, fireballs and fire arrows, blades of wind flying around, earth rocks catapulted. Massive amounts of magic were being thrown around.

Magic was also being blocked. Each side would block any projectiles magic being thrown at them by creating these slightly green magic shields which would block the magic. Or they would stop the spell mid-air and redirect it away from them. it was incredible to watch as this intense battle of magic was displayed in front of us.

We had little practice in magic, so we were just like little kids with massive eyes watching the pretty fireworks go off in front of us. Due to this, we were mainly staying behind the Dark Elves while they used their magic and the two groups slowly got closer and closer to each other.

Although we can't do much with magic, I feel like we can help in CQC when we reach them.


Throwing my head to the side I just manage to doge a fire arrow that was heading straight for my head.

We were getting closer and closer, and I can finally get a better look at the humans across from us. There is around maybe 80 of them but they all seem to be E rank whilst we have quite a few D ranks Dark Elves, so I feel more confident that we will win.

They do seem to have protection through. When I identify their weapons, they all seem to be iron made but they do have some new armour.

> Infused Leather Chest Armour (Uncommon)

Armour made with leather soaked in mana whilst being made. Although rather simple it nevertheless does its job protecting the biggest part of the body.

???: "Don't harm the good, you morons. You just need to knock them out."

???: "If it's so easy, do it your fucking self then. That's what I thought."

Suddenly our line breaks and all the Dark Elves start to run straight at the humans and all the magic stops.

Not wanting to be the baggage we quickly run-in with our weapons out and gain the charge.

Charging straight to the first human I see I go for my dagger throw straight for his got.

He was ready through and hit it way with his mace. Getting up close I move to stab my blade forward towards his chest, but he moved quickly and parries my sword away and bring his fist to my face, socking me in the face.

During the night-time attacks, I had turned off the health notification because it would ways appear even if I got just a scratch and was incredibly irritating getting the notification along with its noise.

I stagger back whilst Valret moves to attack he swings from high straight down, but Valret gets bested when he steps outside Valret with quick speed and grabs Valrets writs stopping him from moving. Before he can do anything, the other guards come in all stabbing and swing straight for him.

Seeing this he quickly let's go and gets back where he is reinforced with 3 other guys.

We run towards them again whilst they come towards us. Before we can reach them through an arrow comes out of nowhere and goes straight through the head of one making him collapse to the floor.

Seeing how my stabbing did not work last time I use the weight and the power of the sword so swing down as it is much more difficult to block a strike like that. He ducks under the blade and goes to punch me again.

This time I move out the way of his punch by stepping back and away from him. With some distance between us, I get a quick-fire ball spell in my hand and throw it straight towards his chest hoping to catch him off guard. Sadly, it doesn't, and he does a quick magic shield but Freya using her speed to come from the side catches him.

She goes straight for his ankles biting into him hard where I can hear his ankle break making him scream in pain.

With him distracted I finish it by going for his neck which has no protection on it. I don't want to test the quality of their armour in the middle of battle.

Turning to face the rest of the humans I can see that the guards' squads are struggling to fend off them. I would be too if it was not for Freya with the sneak attack. Even Valret is struggling to deal with the human.

I notice Rex and Freya try to again attack from the back, but they must have seen our fight as they are ready and doge out the ways whilst trying to hit them. How dare they try and hit my dog.

I charge straight towards the man who tried to hit Rex but before I can get very far, I get knocked on my ass when a mace come swinging towards my face. I manage to move my face out of the way by leaning back but fall backwards onto my ass.

He then stands on top of me and tries to finish me off with a punch to the side of my head, but I roll out the way and spring back up.

Man, this feels very one side and I feel a bit overwhelmed. With a quick look around, I can see that the elves are winning and are managing to beat the humans back but when I look towards us, we are struggling to take any of them on.

Although they are all E rank, it is clear to see that they are better skilled than us in their weapons as we just don't seem to be able to hit them in an actual fight. I mean if we think about it, we have only been learning to fight for around 2 months whilst they most likely have been doing it for much longer. But we will get better, we won't be defenceless.

Don't get distracted now though Lothran. This might be some good experience fighting someone with better skills than me. I might be able to learn something.