Improvement. Kind of. [Month 2 Day 12]

With my sword in hand, I go for a much more defence approach and allow him to approach me.

He instantly goes for a strike swinging straight towards my chest, moving my sword quick I move to parry his weapon and move his mace away from me towards the left. I make sure to keep out for his other hand and can see that he again moves too much me. Stepping back out and under his fist and raising my hand I move his hand away from me leaving him exposed to me.

Grabbing back onto my sword I don't bring it up but instead, just leave it pointing down and bring it in a straight line forward allowing me to cut with the side of the blade as I move forward.

I manage to get a clean cut into the side of his body but after I finish, I look back to see that I have done no damage to him. His armour had taken the entire attack and I can see a large cut in the armour but not deep enough damage to him.

???: "Annoying little shit."

Man, he sounds annoyed.

Me: "Sorry did I hurt you ekl armour. Do you need your mommy to make it better and to take care of the mean people?"

???: "Nope I can take care of you, myself."

I was kind of wanting him to get angrier about he kept his cool. Stupid movies and books making me think all generic evil henchmen get annoyed by baby insults. I think I need to get better at insulting people. Sounds like effort.

He charges again and goes for another swing striking at my chest and again I got to parry his weapon but as it gets closer, he suddenly stops swing it and turns the weapon inwards.

With his weapon sideways to me, he steps into me pushing his weapon against mine keeping it stuck there whilst he moves his other foot behind mine to trip me over as he pushes.

I can't get dropped to the ground again, so I drop my knees and make him lose his balance as he was pushing onto me. Then I barge forward smashing my shoulder into his stomach hitting him back.

With my blade held high, I go for a downward strike whilst he is trying to get his footing back. Just as I'm about to reach him I catch something out of the corner of my eye and my gut has an odd tingling feeling of when something feels odd.

Trusting it I stop the attack and get back just as another mace was striking upwards where my sword would have gone.

Looking towards who it is I can see it is the guy that was the first one to talk when the humans first arrived.

???: "Annoying dogs, I'll love to deal with you but more pressing matters. RETREAT GET BACK TO CAMP!" he shouts out.

Once he does all the humans stop their attacks or such and quick retreat. It was also very organised with some pulling back farther and then providing magic cover fire to the others. This stopped the Dark Elves and us from charging straight to the mand finishing the off.

I then hear Almaien say something in her odd language again and all the Dark Elves back off and on just cover themselves from the magic attacks.

Once the humans disappear back into the woods the elves relax a bit.

Almaien then gives a few more commands and some of the elves run off again in the direction of the humans. I'm assuming that they are just going to check that the humans leave. Might be a bit risky to follow them back to the enemy camp. The humans had this planned out so know that the elves might follow them back so most likely have people who can make sure they aren't followed.

If the humans are smart at least.

Whilst they do that, I make sure to find my knife again and look at the equipment of the humans that were left here that died. The elves seemed to kill a lot of them.

Getting closer I can see that it is dark brown and touching it, is smooth. I mean there's no reason not to use it. Striping off the body of its armour I get two pieces of nice armour.

> Infused Leather Chest Armour (Uncommon)

Armour made with leather soaked in mana whilst being made. Although rather simple it nevertheless does its job protecting the biggest part of the body.

> Infused Leather Trousers Armour (Uncommon)

Armour made with leather soaked in mana whilst being made. Although rather simple it nevertheless does its job protecting the legs.

I managed to find I guy who was of similar size to me and put on the armour which fitted quite snug, but I already felt better having some actual armour. I did also look towards his feet and saw that they had some just basic common leather shoes, but I feel more comfortable in bare feet. I also have better control and grip.

Once it's on I can see that the dark elves are still taking so I turn to Valret and his squad.

Me: "The dark elves don't seem bothered by us taking this armour so get yourself some. It will be a big boost to your defences."

They then all go out and find people who had a similar size to them and put on their armour. Lucky, they managed to find some, but they were not perfecting fits. We will have to get them adjusted and fixed back at home. Wait do we even have armour at home. I know Horst does weapons but I have never seen him make armour. Are we going to have to find and train an armour? It's sounding like that. Ugg great.

With their new armour on I look towards the elves who are still having a discussion but from their expressions and bodies I can tell they're stressed, and it is getting heated.

I start to walk towards them and Almaien signals to the elves to stop talking so that she can address us.

Almaien: "Sorry you were dragged into the fight I can see that you were not ready for it. You guys got kind of destroyed. But it seems you've cheered yourselves up with some new swanky armour, you look good. But I think it would be safe for you guys to leave. The humans will most likely come back."

Me: "What about you guys, from the looks of it your village is destroyed, and you don't have anywhere to go?"

Almaien: "We had just recently settled here so we can just move again."

I then hear one of the elves talk in their language, but he seems a bit angry and a soon more join in.

It seems their argument is getting heated again and, in all honesty, I don't want the elves to leave they could be a massive ally as they might have new things they could teach, and they also seem to be very strong.

It is just a question of how to keep them here and make some sort of connection.