Getting them to stay. [Month 2 Day 12]

Me: "I don't know if this is appropriate for me to say but I think it would be best for you to move. It seems that most of your village here is destroyed so there is not much to keep here, and those human slave traders also know you are here, and they are going to keep coming back until they get what they want."

Imio: "It's not just the moving that is the problem, we can't allow those salvers to walk all over us and think they can walk in here and can just take us as their goods."

Almaien: "It's more about getting rid of them so that they don't follow us again once we move. We are ready to move but once we do, we will be vulnerable to attacks from them. But this is not your problem Lothran you should probably leave it won't be safe for you."

Me: "It also won't be safe if the slavers decided that they also want to later attack my village and take us as slaves. I'm willing to help in deal with them not only for my safety but also to create a friendship with you."

Almaien looks oddly towards me for a moment.

Almaien: "You quite transparent aren't you. Very well let us help one another and deal with the slavers, we have sent a few scouts to follow them back to their base and to get a read on them."

Me: "What do you want us to do."

Almaien: "At the moment nothing, we just need to wait for the information."

Me: "Then what were you arguing about before."

Almaien: "Ah, well some of us wish to attack now whilst they are retreating or resting at their base, some think it's best to just leave it and escape whilst we have the chance."

Me: "If you don't mind me asking what it is you want to do by the end as in what happens after the fighting and such."

Almaien: "Um …. Well, most likely after the fight we would leave this place, find a new woodland to settle and rebuild the village again."

Me: "So you don't care where you go as long as it's inhabitable."

Almaien: "If you put it simply then yes."

Me: "If you want, I know of a place where you can move, it's reasonably close to my village just a few days out. It's also close enough to the other villages in the area that you will be able to join into our trading network that is going to be set up soon."

Almaien: "Trading network, I had not realised that your area had started something like this. Imio why did you not tell me."

Before Amio can speak I quickly talk.

Me: "It's not Amio's fault as we have not started it, but it will be soon. It can also benefit you as with four villages willing to trade resources with you, your village can start up much quicker. We can then benefit from some of your knowledge, and we can help your village start up again. Of course, I don't expect you to give up all your knowledge that would be cruel of me just what you are comfortable with of course it still needs to be of equal value for our help."

Amio quickly goes and speaks in Almaien's ear, and they have a hushed conversation.

Almaien: "I appreciate the honesty and can see the benefit from your trade so if this new spot is good enough then we would love to join your trading network."

Score. The trick is not to offer outright help as many people would reject that as they would feel like they would have to give something back to the person so they would rather reject it. I just gave them away to avoid that and then give back to us for our "help".

There is also no reason to reject what I have given. People always appreciate open and honest people it just naturally makes people like them.

???: "What about the slavers, we should just attack now, they won't suspect us so soon."

Before I can counter his argument Almaien speaks first.

Almaien: "Actual they most likely want us to attack them. They knew about the village before as they place the D+ magic core to weaken us. They then attacked to gauge our strength and to see if they could bait us why else would they attack but then not finish their it. They had a large advantage to sneak attack and yet they didn't and instead drew our attention to them. It's more likely they want us to attack and follow them so that they could attack the rest of the villagers and take more of us prisoner."

She can talk strategy, can fight, and said what I was going to say. Fricking badass.

Almaien: "They know that we are going to be desperate and want to move the village and everyone. They seem to have us trapped as if we move, they attack us when we are vulnerable, we stay here and inevitable run out of food and are forced to leave, they then capture us. They seem to have this well planned out. They most likely will have watchers waiting for us to leave here and once we do; they will report back and then follow us."

During the conversation, Almaien facial expression never changes and neither does her voice. She remains in control and commands the conversation. She's a good strategist. Looking around at the other elves I can see that even though the situation looks bad to them they still look towards Almaien and seem to be relaxed.

She also seems to be a good leader if she is still commanding the respect of her soldiers during a difficult situation. I think that we are going to get along very well.

Imio: "What are your order Almaien."

She seems to think for a moment before speaking again.

Almaien: "They have us trapped but we can make the first move to start it, what do I always say Imio?"

Imio: "In a fight, you should always dictate how it begins and ends. It's always in your control."

Almaien: "Glad you still listen to my boring lessons." She puts a lot of emphasis on boring and I can see that Imio goes a little red on the checks. Sounds like an interesting story.

Almaien: "We can start the fight by pretending that we are running away and draw them to that area. They won't know how many of us are still alive after the demon attack so if we make ourselves large enough and look conversing, they will be drawn to us while everyone else escapes."

Imio: "Won't those who go to fight most likely get captured."

Almaien: "If we do it right, they won't, they are here to capture so we can just play out time and use full lethal force against them. Once we are ready, we can then just have some extra soldier that we had in wait provide us cover whilst they escape, and we can disappear into the woods. We know them better than they do."

Me: "It's a sound plan but you will still have the problems of the slavers following you. They are going to have trackers with them so can follow you where you go."

Almaien: "We should be able to lose them we know the wood better than they do."

Me: "You're placing your trust in hope for your plan, If I might suggest, send a small number of you to their base once you know where it is. Destroy their camp and provisions which will force them to leave you whilst you escape. I have fire magic and if there's one thing, I learned from fighting the bandits it's being able to sneak into camps."

Once I said that Almaien gets a big smile on her face.

Almaien: "I like your thinking. This is going to be fun."

Her smile turns more into an eat shit grin. Be ready slavers we are coming.