Preparing the fight. [Month 2 Day 12]

Before we start any of the fighting and planning, I recall that I have a notification because I managed to kill one human.

[You have killed: Race: Human, Rank: E, gained: 150 EXP]

[Skill has levelled up: 2/15 -> 3/15]

[Skill has levelled up: 2/15 -> 3/15]

The humans seem to give quite a bit of experience, quite a bit more than other E rank monsters. Odd shouldn't all E rank monsters have similar EXP. Ah, no skills. Each race will have different skills and so EXP must take that into account. I mean should you only get like 50 EXP from an E rank but they had like Rank 5 skills. Doesn't quite make sense if you think about it.

Some nice level in sword skill as well. Although the fight was short, I feel like I got better at fighting humanoid creatures.

Anyway, we've got a fight to get to.

The current plan was for Almaien to lead the team that will draw the enemy away. She is going to take around 70 elves with her to do this plan, they will dress and civilians and look like they are running for their lives. Her second in command Imio will lead the secret team of around 20 elves to be the sneak attack team and plan to hide high in the trees at the ambush point and wait for Almaien to give the signal.

I will be learning everyone from my group plus two dark elves who also have fire magic and we are going to create some havoc in their base. Mainly going for their supplies and such.

The rest of the dark elves which are the actual civilians will be led by around 10 elf guards and then the rest, of around 190 dark elves, will be lead away from here towards the direction of my village.

Once the battle is done, we will all meet up back there and I will show them to a good spot. I don't know but I have a general understanding of the area so I think that I can find a spot. There is a large hill inside the forest not far away from the village may be up their will be perfect for them.

Whilst Almaien was setting this all up as it is her operation, we looted the rest of the dead humans and took their loot which we then placed on a cart and asked for a favour from the elves. One was kind enough to be willing to carry it for us as we had a bunch of spare armour which I planned to give to the guards back home.

Free loot is the best loot.

Now everything was prepared all the different teams set out to do their part. We had found out from the scouts that had come back that they had one base with around 200 slavers. It seems that it was a massive slavers operation and if they can get 200 people for it that this might be much larger than just this. Something we will have to worry about later.

They had set up one base and were on high alert and to attack at any moment.

When I asked how the scouts were not spotted, they told me that they stay high in the trees and know the area very well.

After learning this I asked how they get up the trees and they were kind enough to show me the equipment they have.

They showed me that they have a kind of grappling hook that they use which is powered and controlled by using their magic. It was the first proper magic device that I had found. They even told me that they make it themselves.

Totally worth allying with them.

After being shown how they use it and see how they can easily climb It got me excited and I asked if they have more. The problem was they have a limited number of devices that they have. Only the scouts have them and they only have 10 scouts. 2 of the scouts are with us as they will help us with the attack the rest are with Almaien and Imio as they need them to properly set up the attack and ambush.

We were lucky to be able to even get two of them to help us so sadly we won't be able to be demented flying squirrels and raining fiery squirrel justice from the sky. Another day maybe.

After getting a chance to mess around with the grappling hook and getting a brief lesson on it, it was time to start the missions. It was still fun to learn about them, but I should get serious about this mission now.

We are the first team to leave as we need to be able to attack once the slavers leave their camp.

We follow the scouts where they lead us to the slavers camp which was around 30 min away.

I will give it to the slavers they are quite smart. Their camp was partial dug into the side of a hill and a large tree that was growing from the side of the hill. It gave them a large area of coverage under it to make their camp and it was very well hidden.

We were opposite the camp and away from the hill looking at the camp and in between the roots of the tree which are exposed, we can see into the camp.

It must have taken them a while to set up this camp as they had to partial dig into the hill to give themselves more space and then also set up time doing further camouflage on the tree roots, so it looks less obvious that they are here. Though I imagine they had magic help them there.

Very clever. But the fact that they have built into the hill and under the tree means that they have shut off their vision from above and with a small number of us and the grappling equipment we could descend from the top of the hill and tree and enter the base from above. We can use the small amount of equipment we have to slowly descend every person. Then use fire.

Hans get me the flamer. The heavy flamer.