Fighting with fire. The heavy. Fire. [Month 2 Day 12]

Moving from our current position we go the long way around and go all the way to the side of the hill and slowly climb it up. It's quite steep but we can still walk up to it.

At the top, we go to the side where their base is. The hill at this part is much steeper and becomes more like a cliff edge but at one part down it flattens out a little bit giving enough space for a tree to grown. It's another Unyielding Friidil and with it being so large it has expanded the small amount of space it could grow on and expanded outwards.

Its massive roots dug into the cliffside carving into it to get the nutrients behind it. It also sent roots over the edge down to the bottom of the cliff creating this sort of archway made from roots.

The camp is inside of these roots under the covering that it has made. I assume when they dug into the hillside the soil and such that they dug was then used to fill in some of the gaps between the roots baking makeshift dirt walls.

The group was me, Valret, Valrets 4 other guards' squad, Ilvel, and Tahel. The two new names are the two elf scouts. Rex and Freya were decided not to join us as they sadly could not do much on this kind of mission instead, they will go with the main group of dark elves that are fleeing the village and going in the direction of our village. They will partially lead them and defend them.

At the top of the cliffside, Ilvel and Tahel set up what we needed to be able to get down. They placed their grappling hooks which looked like metal anchors but were incredibly light and strong. They dug them into the ground and then scaled down the cliff to create a line of rope down the side for us to then climb down with.

After a few minutes, they came back up telling us that they had created a line down. They would then both take one of us down at a time using the original devices that normally fire the grappling hook and is used to quickly ascend and descend the rope that is fired with the grappling hook. It looks like a small box that is attached at the wrist that holds the grappling hook and rope which is then connected to a box. It is held on their lower back and acts like a motor that can either pull, push, or run along the rope.

It also seemed to be able to take a large load as it seemed to be able to carry two people up and down the rope.

Magical devices are awesome. I'm already getting so many ideas for things I want to create. Magic seems to be whatever you want it to be some I should be able to create some crazy shit later. Just need to find out how to do it from the elves.

We all quickly reach the top of where the roots start to descend to the bottom and when I look back up, I can see that we have travel a long way down from the top of the hill. Nothing natural would be able to get here unless it could fly.

We go to where some of the dirt has been used to create a makeshift wall and make a hole in it. For this quick mission, we won't have to worry about light getting through as the slavers have left the massive door that they use to enter and exit the base-wide open allowing plenty of light into the base. It was also how we saw what the base was like inside. I assume they left it open so they can quickly leave when they finally catch their prey.

We had chosen to make our hole in their wall on the far side of the camp so that it is less likely to get spotted though I doubt that it will. With the hole made we just had to wait for them to leave the base.

We are just around the hole having a conversation with the elves. It seemed I was not the only one curious about them. Both groups seemed to be curious about each other. Our group because we had never met elves and the elves were mainly answering the question and asking some questions about the trading thing we are doing and how we got rid of the bandits.

It wasn't long before we heard the mad rushing of humans leaving the camp through their large door. Once they had all left, we gave them around 10 minutes extra time to get away before we entered through the hole.

Using the grappling equipment to get in all quickly entered their base. We all stayed together but fanned out so that we were visible to each other but could cover more ground so that we could find their supplies. With a camp, this large the supplies will all be in area as the supply manager needs it to be this way to make sure that everything is tracked, and nothing gets lost.

If a camp this large were to lose its supplies because of disorganisation it would be horrendous, and fighting would quickly start.

The camp was empty as we saw no one as we were scouting around. With it so empty we could cover ground very quickly and we soon found the tent with their supplies. It was also one of the largest tents inside the camp. Outside there were two humans on watch who could not look so completely bored with their lives if they dried.

One was sitting in the chair upside down with his feet handing over the back of the chair whilst the other was half asleep and half falling off his chair.

Me: "Ilvel and Tahel think you can kill those two from here."

Tahel: "Bitch please, sit and watch."

They both quickly draw their bows and shoot their arrows in sync with each other. They both nailed them in the head with their arrows.

Me: "Badass, dark elves are the fricking best."

Ilvel: "Thanks we spend an as stupidly large amount of time doing that. Time well spent in my opinion."

Tahel: "Normally people just tell us to stop showing off."

Me: "Don't be afraid to show off your hard work. If people are telling you to stop it's because they don't see that hard work that you put in and are jealous of your skill. Now common we need to get this done."

I don't see their faces as I quickly move towards the tent and get inside. Yep, this is what we are looking for.

Inside there are crates of dried food that are stacked high. Next to the entrance is also an inventory list telling of everything inside. Looking down the list I can see that it is all mostly food. Through at the bottom, I do see that they also have chains and then in brackets slave suppressant. It doesn't go into further detail, but I assume that is too weak for them.

They were also nice enough to say that this was the second tent out of two that held supplies. Sadly, did not say what the other tent had.

Well, enough time looking around time to burn this place to the ground. FOR THE FIRE GOD WHO LIGHTS THE PATH FOR ALL. *cough*. Sorry, don't know where that came from.