The fire and smoke. [Month 2 Day 12]

With everything worked out it was just time to start the fire. I would take care of the current tent that I was in, and I sent Ilvel and Tahel to find the other tent.

The slavers placed a lot of trust that we could not find their base, they might have known about the capacity of the elves which was why they made their camp in something that looks entirely natural. They just put a bit too much trust in it and seemed to not have any backup.

Not that I am complaining, just pointing it out. The first to light the tents on fire are Ilvel and Tahel as once they do any other spare slavers will be drawn to it. They have a better chance of easily escaping their grasp and then getting back to our escape point.

Seeing how I was the only one with fire magic I was staying next to the tent waiting for the signal. Valret and the others were on the lookout for duty.

To also give ourselves as much extra time I asked that Ilvel and Tahel not create a massive explosion but instead start a smaller fire inside so that it can get larger from the inside. This will partially cover others from seeing the fire and so give them more time to escape and so the fire can get larger and burn the good that we want to burn.

This is what I imagine a fire cult leader would be giving an offering to the God they worship. Worshipping the flame and fire. I know it's an odd through and very random, but my brain seems to drift when I wait around. Sorry can't help it and, I like it so. Suck it. The person that I talk to in my brain and no I am not metal I'm just me.

In the distance, I can hear the crackling and burning of flames, the snapping of the wood, rising fire that reaches for the sky. That's my signal.

Turning back around I gather two fireballs in my hand and throw them in opposite ends of the tent lighting the wooden crates on fire. I look for a few moments to make sure that it all catches and once I see the fires start to leap from crate to crate, I quickly book it out of the tent.

I don't want to become the sacrifice to a God that does not exist, and I don't believe in.

Now we need to get out. We rust straight back to our hole in the ceiling rushing as fast as we can. There is no point trying to stealth our way back as it would take longer and there is currently a massive chance that we would have been spotted going back. No point in wasting time.

As we run back, I hear some more voices around as we go by but I don't see anyone, but it sure motivates me to move faster.

We are soon approaching the exit point and I can see that Ilvel and Tahel are already here waiting for us.

The second we reach them they both grab onto someone.

Ilvel: "Time to bounce this place."

They both quickly shoot up the rope going to the top.

I make sure to keep a watch on our surroundings and it's a good thing that I do as it would seem that some slavers found us.

???: "Oi, you cunt, you went and destroyed our goods, so I'm going to destroy you. Fucking bastard."

A small vulgar man enters the battle.

Though he is small he makes up for it by having a massive gut belly that overhangs his belt to his trousers. He also carries a massive two-handed mase which is the same height as him and looking incredibly comical with him carrying it.

Me: "Dude if you rested the bottom of your club on the ground and stood next to it, you guys could be twins."

???: "What's that supposed to mean."

Me: "you have more weight on the bottom of you than the top. You look like the bottom of you is deflating outwards from your body." I say whilst giving my best grin.

???: "Now you asked for it bastard."

He grabs onto his club with both hands and goes swinging for me. Just as he is about to reach me Tahel drops from above landing straight onto him.

With all the extra weight his legs crumble and I can hear them break and snap.

Tahel: "Sorry fat man but we need to go. Seya."

Ilvel and Tahel are working fast carrying everyone up as now there are only three of us left down here.

No one else appears, and they both make it down again and take up the other two.

But whilst they are travelling up a group of slavers rush out from the tents that are around the place.

???: "Oi, only were allowed to pick on fatty come here."

They start to move towards me. I have no chance to be able to fight them all at once. I need to channel my inner fire boy. My inner Hans. What would Hans do? The Flammer. The heavy flamer.

Channelling magic into my hand I create a ring with my fingers and thumb and thinking of petrol catching fire and burning as I pump the ring with mana. Once I feel enough mana in my hands and fingers circulating, I move both my fingers out allowing the mana to be discharged.


Fire trails leap from my hand arcing beautify towards them. I can see the shock in their eyes, and they dive out of the way of the fire as I continue to spray it around like a water hose.

Sadly, my mana runs out quickly but by then there is fire all over the ground creating a sort of shield to protect me from them.

I feel a hand grab behind me and then I get yanked up. Looking up towards it I can see that Ilvel has grabbed me.

Ilvel: "Talk about badass Lothran. Fricking killing it there."

Me: "Nice work all round I think."

I think I have pleased Hans. Maybe Hans is the fire God. A worthy God.