Heading home. [Month 2 day 12]

After getting over my brief and very odd obsession with Hans we quickly escape up and out of the enemy camp. Once out we scale up the cliffside again just to make sure that we don't get caught by the slavers running out of the base.

Once at the top of the hill we make our way back towards the destroyed elf village. From there we then follow the set path that the escaping elf villagers took as we were told before we left the direction that they left in.

We did not meet up with Almaien and her group as they would most likely still be fighting or fleeing, and we would provide little help and would most likely just be a burden to them instead.

If the slavers wanted, they could follow us, but they have nothing to live off if they did so, we should be safe. Not to toot my own horn but I'm proud of myself for coming up with the suggestions of attacking their base. If no one around, you is proud of you always be proud of yourself. Because if you don't who will.

It doesn't take us long to catch up with the group as they were moving at a slow pace. Not just from the size and number of people but also security. The guards who were protecting them had to make sure that the path ahead was clear of any monsters especially demons as those had not gone.

We made our way to the front where we meet up with the elf who was leading the caravan and with Rex and Freya who was very happy to see us again. So happy that they came charging up to me and stood up on their hind legs to get to my face and lick it. It turned into a bit of a family hug. It always gives me a sort of finagling feeling in my stomach and a large smile when they do that.

We then joined into the defences of the caravan. And although we were not much help in fighting the slavers, we can do much more in the wild and with the animals and monsters that live in the area.

The leader of the caravan was very appreciative of it as he even told us we had speed up the movement of the caravan and now instead of stopping and starting to clear the area. We could move constantly and were making good progress.

It was coming close to the end of the day when Almaien and her group arrived back with us.

I managed to gather the general information when I asked Almaien what happened.

Their part was a success. The main attack went without a hitch, and the slavers were surprised by the attack and the elves managed to kill quite a few slavers in the initial engagement. Both sides fought for quite a while but with the slavers larger numbers the elves were the first ones to get tired.

Once Almaien saw this she quickly initialised the escape plan as the fighting was just going to get more difficult and cause more harm to her soldiers than do any good. By then they had also spent enough time distracting the slavers.

The elves hiding in the tree then launched an attack from above and whilst that was happening Almaien did a large attack using all her spare mana along with her strongest mages to create a large magical attack.

This created a large enough distraction and damage to the slavers for Almaien and all the elves to safely escape back into the forest and disappeared from the vision of the slavers.

They then know the direction that we were travelling and eventually caught up without trail and followed it. She even told me that they spent a bit of time covering the trail just to be sure which was why they took longer to get here.

Even though the attack was solid there were still injuries from her battle. No fatalities as the slavers spent all their time trying to capture and not kill which was a massive advantage for us.

With it late in the evening and many of the soldiers were tired we decided to camp for the night and so that the injured could be healed.

Out of curiosity, I watched the healing and I got to see the first case of healing magic. It was breath-taking how stunning it looked. It looked a lot like the Northern Lights back on earth with the beautiful green lights flowing around the elf and the relaxing feeling that seemed to seep into me. The warm fuzzy feeling it gave like getting in your bed and wrapping your blanket around yourself during winter and the house is cold.

It was great to see, and I was glad that I did. Made me happy to be alive and to experience that.

Once the feeling started to die down, I looked towards the elf to see that many of his wounds had been healed. Mainly the cut down the side of his face and the bruising on his chest were gone.

Almaien: "Everyone always gets that face when they see healing magic for the first time."

Turning to my left I can see that Almaien has a smug look on her face.

Me: "It's incredible and beautiful. I have a feeling that you guys are going to be teaching me a lot of new stuff."

Almaien: "Maybe, as our potential friends we can give you a little bit."

Me: "How very lucky of me."

Almaien: "Indeed, how lucky you are to get to meet such amazing people, very lucky indeed."

Looking towards her I can see that her grin got bigger.

Me: "If you behave yourself maybe we can give something back to you."

Almaien: "Not to sound rude but other than the building materials for our village I don't think there is much that you will be able to give that would excite us."

Me: "I'm full is surprises, you will just have to wait and see."

She gives me another smile before exiting the tent.

Life's about to get interesting around here. Can't fricking wait.